Fucking Mudslims are invading our games

bad enough we have to tolerate their shitty behavior here and now this? If they gonna play our games they should speak our language and respect our rules else they should go back to their shithole games.

>tfw trump was right all along and libtards are too stupid to admit it

twitch tv/voxe

yallah habibi take b

thats what happens when you allow shitholers into your hole
they start shittin it up and pretty soon its a god damn class six shithole
to get rid of shitholers, you have to deal with shithole enablers first, only zyklon b is reliably proven to remove shithole enablers
then the shit clean up can begin, and shitholers can be deported back to thier original shitholes where they can shit until thier heart is content, or thier shitholes are empty (which is virtually impossible)
zyklon b my friend, cleaning out shitholes for since 1939

a fucking leaf

And your country in the one bringing them to ours.

i quit playing counterstrike because 9 out of every 10 matches i queued into, i was teammates with, or playing against groups of chileans/peruvians/brazilians/venezulans, etc OR chinese canadians. none of which ever spoke english. which wasn't even the worst part, but these players are always cheating.

Not our problem your 'Murica decided to bomb most of the middle-east. cause and effect, you decided to steal the Mudslims oil and now they are stealing your jobs and ruining our English games.

It wasn't us. It was Israelis who have duel citizenships with the US that did that.

I like to play some nasheeds or start screaming some allah mullah gibberish at the mic while throwing grenades

Roleplaying as a terrorist is realy fun

They grew up terrorizing the whole world and now they moved on to the digital Jihad

>You decided to bomb the middle east!
And your government is the one who got us to do it so you wouldn't have to waste your shekels.

Sup Forums needs to have strong presence on star citizen

The Chinese are worse than any other player in PUBG. They teamkill and don't even attempt to speak English. I can at least deal with Latin American players since I speak basic Spanish and they speak basic English. If I were around in the 1880s, I would unironically support the Chinese Exclusion act.

>not muting everybody

Maybe you should've elected a trump-like president a little early thus low class monkeys wouldn't ruin our lives and our games!

>thread got mocked into oblivion in Sup Forums
>"h-hey Sup Forums i-i got some good news"

Fuck off.

Cyber jihad is a thing you know?

You would suprised how many counter strike terrorists are unironic terrorist sympathisers in real life

Too bad Sup Forums is a filled with SJW fags like yourself.
why don't you go rape a little girl or something.

leafposting is evolving

go fuck yourself kike.

mods delete and ban