Did Weed rape & kill his family in front of him when he was a little boy or something?

Did Weed rape & kill his family in front of him when he was a little boy or something?

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe he just thinks all potheads are degenerate douchebags.

Weed is already illegal on a federal level, i fail to see how this changes anything

>Did Weed rape & kill his family in front of him

He's paid by private prisons. Criminalizing weed users is a good way to fill them.

>Maybe he just thinks all potheads are degenerate douchebags.

Well, he's not wrong, if he thinks that.

>this triggers the potfags

Smoke pot get shot pussies

That's exactly the reason why he hates it. It doesn't harm you or anything, it just makes you stupid. It's bad enough that the United States is full of millennial retards. The last thing we need is to stone the living shit out of every one of them.

Fucking retarded weedfags.


If your goal is not going to prison, have you tried, oh, I don't know, NOT breaking the law?

I guess that's hard when you're addicted to a dangerous drug.

>*drunk drives and kills several kids*
>*gets drunk and abuses your wife*
>*gets drunk and assaults random people in the street*
>*gets drunk and dies of alcohol poisoning*

Yes, because it's totally impossible for someone to get both drunk AND high before driving.

Weed hampers judgement and slows reaction times, so it's not good for driving either.


Great point, alcohol should be outlawed too!

Winebibbers may actually be bigger cocksuckers than weedfags

Fucking dude weed lmao retards I swear to god.

For the last and final time, it is the Attorney General's job to enforce the law. Congress (the legislature) makes the law. If Congress makes weed legal at the federal level, then Jeff Sessions will stop prosecuting people for breaking the law.

Because then it will no longer be illegal.

Just because we just got off of an eight year corruption bender under tranny-loving Obangles does not mean that the Executive branch can suddenly make law.

These threads are example #1 of why potheads should be thrown from helicopters. They're clearly too stupid to comprehend the rule of law and the separation of powers.

>Weed hampers judgement and slows reaction times, so it's not good for driving either.
Please give a citation of how many accidents are caused by weed. I'll even let you include the ones where someone had weed in their system with alcohol. We'll pretend that in those cases, the people never would have driven drunk without the weed. Go ahead. Let's get some stats.

100% right

I hate to break this to you OP, but it turns out the party of "individual liberty" ins't actually about that. Those are just pretty words they use to hide the fact they're pushing for Christian theocracy. It's going to be funny as fuck when that other shoe drops and you assfaggots realize what you bought into out of anger at that one time you got called racist



Just seems weird that the AG would spend so much time on cracking down on weed and ignore real corruption and real criminality going on like everything related to the Clintons

Yeah because there's a pandemic of accidents involving driving while high on weed

You always hear in the news how someone was high on weed and killed several people

Oh wait, no you don't. I got weed mixed up with alcohol. My bad..

Weed is a very, very low effect psychedelic. Anything with psychedelic properties has been declared by the CIA to be an illegal substance because it could be a literal redpill. Look at what happened last time when the entirety of America was turned against the Vietnam War.

In his defense, his opinion is based on reality.

>mfw civil war 2.0 starts when the federal government starts invading sovereign states to arrest people who democratically voted for legal cannabis

Not possible to cite examples, as weed stays in your system for about thirty days, and testing after an accident wouldn't be able to show whether the perp smoked earlier that day or a week ago.

Wouldn't be the first time the democrats started a pointless war for bullshit reasons...

it's his generation showing

>implying Christian theocracy is a bad thing

Faggots should be stoned and women should be chained to the kitchen

Lol. It makes me happy knowing you guys are fragile enough to need big daddy government to make the icky gays and women with opinions go away.

Keep the tears coming snowflake, what else is your imaginary friend going to make go away to protect your sensibilities?

>using the government as a tool to put cunts back in their place makes you a "snowflake"

Our founding fathers literally signed documents to either imprison or chemically casterate faggots by law, and to only let white property owning men vote.

I don't think you understand what the "snowflake" meme means.

Dumb nigger fag

"Snowflake" is somebody who can't deal with reality, nothin more.

The facts that they were trying to make the big scary gays go away hundreds of years ago just supports my point. Faggotry has always been a thing, and everybody else is being sensitive little bitchasses being upset about it. What, was I not supposed to notice the shit you guys get offended by is just basic shit that has always existed?

And ya, having to use the government to enforce certain behavior on women cause you aren't good enough to hang when they're allowed to live their lives does make you a snowflake. It aint' everybody elses' job to help you get laid, and I would say needing government intervention to make up for your own social failings does in fact drop you really squarely into "snowflake" territory

Did Washington know about (((them)))?

>it just makes you stupid
See: Carl Sagan.

Okay so you obviously have not taken the redpill on the homo question, otherwise you wouldn't understand why most civilizations have murdered homosexuals on spot through history.

Of course faggotry will always be around, and we'll always need to kill them.

Every single homosexual is a pedophile, or a developing pedophile. They make up 2% of the population and account for over 35%+ of all molestations that we KNOW of.

Here's some links for you




Homosexuality is only a symptom of a weak and degenerate society who does not execute them

>enforcing laws on women means that you can't do it

We can't enforce discipline on women because the government won't let us. A government's laws are only a reflection of the society's values.

Using government to put cunts back in line is perfectly reasonable and it's something humans have always done

AH, it's our good friend "all gays are pedos" and his creepy kid "pretending boys arrne't disproportionately molested in general based on being less guarded."

Citing a bunch of debunked bullshit isn't really helping the case that you're not just an assmad snowflake.

you wanna start Waco 2.0 faggot? Lay off my fucking weed or so help me god i will fuck you up

>The last thing we need is to stone the living shit out of every one of them.

If you don't want to smoke you don't have to, you obese pizza-faced virgin.

He's heavily invested in private prisons. This is nothing more than the usual greed fueled corruption

None of the statistics have been debunked.

Everybody has the same anecdotal experience with faggots as well. Every homo was molested, and every molested child grows up to be a homosexual pedophile.

You are clearly a faggot and that is the only reason you're not agreeing with me

>you better let me smoke my degeneracy grass or else I will post yellow snake flags >;(

Break the bong and dump the green degeneracy in the toilet. It's time to become the master race

oh I thought we were for State's Right's? funny how that goes out the door when it's convenient for a conservatard

You're repeating the same exact lines so word-for-word I almost feel like you're fucking with me.

You can't seriously type out "you're only disagreeing with me cause you're gay," and then feel like that isn't some fifth grade shit that only further delegitimizes your worldviews, you have got to be trolling.

Honestly I mostly just feel like you hate freedom in general, given your views on pot too. I guess when the world is big and scary having big daddy government come in and make it all better is easier then just developing some thicker skin and dealing with it lol

Who are you talking to? I don't use weed. I'm just showing you who owns this guy's ass.

weed is not a right
porn is not a right
abortion is not a right

Of course I support freedom, the freedom to shoot faggots on the spot and the freedom to protect civilization from rabbid crypto-pedophiles hordes who are calculating every moment looking to molest everyone's kids and recruit more people into their degenerate cult.

The founding fathers were libertarians who believed in removing faggots. You just have some sort of weird obsession with being a fag-enabler.

>you sound like a 5th grader

Faggots being pedos is self-evident for anyone who has lived near these filthy animals or known any in their personal life.

>lol just thicker skin bro
>Yeah lol let's just let murderers run free! Government is for statists! just let it all flow bro, they should have the freedom to do what they want!

I think libertarianism only works under very specific circumstances and I don't support it at this point, but you can still be a libertarian and have fucking laws you fag enabling retard

I know plenty of gay folks. Never known one that's fucked with a kid though, so, you know. Probably shouldn't make broad statements of absolute fact that are easily disproven with even the slightest amount of life experience.

ANd the thing is, murder is bad because we can show it's bad. If folks don't have security of life, society just falls apart. Gays being allowed to be gay doesn't hurt a god damn thing but your feelings, and your clinging to 80's propaganda on the level of "Reefer Madness" in credibility only further cements that fact.

tl;dr: You have to be a seriously massive faggot to really see no difference between murder and consenting adults banging

You wanted a racist government, now you got it. All this race-based policing crimping you're style? When are you going to wise up and get Trump to fire AG Sessions?

>Great point, alcohol should be outlawed too!
We tried that already, it didnt work. We also have over 4 decades of evidence that shows making weed illegal doesnt affect its demand or supply.

Statistics show that homosexuality is bad.

Most homos were molested, this is a proven fact, and they were molested by other homos.

You're believing pro-homo propaganda. The end game has ALWAYS been children for these animals.


>clinging to reefer madness

Alcohol and weed make people stupid and sick. That isn't propaganda.

Lets ban alcohol. Good call

t. 20 something shutin virgin who spends most of his day on the internet

They'd come for you first on the day of the rope, you useless fuck.

>weedkid is sour grapes thread

t. projecting fag enabler

Interesting how many homos are on this board?

Cartels hide behind legalization laws to subvert justice.

There's a lot of money to be made from a war that can never end

I'm glad I saw that you take "Reefer Madness" seriously before I bothered trying to address all that other bullshit. Cause clearly, you are operating on some whole new level of autism that I'm not equipped to deal with.

You are the only one in this conversation falling for propaganda. I'm really sorry the facts don't line up with your sensibilities man, but you gotta grow up and get over it at some point. You can't just outlaw everything that makes you uncomfortable snowflake, and no amount of Christian fundie propaganda is going to change that.

>lol dude just grow up and blaze it, nothing wrong with gays they're just like us dude

Kill yourself

>Person that is charged with enforcing the Federal laws
>enforces the federal laws as they are written

Perhaps Congress should do there job and change the law

>muh dangerous drug
Weed and LSD both need to be taken off schedule I, fucking ridiculous.

Ok. Seriously. You don't see anything inherently fallacious about needing to assume everybody who disagrees with you on gay rights is gay? That doesn't at all strike you as maximum retarded? Seriously?



8 Foot Sativa, the bane of Jeff Sessions.

I just gave you a fucking mountain of evidence on how faggots are pedophiles/violent predators

Nobody can dispute any of this.

Sessions is literally the Lawful Good archetype from D&D manifest in reality.

There are lots of faggots here since we are in a constant state of raid.

I had some screencaps somewhere of a topic here linking homosexuality in males with toxoplasma gondii parasite. Interesting read.

This is the correct response

Statistics..? Knew you were a bigot

>drives while high and kills several children
>Wife leaves you and takes the kids because you're addicted to a plant that makes you stupid
>gets high and eats someone's face
>gets high and watches rick and morty while his (ex)wife sucks tyrone's cock

I"ve actually been quitting ciggarettes, and now I"m going to make absolutely sure not to relapse just to spite you.

Thanks for the motivation snowflake

YOu gave me youtube links, with all the credibility of a 9/11 truther. You fucktards have nobody credible pushing your numbers, stop acting victimized that I can recognize a bullshit artists when I see one.

Bet your dumb ass really thought Obama was gonna make death panels too. Fucking retard.

>dangerous drug
>has cured my migraines, given me back my appetite, eases my back and knee pains

Pick one faggot

It sure is weird how many of his ideas go against what literally any experience with the given topic will teach you, eh?

its the law. He is the Attorney general and therefore required to enforce Federal Law.. he doesn't have the prerogative to choose what Laws he enforces... get the federal laws changed to allow the use of this drug and he'll have to comply.

The videos are citing scientific studies

>I'm going to keep smoking cigarettes to spite an anonymous Sup Forums poster



based fucking Quentin

If it wasn't for him, Weed would rape & kill YOUR family in front of you
AND that's totally cool with me, dude