Do you like girls with thick eyebrows?

Do you like girls with thick eyebrows?

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desu it was never a fetish I could get behind. They seem too masculine and out of place on an otherwise cute girl.

not irl. In anime it works but irl girls with dark eyebrows dominate


Also this

thick eyebrows

I love girls with thick eyebrows.

what personality trait is it supposed to convey? oh is it not used like an ahoge?

find a thick eyebrow girl irl and you'd be disgusted.

They're all bushy down there.




Even better.

thick eyebrows

Theyre my favorite

Extra Thicc Eyebrows

EXTRA THICK eyebrows

Best girls.


Honestly, I like all kinds of eyebrows. Thick eyebrows, thin eyebrows, princess eyebrows, no eyebrows...

There's just too many flavors to choose from. Why would I every confine myself to one?

The thicker the better

Yes, 2D and 3D

but that's where she's wrong.


but she's less than 150 centimeters tall.
That's as many as 1.5 meters, or 4 feet and 11 inches.

do I ever.

Oh yeah!


>only have good qualities
>not wife material
You lost me

We need to go even thicker.

pastebin where?


>That doujin
It made me diamonds. Eyebrows are truly the thinking man's fetish

Generally supposed to represent serious girls

I developed a fetish for it.


Why do people like thick eyebrows? They're disgusting

They're cute.

Not really into them. Still better in 2d than 3d but that's a given.

Small and bushy.


>Starting a topic bringing 3DPD

those... eyebrows...

Red was always the best choice


sauce on this? used google, yandex, iqdb, etc

God damn she is a cutie

I just love thick eyebrows. I want to rub them while telling a girl that she's cute


the wizard's birthday


How thick is too thick?

what the. why is this cropped. give me some tags to work with


nvm, i found it

4 hours and the 3D pig is not deleted.
You're supposed to protect my eyes, mods.


Why do girls with big eyebrows look mad all the time?


Came expecting Mugi

Was not disappoint

Thick girls, thick brows.


Best girl of the millennium.

>Inio evny K-On with its CGDCT
>Created this cute girl with thick eyebrows as FeMC in his new series
I'm sure this girl is inspired by Mugi's cuteness.

Ebino Mei from Hatsukoi Zombie

yes pls

>she won't win

What, is there some flat tsundere bitch who is set up to win?


My wife Mugi is so cute.

Eve is best girl anyway.

>she won't win
>eve will disappear

I regret reading it, fuck.

She will win and you will win the lottery next week


Joaquin Phoenix in a dress

ouran is my girlfriend

i didn't think about it until now but all the 3d i've ever been interested have had thick eyebrows

>the Muronaga doujins

Yes, yes perfect.

How about idols with thick eyebrows?

The thicker the eyebrows, the better the girl. It's just science.


She is beautiful

>this artist


Best 3DPD eyebrowfu is prime Jennifer Connelly

Anons of fine taste, I see.

I regret not noticing this thread in the last eight hours


>Her H scenes involve nipple-fucking
Goddamn I love breasts but I HATE this fetish

Especially when paired with lactation, a fetish I actually like. Yeah no, sorry, someone came in there I don't trust what's coming out

My nigga

Dam, dem anime tiddies

>wasted on Taimanin

>Make the sexiest brown girl ever
>Make her actual porn unfappable
I wonder what her three sizes are

>physically thick AND thick eyebrows

This is a good thread.

>Especially when paired with lactation, a fetish I actually like. Yeah no, sorry, someone came in there I don't trust what's coming out

>tfw brunette with thicker black eyebrows and glasses

it feels good. i love to have thick brows

Get out.

help a nigga out, I'm too buzzed to do this on my own right now and I have a dire need

cara has a manface, doesn't count
depends on the face

Fuck this gave me a rock hard diamond erection

We need more christmas cake bosses

Birdy is miracle of the universe