Isekai in a nutshell

Is this picture accurate you guys?

Should've just made one category and named it "shit"

Wow, we've never had this thread before!

>not having cahracter development
I shouldn't respond to bait, but at least try.

Digimon Tamers confirmed for GOAT?

I get the feeling you didn't watch basically any of these,

>character development no
>world building yes
Someone clearly did not watch that anime.

log horizon deaths cause memory loss. it's a death in installments

But it's only useless things like the names of streets or pets

>World Building

if you die more often you'll eventually lose important things. and pets are important to some people

SAO has world building. It just happens to be stupid.

No. Kill yourself tripfag.

I'll never properly understand what character development mean. I've seen all of them and all the characters stay the same as they started. We get to know some quirks about their personality at times, but I never warrant any of them to actually change.

Where is MKR?


it's "i'm a contrarian shit" the chart

Nirvana has 0 of these.

Don't lump in Escaflowne, .hack, and 12 kingdom with the rest of that garbage. That word wasn't even a genre when those anime were made

When is some next big isekai coming like mt or shieldbro that I can read daily with Sup Forums ?

Whoever made that chart apparently doesn't know anything about Overlord. Overlord is all about world building, the characters don't die permanently because there is resurrection, and character development is very much present.

if you mean main characters, sure. others do not come back.

lol no
There are better ways to explain why certain LNs are shit, or to defend the quality of the LNs you like, than to just blatantly lie about certain aspects of them.

"Have an important objective" is a bad thing.

Gagaran and Tia.

So only the characters that matter at all and the audience cares about are immune to death? It feels appropriate to only consider whether death applies to those characters rather than the red shirts in the background.

>muh open world slice of life shit
You watch that stuff because you want to watch people being normies right?

I'll bite

>implying normalfags act like sol chars

Rather than immune to death they can be resurrected. and yeah i agree with you.

And that's being super liberal with 'Betrayal' and 'Revenge'

Since we're talking isekai, is there an user that can TL this?

>read stranger handbook
>thought it would be harem after certain chapters, but after more chapters it's confirmed not harem
>even more the MC and his waifu are both yandere

>no world building
Yeah, this is bait.

Where's Boo Boo on the list?

Thats more isekai anime list than LN list you know

>mc not overpowered
Why am I even posting here.

>implying Boo Boo isn't going to get an anime adaptation soon

season 2 never

No game no life is the best one out of all those on that list though

You could use this for now.

>Boo Boo

>no idea what to do
>ignoring the fact that nobody remembers home
>implying that's unrealistic

I is isekai'd character in Booboo?

*Who is

>no character development

Is this character development?

>characters die permanently

Tamers isn't isekai, it's about Digimon in the real world.

Going back home isn't te obective in 12 kingdoms, she actually wants to stay after a while.

The MC Beatrice and the rest of the other adventurers from Earth.

>have fun


This. Some of it's ok, but much of it exists for the convenience of the plot.
That said, Alicization goes pretty crazy in-depth with world building, that it requires 10 volumes to tell.

>No character development
Just because it's shitty character development, doesn't mean there's none.

That's like the first half of it

What? It's true

That's not their objective tho...
It's to kill the demon king and return home.

They're just all so incompetent that they never do.

where is those who hunt elves?

>12 Kingdoms
>have an important objective
>go back home
>this objective for Youko

Youko only thinks about going back in the beginning, and latter only because she wishes she could talk somethings with her "parents", and that's it. Youko have more important goals and is a being that always belonged to that other world.
12 Kingdoms is much more than a simple Isekai.


A lot of wrong stuff on that chart.

Konosuba actually does have character development and world building in the light novels. Megumin's goal is expanded on, Darkness becomes more serious, and the mysteries of the world are slowly unveiled while still keeping the comedy.


So close.

So basically 12 kingdom , digimon tamers, and escaflowne are the only ones worth our time ?

>No Outbreak Company
No, it's shit.

This list is shit. Why is tamers on there, but not Adventure. And El Hazard is nowhere to be seen.

Overlord definitely has worldbuilding.


Yea if you want to be bored to death.

Technically Tomoe, Mio, and Shiki are slaves

The revenge and betryal squares should just be filled black not just one line through

Digimon Tamers is overrated, adventure was great!!!!


Adventure is good (and so is 02, fuck off) but you got it the other way around, Tamers isn't even nearly as popular.


They are Isekai. Also Digimon/Now and Then, Here and There/Kiba did exist.

>group of students are isekai'd
>MC becomes one of the most powerful beings in the world in the first vol
Technically both are true.

Adventure is only half-good


Why normies enjoy this kind of anime series so much? My brother doesn't stop talking about how good are re:zero and SAO. The only anime of the list i like is konosuba. I know is shit but at least is funny.

Because in the west things like SAO and Rezero are way more popular, even stuff like masume kuns revenge gets more views on kissanime which is used more by westerners i assume.

Normalfags enjoy the fantasy because they actually hate their lives. Deep down they know without validation through facebook likes, they would've killed themselves long ago.

pffffft. yeah you're right

just another reason everyone should watch Digimon Tamers at least once, it's honestly such a great series

>more by westerners
Are you from Europe or some Asian country? The way you use "west" suggests that.

Yea my bad, should've referred them as white trash.

Australia, which is a relatively small market compared to america.

You forgot Dunbine

>World building = Yes
>Character died permanently = Yes
>Character development = Yes
>Important objective = Defeat the conquering warlord
>MC overpowered = possible, but it will kill him.


So mainstream anime is the same as America? I've always wondered how people from other countries perceive anime what they like.

You forgot elves and the free space

>MC is too young to care about girls
>MC is male in a largely female world
>MC can fight in and out of mech
the most tasteful isekai with extremely tasteful girls

Not entirely. For those of Nazerick ressurection is a thing for Ainz unknown didnt had the chance to test that at this point.
Ressurection magic exists in the NW but those that can use it are rare and those that wants to be ressurected needs to be a certain strenght otherwise they will just turn into ash, So in short its out of reach for the common folk or nobles only if they are adventureres and reached a certain point they are able to be ressurected.
Ressurection itself from the NW weakens the ressurected and if they dont work up their strenght again they can potentially be not ressurected anymore.

So ressurections is more out of the norm then being the norm.

> Permanent death
Question, what about a transmigration or reincarnation cycle into a new world? Is that supposed to be bad or what?

it's a bingo about what cliches does the LN in question include. Assume permaent death is permanent death, if they die they fucking stay dead.

But they are already dead within their old world or along those lines permanently. With reincarnation or transmigration, we assume it is a norm and it is a cycle of life, death, and rebirth anew from the beginning.

if they die in the other world and don't get revived or reincarnated into it then permanent death. also how ya doin


Technically he's already one f the most powerful.

He was a shitty salaryman and became a lich god in the first volume.
I also stretched it a bit with the evil god and demon king ones because the evil gods are considered that by the people and weren't legit deities and the demon king is just the MC rusing everyone.

Nice bait.