Frame Arms Girl

New episode soon and Architect gets introduced.

Other urls found in this thread: udolla

I hope Architect is a low-maintenance cutie and not a cunt like the Materias.

There's something odd about Mechabase. udolla

But your room is still garbage, Baselard.

The only garbage is you.

Looks like she's actually had a few roles before. I was expecting everyone except Hikasa to be rookies:

But hey, at least you have value beyond being a cute bullyable fag.



Is there a problem?


3 mins


What did -kun mean by this?




FAG and Live thread.




fa garu

Gourai using her finishing move I see.

smile status: protected



Now that the shitty first half is done we can watch the best part.


>5 episodes in
>All the kits still sold out everywhere except a few pricey resellers

T-those reissues are coming soon, right guys?


>FAGs moving at incredibly high speed






Gourai actually lose in the race.



>imminent kissu face for the new Gourai model

Give them time, they aren't nearly as big of a company as bandai and pumping out kits rapidly on demand isn't something they're used to. The reissues are happening, don't worry, they aren't konami.

Lower left


So did Architect turn out to be a kuudere?
Because that's the personality I imagined from her design.


No.1 Architect

So what did Architects deal end up being? Malfunctioning FAG? Prototype? Just another test girl?

What is that thing?

Can FAGs get drunk? If they can, what do they do while drunk? Does it make Charger-kun look more attractive to them?

Where's the RAW fags?
These questions need answering!

New Gourai.

>blue shimapan
stylet kai looks great

That's a vinegar.

Why is she the cutest?

The one on the left is the mascot of the town kotobukiya is based at and where the show takes place. They appear to be partially sponsoring the anime and the Udolla has appeared in every episode as have several of the towns landmarks and some not so subtle references to places they couldn't get the actual licensing for.

The one on the right is Stylet renewal version. It's been drastically improved with better sculpt and engineering.

I like the original colors better. Maybe the bd exclusive will be that one and a regular release in original colors will be announced.

Color is still pending.

This is real.

Guys follow me. Let's break into Ao's apartment.

Best FAG when?

House is full, maybe in a special.
I'd rather Inno, though.

Then what?

She's literally in the OP and Ed user. Looks to be the end boss.

Five down, seven to go.

I'll bring the FAG box!



Base is getting caught in the Stylet bullying crossfire.


But that military-desert camouflage theme was the best part about Gourai.

>calling it camouflage
>when it doesn't have any patterns

Damn, the Materias are expensive, so Ako is paying for drones too?

>[HorribleSubs] Frame Arms Girl - 05 [720p].mkv

best time of the week is here

Is this show just for shilling some plastic model kits? I watched first two episodes, it has no plot so far, girls are CG, jokes are not fun (I'm not actually sure if those are jokes), girls' personalities feel very artificial especially combined with CG that makes their expressions look strange. Oh, and battles are short and shit. Am I supposed to just look at panties for 20 minutes?

Yes, that's the show. It's shitty so feel free to drop it if you don't like it. It's obvious at this point it's not going to be as good as Busou Shinki.

>tfw you forgot it was going to air right after ZeroSho

You are supposed to drop it and leave the threads, I think.

>tfw architect and materia black still in box
>tfw jinrai sitting in pieces in a gachapon capsule until I get more paint
I feel like a goddamn serial killer



Thus they have the right to bully their imoutos as they please.

Gourai and Jinrai's warlike tendencies make them guilty of Jin-Gou-ism.

I want to fug a FAG hag.


They really should make an Ao FAG.

Why is this allowed? This is murder.

I want Asuka first.

just an Ao hairstyle and faceplate will suffice so we can pretend she's cosplaying her FAGs

Architect is a good girl.

This is haram.


Mostly because they use it as a beef substitute due to being cheaper.

Nips have shit taste.

>walks 6400 meters in 13 minutes
>faster than most people can run
>while carrying her own weight half the time

How do we nerf her?


True mudshits use them for fucking, not eating.

...That's probably 13 hours.

I want Ao's clothes...