The Final Solution II

Solved the race issue. Mixed the Chinks and Nogs together. Result? Decent IQ's. No more dindus.

lots of blasians around. they seem to be a generally happy bunch.

already on it senpai

Fucking tard. Chinks will teach them to be smarter, sneakier, greedier, and more loyal to their own. Plus kung fu.

You just proposed engineering super dindus.

I’m black and I would love to be with a Chinese or a Vietnamese woman. Fuck hair-hatted hooligans.

Da chink no da wey.

are you saying a legendary nigger saiyan will rise up?

Tiger was pretty good until he cheated on his super model scandinavian wife

Hmmm... Yes...... Tell me more of your plan?

Airdrop a bunch of teenage chinks into Chicago

Her character felt entirely out of place, felt like I was watching some stupid comedy like the big bang theory every scene she was in. Not mention their whole gallivanting across the Galaxy was P.O.I.N.T.L.E.S.S.

fucking americans

>fake teeth
>pinned ears
>plastic cheeks
>drugged eyes

and that's just tiger.

I still think the most plausible plan after doing absolutely nothing at all would be to give them their own state so 1. They're not shitting up all the stats and fucking with white people, and 2. They'll eventually kill each other off.
>Inb4 giving US soil to niggers

I don't mind that. Save the asian qts for me while you keep your white whores.

You should see what the heroin addicts in Gloucester look like lol

Yes yes give the niggers the fat whites whores and chinese.

You'll get a special specimen with white facial features. African muscular bodies. and the chinese skin tone and work ethic. perfect perfect perefect

He looks like a filipino
She looks like a polack

The whole movie was poorly written and directed. The nostalgia is gone
>when you predict the story, outcomes and "plot twists" 20 minutes into the movie and get everything right

that will just create an even uglier and disgusting mongrel race, my amerimutt friend

That's what Filipinos actually are. They're the result of native negritos mixed with all sorts of Chinese and Malay ethnic groups with a tiny dash of Spanish in only a small portion of the upper class. Filipinos would have you think that there's a significant Spanish/European admixture, but that's entirely false. Taking a visit to the Philippines will instantly reveal to you that the vast majority of Filipinos are extremely dark-skinned and look tribal/native.

Except that, by and large, Chinese people (and probably most other Asians) won't marry black people. We don't even want to talk to them.

I'm Chinese and my family runs a bunch of restaurants. The ones in the black neighborhoods get the shittiest food, because we don't think blacks are people.

I almost feel sorry for Dindu Solo, that kiss was literally rape culture in action.