The warriors are the best characters.
Shingeki no Kyojin 93
Galliard did literally nothing wrong.
I want the biggest asspull ever to revive Ymir.
Endgame right here, brothers.
Me too, Historia.
>Grim Reminder
Hisu pls
Armin a cute.
Why do you want to talk about dead characters man? Just let it go.
Just move on, nigga.
Even Bortfags weren't this retarded.
I just want to come home stinking drunk and pound that gabi pussy all night with all my bros. She totally got gang banged in this chapter.
I'd accept Ymir's death if it wasn't in a one-panel flashback scene. It's too stupid.
Gabi is so annoying. So annoying.
Let me dig deep into my anus.
Why would you create second thread? They always die.
This is a guy who was been planing his plans since he got out of his mother.Now let's see what is his master plan.
The reason is mostly stupid.
LM soon.
Which face is sadder?
Fuck off.
The second one.
Is that long-haired brunette really Pieck? I though it was just a joke when you all were saying Pieck was a girl.
But the name is translated wrong, it said "Pikku" or something like that. Though I re-read the chapter and it makes sense, "I spent 2 months in titan form, so I basically forgot how to walk", the only titan-shifter that doesn't walk is indeed Pieck
Looks like his eyes are tearing up in the first.
Second one. If manlet looked at Erwin like that fujos wouldn't have fucked off from here.
What are the odds that Marcel subconsciously influenced Ymir to give her life for BR?
*saves SnK and Mikasa*
Based Jean
Erens about to smash those shitty kids, and crash liberia with no survivors
>not telling Marley about his royalty
What kind of troublesome things is is monkey planning?
Galliard said Marcel was like a big bro to them. So maybe Bort's scream made her see his memories.
Remember guys, no dead body = not confirmed.
He probably just didn't want to have to be forced to knock up countless women and be the father of hundreds or even thousands of kids.
Though, it's really Marley's fault for being too retarded to figure it out.
I wish, user. But Galliard has her memories.
He is the true King of Eldia. He will save his people.
is it just me or does Galliad look a lot like Nathan from LiS
Advanced technology in Marley allows them to extract spinal cord fluid without having to eat them, yes I'm delusional.
Gabi is cute! CUTE!
eren will stomp on her head next chapter
she dies next chapter though, the new eldians characters are all red herrings introduced to be likable and then brutally murdered by the wallist's surprise attack
Don't say such horrible things.
She's actually the most likely candidate to eat Eren right now.
But does that mean Ymir's memories will drive Galliard to help the Eldians and protect the queen aka Historia?
>war criminal
>race traitor
>wants to fuck a guy much older than her
Gabi a shit
>That day Marley received a grim reminder, the terror of getting fucked by them.
I just hope Edgeren doesn't go in too hard.
It's not completely impossible since her name is Ymir, Ymir Fritz is the key to the whole story, and there is time loop/travel nonsense going on. But don't hold your breath.
If anyone goes back in time to become Ymir Fritz, it will be Historia.
Will Reiner be able to protect her or will she die like all of his other loved ones?
No, he'll injure Reiner to the point he can't move, grab Gabi, then very slowly chomp her inches from his face.
He will die while protecting her.
Wall Eldians, no. Historia, yes. Similiar to BR.
Remember these threads before eldians/marley? Before the fucking basement? Before SnK turned into another fucking hamfisted WW2 analogy? Before that Isayama pulled another fucking Claymore?
Please make the time loop nonsense a reality.
Isayama can't be this edgy.
Also if Eren doesn't have at least Levi, Mikasa and big boy Armin as backup then he'd be pretty fucked considering Reiner, Zeke, Galliard and Piek are present.
Why does everyone keep pretending that Eren is still an edgy ragetard that wants to genocide everybody? Eren probably sympathizes with the warriors now that he knows their history.
Hisu best waifu.
Season 3 when?
I can't wait
Hopefully next year.
>that Eren bashing while praising Armong for the same thing.
Fuck off, reddit.
the same reason people pretend to like Ymir when shes a shit character, because its edgy and contrarian
The last time we see him he's suggesting that they kill literally every human being on the other side of the ocean.
These charts are still the best thing about these threads
>upside down Madagascar
The clues were always there my friends,
END game here
so ymir fritz huh? split into 9 ttitans?
Sounds like the first women with chakra from naruto
And when she died she splits to 9 demons
>Status: Wants to fly
The Attack titan's personality type is that it's always seeking freedom. Eren was a perfect recipient for that. Gabi is exactly the same way, she's seeking freedom with a fiery passion.
You mean when manlet was the main character and Kenny was the hot new meme? Good times.
delete this trash
why is Hitch so fucking hot
>What are the odds that Marcel subconsciously influenced Ymir to give her life for BR?
I don't know, but it's the only thing that makes even remote sense. Otherwise she would have just fucked off in chapter 50 bonus.
>I just hope Edgeren doesn't go in too hard.
it would be great if just as Eren starts stomping on dumb kids Armong goes supernova steaming all the soldiers rushing in
yes, it was much better, but what can we do
Armong will be there with his retardation field, and Eren had a lot of time to practice, after all the 2 of them somehow wiped out 32 destroyers
That and she said she feels like she owes Bert and Reiner for letting her live as a human again.
>Remember these threads before eldians/marley?
you mean when they were full of nothing but shipfaggotry? and worse, Bertfaggotry?
I only see delusions and you braindead EHfags still using two pics from a game from two different situations.
The animu keeps paralleling LM as well. The manga parallels are self explanatory.
yes, Kenny a better character than anyone in the main trio, Kenny, Hange, Levi > AME
>Gabi is exactly the same way, she's seeking freedom with a fiery passion
by being a good little slave to marleyans
The destroyers were outdated garbage.
Eren isn't a ragetard anymore at least not more than average for this manga; practically all the characters are ragetards now, but he is more genocidal than ever before. He'll just cry about it now.
At least we had the mystery back then. It's fucking LOST all over again
It doesn't in the slightest. Even what you'd consider a LM moment in chapter 37 got changed in the anime. Kek.
>by being a good little slave to marleyans
You mean like how Eren always was (and still is) a good little slave to the scouting legion?
Eren is a far better character than the shitty manlet.
still Eren is only 15 meters tall, so he can't just walk up to them without sinking, which means that he and Armong how found some creative ways to use their titan forms
SC were in the chapter in Ymir's flashback
That's like comparing shit with diarrhea.
Only Hisu.
>You mean like how Eren always was (and still is) a good little slave to the scouting legion?
at least he is defending from an outside aggression, not actually invading and slaughtering his own kind
hell the dumb kids are too dumb to realise that once the titans are obsolete, or marleyans have the coordinate they are all going to die
Eren throws Armin into the water, Armin transforms, steam explosion fucks shit up.
Do I hear ghosts?