Would you love a woman even if she was a prostitute?

Would you love a woman even if she was a prostitute?


Not that one, though. The blind one was the only waifu material in that series.

Only if she was high class and government-regulated.

Why not?

I love OP's mom.

The hooker with a heart of gold character is one of my favorite types of female character so yeah

The spy was better

i'd want to fuck around, but i could see myself falling for a whore. you can't trust them tho, because it's always about money with them. i mean, they're honest unlike a lot of people, but chances are they'd betray you for even less than most people would.

I'm not a fan of used goods.

>Would you love a woman even if she was a prostitute?
Been there, done that.

Would not reccomend, I would never do it again.

Story time

That episode was plainly bad. But i know that a homosexual scene between jin and mugen would have ruined the whole anime. ;_;

That's unfair, Shino was forced into it, was going to kill herself beforehand, and she got out when given the chance. Someone like that, sure. A prostitute who's a prostitute by choice, no fucking way, not even 2D can fix that mess.


That episode was great, what are you talking about? Jin gets all fucked up and shit and it's all depressing but the ending escape scene and the music more than makes up for it.

Story, please.

I am giving you permission to blogpost in this thread.

Would you enjoy being a cuck?

>People here would literally and undeniably love a whore who take dicks for a living
Sasuga Sup Forums desu

These were the best episodes of Samurai Champloo

Poor jin

Platonically, yes.

I think prostitutes, historically, would've been a lot more worth falling in love with than they are now. These days there's very little excuse to be one since women can work nearly any job and support themselves independently, back then they had far fewer choices in life.

Yes, but I don't think I'd be ok with her keeping at it after we get in a committed relationships. Regardless, I fucking love stories where the protagonist falls in love with a prostitute and he has conflicted feeling about it because on the one hand he'd like to listen to his heart, but on the other he is hesitant because "dude, she's a whore, lmao"

what was her story again? i dont remember many love interests in champloo

As opposed to one that takes dick for free? Everyone sells themselves user, some people just use different body parts

Just go rewatch it, I think it's episode 11 or so. This series is just good enough to warrant rewatching at any time for any reason.

>Story time
Oh god...

Fine, let me just light my joint and tell you my story...

I was 23 years old and in college here in Brazil, I was single and going to a lot of parties and fucking around and doing drugs. I went to this one party where i saw this very short blonde chick with the most beautifull blue eyes, and to my surprise she looked at me, smiled and winked at me!

It did not take long at all for me to take her out of the party and go home to fuck, right after getting some cocaine on our way here of course.

We fucked like 3 times that night and in the morning she was all over me asking to be my girlfriend, I was really happy and accepted, not questioning her intentions for even a minute.

Boy, was that a mistake...

We started dating and it was good at first, she was all lovey-dovey to me and all, but we were going hard on cocaine, I had not even touched the stuff in months before I met her.

After 2 weeks I had to go to another city for 2 weeks for a academic course I had signed up and paid for months ago, and when i got back everything was different.

She was much colder, and my friend told me he thinks she cheated on me, I did not believe at the time but I started having a bit of suspicion.

She was dragging along me to the gutter with her addiction, she had no self control at all, and it did not take long before she became abusive, she would get drunk and start throwing shit at me and hitting me!

I was getting pretty sick of her bipolar attitude and was suspicious of what she was doing all day long while I was at college, since she did not work, so I decided to look at her facebook messages while she was in the shower one day, and I saw her texting hundreds of guys and bargaining the payment for her sexual services, which was pretty cheap considering you could fuck her ass for the equivalent of $75.

I was in shock and was not even able to look her in the face, and I guess she noticed it since she simply dumped me out of the blue that day.

>used goods ever

Did you at least contact her afterwards to buy her services?

Fuck off faggot nobody gives a shit, and you're ruining a good thread.

If anything I'd love her more

Not even once

Shame she didn't take you to hell with her right away.

That ninja slut tho

>here in Brazil
Stopped reading there

Your entire country is full of subhumans, prostitutes or not

>she dumped me
I was going to question what the fuck a normalfag like you was doing here until that part.