Why do people pretend to hate Attack on Titan?

Why do people pretend to hate Attack on Titan?

Why do people pretend to like Attack on Titan?


It went to shit when it turned into a mecha.

I don't hate it, I think it has some really shit writing at certain points but it's pretty interesting.

I'm gonna read all the spoilers soon cause I'm too intrigued by the setup.

yet Eva is hailed as the greatest cartoon of all time

maybe cause there's not a point in the series and titans are not the the heart of the manga anymore?

because it's actually good


It's one of the best if not the GOAT
but Sup Forums won't admit it because it has gone mainstream.

That was a mecha, it didn't turn into one.
People are mad that AoT revealed itself to be yet another bait series


I dislike Erin greatly.

Suufers the same problem as LOST in which the premise is the only thing it has going for it and the only thing people give a shit about and the more as it goes on the less interesting the actual setting turns out to be. Its still a good series but damn does it take a long time to weed out its bullshit and the time you reach that point you'd wonder what was the point of the initial pretense to begin with other than grabbing the attention of readers who would have never picked it up otherwise.

i actually did enjoy the first season, but so far in the second season they are doing too much background on random ass characters that i dont care about. too much background for characters who are about to die and mean very little to whats actually going on

I'm surpressing my pain of laughter

After 30 some chapter it not only completely shat the bed but it chose to lay in it. AoT fucking sucks.

I only watch it for the animation and music, and at that they don't disappoint

I don't pretend to hate it, but it's very much overrated.
It's a 7/10 at best.
Though it gets really bad

I hated it at first because it became about titans vs titans instead of humans vs titans. Grew to like it again as I kept reading and learned more about what the hell was even going on.

Best way I can put SnK is that its a slow burn. That's not so bad anymore since the "main" plot finished a few months ago.

Because it's popular and people here think they are special snowflakes for being contrarian.

Both are great and the biggest reason they're disliked on this board is because people are are contrarian as fuck and get pissed at the fanbases instead of the shows themselves.

>on random ass characters

user... they're not going to stay random

because it's popular and Sup Forums likes to be above the curve. Nobody with an intact mind, watches moe-shit so that's treated as high power level

Imagine actually feeling smug about liking that tripe shonenshit. Drumb tripfag

Because it got popular and so Sup Forums desperately trying to act like hipster neets have to hate what's popular and keep up the image that they are a fringe community.

Because it's frustrating as fuck to see a barely decent story get such an amazing production value (for TV anime) when other mangas deserve it more.

I don't pretend.
I hate it

The 3 main characters are cringy af

spoiler: everyone is titans

Because of the Shinji tier main character

I don't hate it. It's genius.

Present dark medieval setting with horrible monsters and some nice surface ideas to trick the normalshits.

When in fact your manga is a generic shonen bio-Mecha with boring characters.

It's popular.

It has good action, is generally well animated, has decent protagonists by shounen standards, has great soundtracks/OP, has a cool setting with a pretty unique premise and has top tier waifu bait.

If it's not your thing that's fine, but it's not hard to see why others would enjoy it.

>horrible monsters
The design of the titans is one of the things I love about AoT the most. They could've easily gone for a more generic "scary" design, but I love how they (usually) instead opt for a weird, unnatural and disturbing look.