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Hey jambo

I want to empty my balls into Becky's tiny womb.

Was BD published already?

post more porn


Ichijo best girl.


The fan service in the show was pretty good, hot babes galore.

There's gonna be a BD release?

Ichijou wasn't given enough fanservice. She's just as sexy as the rest.

BD just released April 26

Part of Ichijou's charm, in my opinion, was that she was kept as a sort of wild card, a character that wasn't really bound to the laws of the world and just kinda did her own thing. She's definitely cute, but I think it's better for her character that she wasn't used for fan service like Rei was, instead focusing more on how unpredictable her actions were. She was a cute and incredibly funny character, and that was enough for me.
That all being said, I do wish there were more porn of her and the others.

What is the likelihood of someone slapping the subs on this and calling it a day soon?

shit I might actually get these

Good luck getting the thorough translation and cultural notes that [gg] did back in the day.
ggkthx.org is long gone

How does that prevent anyone from putting the gg subs on the BDs and being done with it?

lots of work

>Good luck getting the thorough translation and cultural notes that [gg] did back in the day.
God damn, sometimes I was laughing while watching the show just because of how ridiculous the flow of cultural notes were in some episodes, just one after another. And then there's entire PDFs detailing every last thing for each episode, they did a good job with that even though I'll likely never read through them.

Bath time with Becky.

The old ADV release of this show had extensive subs and are pretty great.

Don't sexualize the twelve year old teacher, thanks.

Actually, please do.

Becky is not for lewds.

Then our world is not for living.

She's 11, so it's fine.

Was this the origin of that dance?

Don't know, but I've seen it redrawn a hundred times


Awesome. It's a cute dance fitting for a cutie like Becky whom there should be more lewds of in this thread.

Too bad we were stuck hard on DESU in 2005; or else this show would be remembered more.

I first saw PPD at the anime club at the Massachu-chu-tju... uh, MIT, where it was a big hit.

Do they still have anime clubs?

Himeko and her "maho"ing are omega cute.

I'm not a dub guy but I've heard a tiny bit of PPD's dub and generally disliked it. How was Maho and Becky in it?

Whens may 5th?

Haven't a clue, I watched it subbed as well. I watched the dub on some anime network years ago when it originally aired, but hell if I remember if it was good or not.

I'm just curious because if those two are fine, I'll rewatch it dubbed to get a new experience with the show while still getting its personality.

This friday

>All those gorgeous creditless OPs

I've seen the first two episodes like two weeks ago and the first opening still get stuck in my head.


PPD has very comfy and enjoyable music. Shame I couldn't find OP3 or any of the EDs on Youtube, I always enjoyed watching all of the EDs during each episode.

The most omega maho episode in the season.

I think they were fine but if you don't like Hillary Haag (Becky) who doesn't change her act much other than being angry a lot instead of mousy and Brittney Karbowski (Maho) I think she kind of sounds like a valley girl [Brittney's "Mahos" are still damn cute] then you won't like it.

I really liked valley girl himeko desu

If is anything to go off of, her English VA at least sounds cute with her maho's, but that's a very small sample to go off of. If she's energetic enough to match Himeko's character then she probably did a fine job.

Oh fuck dude, Hilary Haag is one of the few dub voice actors I really enjoy. I watched Angel Beats! dubbed with a friend once because he's a fag who can't be bothered to read subtitles and Haag was really good as Yui, who's already my favorite character in it.

Becky is one of the absolute cutest/sexiest lolis in anime. This thread has reawakened a beast in my dick that has been dormant for too long.

Please don't sexualize the teacher, thanks. You might scare her and make her hide behind the curtains again.
