Is this the worst ongoing shounen series today? I don't think it was ever particularly good at any point.
Is this the worst ongoing shounen series today? I don't think it was ever particularly good at any point
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Black Clover is just as bad if not worse.
It still managed to be half entertaining to keep reading it and the girls are top tier.
The worst shonen around is more something so bad and boring that you don't even feel like reading it.
Nah dude I read both and black clover is better.
Fairy tale the old nigga come back 20 times from dying shit.
Nanatsu no Taizai is much worse.
The comment section for every chapter on kissmanga is just shitting on it.
It's universally hated by even the gayest of fans
At least it was shit since chapter 1 instead of Magi which started promising but crashed harder than a Boeing 767 after only 200 chapters.
it is shit
but why can't i stop reading then
>Is this the worst ongoing shounen series today?
People that makes that kind of question about popular works doesn't really watched/read much.
Even the worst of the worst of the popular works are at most in the "mediocre" tier when compared to all the shit is around there.
the weird part is that he could've easily not been anywhere near as bad as it is, unlike, for example, Kubo who wrote himself into corners lots of times so he had to asspull his way out of it, Hiro made bullshit up on purpose
it's like he was trying his best to make the worst out of it
>girls are top tier
if you're a delusional bottomfeeder with no taste
I'm just waiting for it to end.
Every week is just more painful than the last.
Black Clover is loved by jap children, which is the target demographic of shounen jump. In that sense it's a good series and the opinion of manchildren from outside of Japan doesn't change that fact.
Wan Piss is
>Is this the worst ongoing shounen series today?
Is it? I thought the anime was decent at least.
I've never read Fairy Tail, but I have a hard time believing it could be worse than Black Clover.
>These 10 or less guys doing non-stop FT and BC and Seven deadly sins try hard hate threads
Did I miss anything?
>replying to shitposters
Nakaba is so much better at storytelling, combat scenes and character development/relationships it's not even funny.
So then I guess FT is a brilliant series as well because it's aimed at children.
That video was also absolute trash. Why can't the guy just get a clear sentence out?
> ugu I am a manmade doll but I have a human heart but I still act autistic very often
Really creative.
Because you're retarded
Here's the thing, Fairy Tail outright starts stating that the Fairy Tail guild is the strongest around, and that's it.
People then go a complain about how they are so strong, if this wasn't the case they would be complaining about yet another story of the weakest group getting stronger
That makes no sense as a reply, I hope you realize that.
Did you make that video?
Way more creative than fairyshit.
Haven't read FT in years, but that image reminds me how bad the Erza fights were.
Are you autistic?
Great retort user, you sure established that that video was actually good all along.
Isn't every fight with Erza ' i win because im erza'?
It was pretty good up until the arc with Wendy. After that it started to go downhill because the author got lazy. It was the same thing over and over and them going on missions and quests for the guild completely stopped.
Then try to refute what he's saying fairytard.
This is me, moron:
I've never read Fairy Tale, so I can't refute his complaints about Fairy Tale. What I can tell is that that video was fucking retarded garbage.
Nice projection though, dumbfuck.
>That makes no sense as a reply, I hope you realize that.
So does your post, saying.
>Why can't the guy just get a clear sentence out?
You'd have to be retarded to not understand what the guy's saying regardless of your thoughts on his opinion.
Okay so you are really autistic then.
I liked the anime somewhat. It was generic shonen, but very well made with likable characters. Even if Ban was a straight rip of FMA's Greed.
That's how I remember them. I swear they all played out exactly the same.
Is her plot armor stronger than Ichigo's? Maybe.
If you actually listen to yourself user, you might be able to notice that you actually barely say anything concrete. I made it about halfway through, and just when I thought you were actually going to spit out a coherent thought, you just start laughing for the next minute. Great.
Notice how many dislikes there are on your video too. Just over a quarter of people thought your video was shit. That's much higher than usual. Because your video is fucking garbage.
Go shill somewhere else, fucktard. I won't wait for your response, because you can't get a coherent thought out here either.
No, she is the basically the strongest woman around, later revealed to have dragon blood (this was kinda bullshit but it explains stuff), that's it, people that hate fairy tail just want the good guys to lose all the time or some bullshit
>Revealed later
that sounds like an asspull to me
Something as important as that should be at least hinted at
>Something as important as that should be at least hinted at
She always had abnormal resistance to magical attacks, dragons are absically inmune to every magic but their own kind of magic
>Thinking I'm KoL.
>I won't wait for your response.
Because you won't be getting one, as your post is utterly irrelevant to me. I called you out simply because you said the guy can't get a clear sentence out when only a retard would make such a claim. I don't give two shits on what you think about the guy's opinion in the video.
>The worst shonen around is more something so bad and boring that you don't even feel like reading it.
So exactly this. Even the girls aren't capable of maintaining my interest when the writing is so fucking boring.
Anime is a pretty mediocre adaptation and all the best stuff happens afterwards.
Holy shit, season 2 fucking when? I want to see "THAT IS MY SIN" animated
it's TAIL you retard.
If there's second season, they better save budget for this fight and all Escanor moments in general.
Holy shit how autistic can you be? The video obviously wasn't meant to be serious.
He's having fun laughing at the ridiculous pile of shit that is Fairy Tail but you expect him to pull an in depth analysis or something.
Im not that user, butI watched the anime, picked up the manga, go to where the demon clan started showing up and dropped that shit. That manga is also fucking trash.
So read the manga, as usual? I'll have to pick it up then. Should I reread what the anime covered?
redpill me on Magi
>Should I reread what the anime covered?
Yes, worth it for how Nakaba depicts dynamic alone.
>I have a human heart
It's not human.
I thought a second season was announced?
anti/pol/ heroes with magic
>So read the manga
No, after Hendrickson's defeat Nakaba started unironically using power levels and other bullshit. I don't understand how he satirized shonen cliches so well in Kongou Bancho, but proceeded to use them without a hint of cheekiness in NNT.
>power levels
Oh, so you are that one retard. Powerlevels change literally nothing, and they rarely brought up. Also, who cares about them, if a higher PL doesn't automatically means winning?
He's the type of bottom-tier Youtuber that doesn't write scripts or put any effort into his videos, he just turns on the mic and rambles.
>they're rarely brought up
They're regularly brought up to maintain the Commandments' intimidating presence, we shouldn't need to be told in figures how much of a threat they are.
>who cares about them, if a higher PL doesn't automatically means winning?
Exactly, they shouldn't be used if you're just going to undercut them later on. Toriyama did this all the fucking time so he dropped the scouter bullshit.
I dropped 7DS before the flashback arc, is it anything to read?
The show is so predictable that you want the villain to win every time.
The worst popular one, yes
The point of powerlevels in DBZ was to point out that "objective strength" doesn't guarantee a win. And now decades later retards are still too confused and don't realise that the series to invent the concept of powerlevels only introduced them to say "powerlevels are stupid".
>they shouldn't be used if you're just going to undercut them later on
Say, your charcter is strong enough to blow off a smaller mountain in one strike. How do you show it to the reader? He blows off a mountain in one strike. Now, this other character is twice as strong. How do you show it to the reader?
I'm not a big fan of numerical powerlevels either, but it's better than making every villain casually oneshot towns off the map just to demonstrate power.
>And now decades later retards are still too confused
There's a good reason for that, the weaker fighter would often end up winning by boosting their powerlevel even higher than their opponent. This invalidates the intention.
The flashback is a little all over the place, but entertaining, if you read it in one go. Half of it focuses on the Commandments and Archangels instead of King and Diane.
>"objective strength" doesn't guarantee a win
You're talking about DBZ, right? Where the guy that hit the hardest won? Maybe Toriyama started out with that in mind, but by the end all the scouters really suggested was that you shouldn't underestimate your opponent's power level.
The best way to avoid that is to not let the powerlevels escalate to that point in the first place.
The problem is the premise. Feats of strength start off way too grand and aren't scaled properly enough to be taken seriously.
Good idea, but I doubt a shounen exists where blowing off a smaller mountain is the maximum power.
Galluna Island was actually good arc. Not on the level of the best arcs of Big 3 for sure, but still really good indeed.
Off the top of my head, JoJo never even got close to that point, although it's not exactly a shounen since Part 7.
Sins is more aware that it gives into the usual shounen shit, but clearly has the story/framework all set up already to prevent complete nonsense like this happening. It plays with the gimmicks of being super duper mega ultra strong that shounen readers need by having the protags match that and only struggle every now and then. They don't bullshit that often and flat out say the MCs are more than capable of anything if they stop screwing around with themselves.
Writing is about the same though. Forgiving the first 2 major antags was hilariously stupid. Even worse when one started having a pity party for 'not' destroying everyone as fast as he could have.
I like the refreshing taste of black clover where the childhood friend you would expect to normally be the ultra foil to the main protagonist is actually a true friend.
Also There is not really any growth for aster beyond how his teammates exploit his fuck magic powers or how he has absolute zero any magic
You do have a point. Thankfully, Nakaba never used them that way, as far as I remember.
Yep. Not a single good arc.
Well isn't Escanor's ability built on raising his power level as the sun rises so that he can overwhelm his opponent with sheer force? I mean it's limited, but I think that still counts as a bit of a violation.
True, but it's more of a character gimmick than anything else. It never felt like a power-of-love-and-friendship-power-up asspull he used only when backed into a corner. Fights were generally ended too quickly to allow his power level to significantly change during a battle.