NyaaTorrents has shutdown for good


Thread theme:

Previous thread

>having anything to do with nyaa
>linking to previous thread
Mods, please nuke this thread.

>believing this faggot

Keep panicking and falling for it, Sup Forums.

I watched the whole Madoka Magica series plus the OAV, can I get an invite please?

Nice, a Nyaa memorial general

Is this a good time to switch back to VHS?

Watch out for Taneli Daiz Vatanen
The public enemy of fansubbing #1
He is the main responsible for...
> Crunchyroll
> HorribleSubs
> Making ElitistFags quit
> Killing fansubbing yearly
> Hostile takeover of Commie
> Holding subs hostage and forcing people to use Commie
> The development of the .H264 10-bit profile
> The development of the future .H265 10-bit profile
> Attempted assassination of Coalgirls and Sakura!Fish
> Attempted assassination of Sup Forums (ongoing)
> Successful assassination of ZeroYuki, Grumpy Jii-san, and Ken-sama
> Successful assassination of Saki: Achiga-hen character, Onjouji Toki
> Successful assassination of the authors of "Kaze no Stigma", "MM!", and 'Zero no Tsukaima'
> Shutting down the NyaaTorrents tracker
> Flooding Thailand to increase HDD prices and promote 10-bit video
> Shutting down Eri Kitamura's Twitter account
> Shutting down BitGamer
> Soiling Game of Thrones with unwatchable 10-bit
> Removing loli and rape from TVTropes
> Ruining a Q&A session with Hadena's Head of Public Relations
> Extreme homophobia
> Humiliating Mitsuhiro Ichiki
> Monopolizing Norio Wakamoto's signatures at Desucon Finland
> Suggesting Rotoscoping for Aku no Hana
> Eoten
> Sabotaging official encoders' efforts in order to make hobbyists look good


His ultimate goal is to kill anime.
However, you can stop him. Spread this list!


Actually kill yourself.

like it or not, streaming is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you torrentfags

s-somebody pls invite me to ab
[email protected]

Welp, I am off the phone with Takajiri, he's shutting it down for good because of the new EU regulations

>yfw Nyaa comeback as private tracker

Is this really the end?

I love this new pasta

Why is Daiz so bald?

Streaming is under attack as well. Face it, buying anime is the future. But since you guys are all poor, your only option is to kill yourselves

SadPanda is probably going to be fine, assuming that free sites (e.g.- that, E-Hentai) are spared from any government interference.


>when Sup Forums gets filled with underage normalfags because streaming is the only way to get anime

Who cares? Only a couple of faggots like you use shit like Nyaa. The rest of us stream

Because he's the embodiment of cancer.

The EU can't collapse fast enough.

like it or not, streaming is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you torrentfags

You need to go back.

considering the last thread was the fastest on the board, you're obviously completely fucking wrong and you should feel ashamed for being so ignorant.

how did it come to this

Say it with me:


like it or not, streaming is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you torrentfags

>everybody acting like it's the apocalypse of torrenting
Wew lad.


Please tell me someone got the magnet links for all Fakku tanks and batch releases

I haven't checked it in the last 6 months

I'm literally shaking right now.

What will happen now? Will animu torrents start being uploaded on general trackers like TPB?

Not panicking as it's been ded before but it definitely made me go look for my baka account, thank god I found it 4 days before it was purged.

I'd be extremely sad if nyaa does die for good though.

>applications closed
gonna kms

where are we suppose to get animes now?

>animebytes account was disabled for inactivity ages ago
>gotta beg mods in IRC to re-enable it, but too scared of rejection

like it or not, streaming on crunchyroll is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you lawbreaking dorks

pls invite

dumb frogposter

Fuck off cancer.

Thank god I just downloaded all the Hibike Euphonium raw novels right before this happened

>commie's site down
Where's herkz on damage control?

>lawbreaking dorks
a nice twist

We all know this is bullshit, come on Sup Forums.

Just get a CR account :)

Just stream. I recommend 9anime

Crunchyroll reigns supreme. Booyah bay-bee.

I recommend Laserdiscs.

Will you seed what you dl or just seed?

Hourly reminder that HS is full of trolls and that the site is still marked as active in whois records despite their claims otherwise.

>nyaa going down because of EU retarded regulations and courts decisions
>this happens before election in France
>Le Pen wins thanks to angry animefags and crash EU with no survivors
Let this happen.

>rushing to make a shitty video to cash in on the drama

Honestly pathetic.

Maybe he's finally finishing that Mahoyo translation.

Has anyone asked in their irc channel?

should i just keep using baka bt then?

Daiz NO, STOP!

Please see

When will the EU just die?

Frenchies better vote for Le Pen.

Aren't they hosted on the same server as Nyaa?

>site is down
>has gone down before
>"speculating the issue"
Holy shit, this place is a nuthouse.

Taking Sukebei is the real tragedy I can't deal with

>Dl everything I watch
>4TB of anime
I think I can wait it out

I have a 1.7 ratio on bakabt but take that how you will.

like it or not, streaming is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you torrentfags.

Come on lad. We're just having fun.

Everyone knows it's going to come back up in a week or so.

Le Pen will make anime real

>finishing anything

Yo who wants a Jpopsuki invite for a animebytes invite

480p is enough for me so i'm good i guess

>not rutracker
haha cyka

Just enjoy the ride. That's what Sup Forums is like, panic first, reason never.

like it or not, streaming is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you torrentfags.

He's right, you know.

>invite trading


Time to vote Le Penn

like it or not, daiz is the future for anime

The torrents are still up, right?

I need to finish downloading Monster Strike and Sonic X.

Panicking on the internet is fun.

too busy shoving meme cartel dick up his ass

It already is 80% reddit and tumblr, fag

b-but muh daily JAV releases.

You're fucking kidding right?

like it or not, streaming is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you torrentfags.

You gotta spread panic. Maybe some actual retards here will finally fuck off or kill themselves out of despair.
Thin out the braindead herd.

This is the real loss here. God fucking no

like it or not, streaming is the future for anime
just accept it and submit defeat you torrentfags.

Thanks, Trump!

CR win.
Loser NEET pedos lose.

Just stream until Nyaa comes back you fucking retards

Well the thing isn't that the site is down, it's that the domain as a whole is just gone

Thank God I have an account on Baka BT

Not gonna lie, former Nyaa user here. This is hilarious to watch Sup Forums crash and burn. But seriously we can't let these guys get the private tracker invites.

First for the anime western translation commercialization bubble must pop, and anime must returned to our niche sub groups.

To deny this means you support normies watching anime and you are a normie Normies do not matter, nor do you understand or care. YOU DONT FUCKING CARE, LEAVE.


I'll send some titties to whoever sends me an animebytes invite.

[email protected]

REEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I want to watch Naruto and Attack on Titan! How am I going to find my anime without nyaa?

I know I should remain optimistic for the time being; it's just a bit hard to tell apart the panickers from the shitposters.

Caved in and got a Crunchyroll subscription. I need my fix.

Same here. BBT account also deactived.