What would have happened if today's false alarm was real?

What would have happened if today's false alarm was real?
Would the US have launched nukes at Korea and China and ordered evacuation/shelter to everyone? Or would they have sent ground troops in NK to take down Kim? What would have happened?

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>implying it wasn't real

Pretty obvious that it was a real launch that was intercepted by ABM system.

This is true. It took some time to verify that the incoming missile was destroyed.
This was real.

But how far can the Nip Nong Ching Nong Nong Number 23 reach though?

Hopefully it can reach the UK when armed with the Shitpostblaster Il Nuke 3

Will we ever know if it was real or some guy pressing the wrong button on the computer as all the officials are claiming?
Also, assuming it was real and did reach Hawaii, what would have happened? The government can't cover that up.

why would the fatty zipperhead do such a thing? does he want to die?

Good thing we've got the Banter Defence System desu

yeah, the norks know they cant fire anything at the US because they know hellfire would come down on them.

China is on the record saying that they would protect North Korea if they attack first.

This would be a perfect time for Kim to actually launch during the confusion

They can't reach Israel
What Faggots

Tfw u realize new york, london, toronto or paris wont be nuked no matter what happens.

Fuck off with this bullshit.

>Pretty obvious that it was a real launch
in what way exactly?

the NKs nukes are meant to serve as a deterrent rather than a first strike weapon. kim and NK top brass know that there is no conceivable situation that shooting first can benefit them, as they don't have enough nukes to make an overwhelming first strike.

Ideally, Kim would launch a nuke into the pacific. Far enough from Hawaii to be intercepted, but the tsunami created by a nuke would obliterate much of the island and even the west coast of the US

Both China and the Norks know that they can't penetrate both Aegis and whatever we call our orbital directed-energy system. It's not even an issue of retaliation, it's like having a chihuahua try to nip your ankle and fall off a balcony instead. That's why the US doesn't take rogue states seriously. Little Rocket Man, etc.

>dead americans

Who cares.

Wrong, they would not intervene if the Norks fire first. They would defend it if we attacked first.

nukes don't make tsunamis. one earthquake displaces thousands of times more water than even an advanced fusion device could.

Yeah, you're right, I fucked up

>The government can't cover that up.
And I'm a dinosaur

>nukes don't make tsunamis

>being this dumb
If they actually launched we would have casus belli to flatten them and it would literally be HAPPENING right now. It was a likely a test gone wrong (or a test gone right depending on how you look at it)


You should kraut. We're one of the last bastions of Western Civilization

>Both China and the Norks know that they can't penetrate both Aegis
no they don't. aegis has never intercepted an ICBM. daily reminder an aegis equipped alreigh burke was taken out by a civilian oil tanker with the RCS of a football field, moving at slow steam, with the AIS and lights all on, and it killed ten crewmen. hehehe
> orbital directed-energy system
kill yourself immediately call of duty lobotomite

I like the world ending option in this video.

Tsar bomba right in the split between continent having the possibility to break into the magma stream directly. Pls happen.

>aegis has never intercepted an ICBM.

LOL. Where'd you learn that? From your Boris and Natasha Slav Spy Service? Don't be afraid, buddy, we don't have a beef with you anymore. Just know your place, that's all.

>tfw when safe

Bring on the nuclear war

Having a casus belli is useless when you're all talk and have no balls.

Nukes don’t create tsunamis. Fucking American education we really are an embarrassment.

The NK government would have been wiped out in a matter of hours. Attacking the mainland U.S. isn't a realistic option for them. Their best bet is to use artillary/chemical weapons on SK until the world begs for a peaceful solution. All they have keeping them from being invaded is holding SK hostage.

Implying SK won’t obliterate NK.

>pretty obvious
Literally zero evidence or proof this was anything but a false alarm. Occam's Razor, nigger

>If they actually launched we would have casus belli to flatten them

See . Why bother?

No, other way around. They won't protect NK if they attack first.

nuke range = everything but the shitholes


jesus christ, it's like trying to communicate with amoeba


Yeah you want it to be real, happeniggers.

Oh of course, how silly of me. Yes, Mr. Russian Man, of course our system has never been tested and probably has a abysmally low hit percentage, as per our official reports. You should definitely take this information at face value, assume that you still have credible first-strike capability against the United States, and redirect your resources away from developing an effective counter to our horrible defenses that in no way work reliably. Carry on, please, and have a good evening.

We're bombing half the middle east m8, idk what you're talking about. We haven't attacked the Norks because we don't want the blood of the Worst Koreans on our hands for the world to see.

That's retarded. If somebody fires a fucking missile at us we're going to fuck their day up. The only reason we haven't attacked the Norks is because they haven't given the world a reason to allow us to do so.

Jesus fuck you are dumb as a box of niggers

The Yanks (and Chinese, for that matter) do have ICBM-destroying satellites in space.

the map is completly retarded

and nothing of value was lost

China is actually on record saying that NK is 100% on their own if they even attempt to attack U.S territory but you tried it

>Burger education
>Possibly Little Tex Burger education

This. Whoever made this apparently doesn't understand how map projections work and why you can't use a circle to represent a range on that type of projection. It's probably from CNN though so go figure.

>when you're all talk and have no balls
In other words, Kimmy.

Did you miss the unhighlighted part of that article where it says it can intercept during the mid-course and terminal phases?

And anyway, what are they gaining/we losing if they nuke Hawaii? Oh no, muh tiki huts and coconut smoothies.

>shithole country fires a nuke at the US
>ABM system intercepts missile with no chance of reaching its target
>US launches missiles worth hundreds of billions of dollars and containing significant amounts of incredibly rare fissile material to send a country already in the stone age back to the stone age


Hmmm, let me check on how many nukes Bulgaria has, annnnnnnnnd zero.

Probability theory nigger.
These are the likelihoods you have to weigh:
Either someone hacked the alert system and broadcast a message about how it WAS NOT a drill; OR homeland security was testing the reaction of people to the prospect of an incoming nuke, and mentally preparing them for it.
A nuke was launched and it was intercepted by strategic defense

Which is it, Sup Forums?

We had a lot of USSR nukes for half a century :^)

People are dumb and make mistakes. I bet it was a mistake.

Trump would probably tweet this

>Allowing a country to fire a nuke at us without flattening them
>M.A.D. is still a thing guise, we swear!
You ain't too bright are ya boy?

That video is shite and you should feel very bad you fool

You need to stop with this babby-tier geopolitics, user. There's no reason to obliterate someone who poses no threat to you. I suppose if someone said he wanted to kill you then he gently tossed a pink floppy dildo in your direction you'd kill both of you with a claymore strapped to your chest.

Kim needs to nuke America already. I live in Gomorrah, and welcome the fires.

I don't see how a missile could hit Hawaii in daylight and we not have footage, even if it didn't explode.

The US would have tried to shoot it down, then fired a few back (more if the NK missile hit).

The US would have also told China and Russia what's happened, what they were doing, and told them not to interfere in the coming war.

If it was real launch you would have launched nukes back at them and there would be no NK now. If it was a prank of an employee it was dangerous as hell and he should face prison time, if it was intentional act by the officials it's just sick to bully people with immiment death like that.

My guess is someone was working for the last day in Hawaii emergency services.

Kim's not a retard. He knows he and his entire regime will get fucked in the ass if they lays a finger on the U.S.

>tfw Vancouver is the closest western city for norks to hit
>tfw BCfag

It wasn't a real launch.

My theory is that this was a drill, and it was done purposefully. A war with North Korea is pretty much inevitable at this point and I very much doubt we'll see the end of Trump's presidency without one.

We've seen this sort of thing going on right now before, with previous World Wars and with the war with the Spanish. The U.S. does not like to start wars, they like to goad others into striking first so that the United States has the moral high-ground.

The Trump Admin leaked plans to strike North Korea's military facilities. North Korea likely believes that they are going to be attacked any day now. Thus, the Trump admin is likely trying to egg North Korea into striking Hawaii or any western coast location.

This drill was done to test our civilian responses to being nuked as well as to test infrastructure. Lots of people ended up standing around like retards talking on their phones or looking at TVs. Now those people can be properly educated on how to respond to a nuclear attack - and trust me, those people WILL pay attention now after experiencing what it is like to nearly die in a nuclear explosion.

This might also cause people to evacuate/leave Hawaii and other areas vulnerable to North Korean attack.

It was a calculated decision. Why would a mistake like this be made right when tensions are at their peak, and at no other time?

A shame they cant hit Toronto or Montreal, but at least they can hit Hongcouver.

Give me a break. Hundreds of different state, local, international agencies monitoring every possible vector and metric of an ICBM launch, independent scientists, nautical, aviation... literally 1000s of free eyes to report.

Such schizoids on here.

Massive conventional strike from sea and air.


>closest "western" city.

If NK wanted to make rice crispies out of a few million Asians, they don't have to send the missile all the way to hongcouver mate.

The way deterrence works is that yeah, you hit back if you are hit. If the Norks nuked us and we did nothing it would destroy the notion of deterrence. If the Norks nuke us, nuke the sorks, the Japs, the Flips, we are going to utterly genocide them.

I really don't see a scenario where the Norks try and blitzkrieg the Sorks that doesn't end with us not nuking them. The tripwire of US troops and civilians in Sorkland coupled with the nature of a nuclear power doing such a belligerent conquest (and having a nuclear armed North Korea now controlling the entire peninsula) means we won't sit back like it's a Ukraine or Crimea.

Even Obama would go all hands on deck. Only a warren or a Sanders would be so limp dick as to not genocide the Norks if they try any kind of overt war with the Sorks.

Serious question: if LA and NYC were nuked, wouldn't we(nationalists) be infinitely better of without those geographically tiny tumors?

A nuke isn't a pink floppy dildo. Your argument is why we don't utterly annihilate Afghanistan after 9-11 or Libya after they sponsored some terrorist attacks.

When you introduce WMDs into the equation everything goes full-tilt. We even told Saddam during the first gulf war that we will use tactical nuclear weapons against him if he dared use chemical/biological weapons. And that would have been chemical/biological weapons against US troops, not US territory. Anyone hits US territory with a ballistic missile and they are wiped out. If it's a conventional explosive ballistic missile then maybe it'll not be nuclear. But if a country fires a nuke at us they are turned to glass. Only if the most limp dick of democratic candidates are in office does this not happen.

Serious answer: San Francisco is the tumor. Everything else is the metastasis.

There is just as much evidence it was real as there is it was fake.

A single button sends a mass, very specific alert.

First thing would be EMP cruise missles knocking out all electronics in the entire Korean Peninsula(us military should be hardened to this)

Then massive bombings of all important infrastructure rail roads, bridges, electricity, water, sewer.

US military just revised their plans on the use of tactical nukes. Maybe a small nuke air bursted over every city and military base.

Dropping pamphlets everywhere telling the Norks to run to China for safety. Millions of Chinese are already waiting to round them up.

if you detonate a nuke in the marianas trench the global devastation would be apocalyptic


How come Oman isn't red? The outermost circle touches it

> A war with North Korea is pretty much inevitable

if you dont do anything this year I am sure a war will never happen
its already pretty unlikely

>this will either bring us closer to the sun, where we'll thoroughly fry
>might move our orbit further out where we would descend into a kind of permanent winter
>simply tear the planet itself apart

man, all these pseudo scientific and science-illiterate videos getting millions of views and high ratings really makes me depressed.

well it has some exagerations

about the earthmoving its actually true but how much who knows?
who cares anyway, if a nuke perfores the crust we have way worse things to worry about

and since marianas trench is one of the deepest and thinier part of the crust its not far fetched

Just the thought of a man made bomb "pushing" our orbit far enough to see a temperature difference makes my head want to explode.

I seriously wonder if the people making these videos are actually this stupid or if there is some hidden agenda to create fears of things that don't exist.

It can't get any worse than it is already. A nuke would improve it, if anything.

>What would have happened if today's false alarm was real?
I would Master Bait

>What would have happened if today's false alarm was real?

US mobilizes, China finally loses the last of his patience with NK and makes a deal with US on what lands it gets for itself if it doesn't intervene other than conquering those lands for itself, all this in a bid to try and prevent nuclear strikes near its own borders and have all the lucrative trade with EU, US and Russia go away.

Somewhere during the assault, south korean capital will be bombed into a crater.

What was obvious about it? The fact that you have absolutely no proof whatsoever?

>they can't reach Israel yet
Aww man

The entire video is completely made up, why would you think their claim that it could perforate the crust is true?

its not ilogical but after all you are right, who knows?
i can tell you why am inclined to believe some of it
off the cost of africa there is a volcano, if this volcano collapsed your country would face a tsunami ten metters high
north korea has a volcano in its frontier with china, if this volcano explodes we would be facing a decade long winter and it can be exploded with a nuke

geoattacks are a reality, how much and where they can be triggered is something most militaries probably have studied

There is no possibility of a man made bomb in >current year capable of knocking earths orbit more than 149,598,000 kilometers (1AU) times 2-3 in either direction (away from the sun or towards the sun) to see a significant temperature difference on earth because of distance from the sun. If somehow it fucked with the tilt, however.. Then we would be royally fucked.

We're not poland, user.

yea i said it was exaggerated
i said its truth because "three gores damn" in china slowed earth by a millionth of second

The scientific illiteracy you are demonstrating with what you are saying completely dismiss your opinion on the whole topic. Seriously read a book or off yourself.

Murican education.
Once ICBM's are out of earth gravitation, they can reach anywhere on earth

I can confirm this 100%. LA is little more than SF's sockpuppet at this point but SF is actually an evil place.

>casus belli
>a world full of globalist cunts would be fine with the U.S. turning a third world communist shithole into a giant sheet of irradiated glass
Yeah sure