Mcdonalds Anime commercial 2: Electric boogalo
Mcdonalds saving anime again.

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>saving anything

What kind of sick fuck buys a ronald mcdonald doll for their kid?

Artful manipulation is always pretty good, you can see some work went into this working for McDonalds advertisement. We probably won't be seeing stuff like this very often in the near future.

Was this fucking 3DCGI I just saw?!

No, that user's a dummy.


I prefer Wendy's.


I wish the west would make nice anime ads as well. I don't want to see all these ugly 3D bitches on my screen.

wtf i love mcdonalds now

I really like the smug anime girl Wendy's meme.

>yuribait McDonalds anime commercial

Where were the 5 Ronalds hiding? I only spotted the one in the car and the one at 0:36.

What was going on during this scene?


this is what anime was created for

to indoctrinate the youth to work at these companies

can't wait for the BP anime to sell me on the glamour of the oilrig life


Thats way too lewd even for McDonarudo

Fuckin shitto nuggets

That came out of nowhere, but I liked it

Everything should be anime and manga. Everything.

Can anyone explain me how this whole fanbase about fast food restaurants chain started? KFC vs Burger King? Ronald McDonald x Wendy's OTP?


Where the fuck is Whataburger-tan?

Sempai a cute.



It's not fucking fair! Everyone already knows that Whataburger-tan is the best and tastiest so why doesn't she have her own route?

>Represent McDonald's
>Not some greasy faced nerd serving you or a manager who hates his life

I call bullshit

Who is the tastiest?


That's Japanese McDonalds, though.

I heard they even pay better than most international McDonalds.

>can't wait for the BP anime to sell me on the glamour of the oilrig life
...I would actually kinda want to see that, if only to see how they'd try to make the life of a roughneck look anything even remotely cute or glamorous.

Why is there lore?

by replacing them with cute girls obviously

fund it

>representing McDonalds
>doesn't have a master's degree in art or social studies

>It (2017)

they have kawaii girls working the register most of the time in japan. Food still tastes the same, but that's not too bad.


It's not bait, retarded Umaru poster.

Saving money by not having to animate her talking fast.

They don't have to sell you on it. Oilriggers make bank knowing that they are trading their lives for money at a high, hazardous return rate.

>Mercedes saving anime