Considering that homosexuality has been apart of western culture for thousands of years (pagans and Greeks)...

Considering that homosexuality has been apart of western culture for thousands of years (pagans and Greeks). Can an LGBT person be altright or fascist? Why or why not.

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You got punked by Comcast into electing their orange puppet.

Homosexuality is a product of bourgeois capitalist decadence. All faggots should be sent to the gulags.

I'd definitely side with them over some marxist filth, and over most anarchists, lmao. Wouldn't say so unless you're some weird fucking celibate "catholic" or christian.

I think fascists are funny as fuck and I've hung out with white supremacists and natsocs my whole life, but I don't think any gay people would thrive under their state.

Only if you don't have sex with men

Buttsex causes polyps which can lead to cancer

Gays are a strain on society


alt-right is full of fags, but I'm sure you already know that.

Anyone can be. Just don't go around waving your dick in front of my kids.


kys faggot


discord gg/qqrjCz

add a .

Hahaha nice larping show your real flag, I bet your a middle class white American.

Wrong. I'm not white faggot.


Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

Ah you got me

Homoqueers will hang right next to the niggers on the day of the rope


No, because you rely on "tolerance" and "equality" and a big state to protects your rights and person from being beaten to death. That makes you forever drawn to the left and thus an enemy (degeneracy aside).

LGBT has nothing to do with gay and lesbian. LGBT is a political lobby group. Gays and lesbian should separate from that shitty movement

Nobody with any self-respect identifies as "LGBT". That term has come to signify the hedonistic excess and self-obsession which that group of people has come to embody.

Can somebody be a proud nationalist who works towards the betterment of their own people, and is also incidentally gay? Yes. But when being gay (or whatever other mental illness those degenerates want to normalize) becomes your identity, then you've already made up your mind against anything besides you.

Anything to hasten the decline of religion though I am all for.

Problem with western culture is when it tries to normalize and present everything, which on itself is breaking the rights of some other people who don't want to be presented as it. You see if you allow gays like USA does, then your sexuality will change and you will all become gay. Never forget that you have all laws for everybody the same aka equality, so everything you allow influences everybody.

I'd be okay with the death of faith if there were no non-whites on earth.

>western culture

Have you seen that movie with Ryan Gosling, where he plays a neo nazi jew?

Putting that aside, there shouldn't be any problem.
Altright is a internet meme, a umbrella term to define LARPers that take themsevles too far.
Fascism can be seen in two ways: as a moral standard, or an economical/political ideology.
If you believe those two are the same, no, you can't play the homo nazi. If you believe that morals are tied to a specific time in history, and an authoritarian and nationalistic state is something you dig into, you're free as the wind.

I agree with this sentiment but there are PLENTY of Christians who speak against gays but have non-white kids (adopted).

I don't particularly care for non-whites or organized religion.

furthermore, kill yourself

um, wow, no need to be rude!

Perhaps we could settle this with a rap battle?


Kys degenerate faggot

Being a Homosexual and a Nazi/ Alt Right is Cognitive Dissonance.
Being a Nazi or Alt Right in the modern Western world post-WW2 and post-Cold War is Cognitive dissonance.

That Doesn’t make there facts wrong

truth be told, NO!

they have their own agenda and you ain't part of it!

What does ones sexual orientation have to do with their other political beliefs? I'm an faget but I still want the ethnostate and a return to traditional values, where the nuclear family is a central pillar and children aren't groomed by degenerate propaganda. I know many other gay dudes that feel the same too

It does in that your facts are outdated and wrong.

Who is Dr. Gene Abel? I've never heard of him. Is he still alive? Is he a Christian shill?

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?


>BBC poll
Lol I'm sure this was intellectually honest. Where did they do their survey, some college campus or inner city?

The Romans and the Greeks had little problem with it, and they were the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. The homosexuality stigma really only started with Christianity, and only reached its height through the state building efforts in the 19th century to keep population growth up.

What's wrong with it today is homosexual identity. In Sparta many people were bi, straight or gay but it didn't effect your lifestyle beyond who you had sexual relations with.

Internet survey across the country:

And yet I'm sure you find intellectually honest a random woman's survey of gay men conducted at a 90s pride parade that purports to show nearly 50% of gays were molested :^)

>tfw you're too fucking stupid to realize most gay men wouldn't touch those ugly brown, hairy sand poeple with a 10 ft pole
>tfw you're too fucking stupid to realize that no homosexual gives a fuck you're posting ugly men getting stoned
>tfw you're too fucking stupid to realize gay men abhor ugly men, ie: 99% of all men from those sand people regions of the world

how fucking stupid can one be???
