Why did Arabs castrate their slaves when Americans did not?


Because Americans had more moral fiber.

>ID is TIms

My Canadian life is complete.

Because they were more expensive in America and it made sense to breed them.

Better foresight

because they wanted little niglets to carry on the family tradition

Because we converted our slaves to Christianity whereas the muzzies didn't convert theirs to islam. You'll notice in the history books that the muzzies didn't castrate their illegitimate offspring with their slaves because they were born into the muslim faith, and thus subject to equal treatment under the law as a muslim. This is also why North Africans and Arabs have considerable nigger DNA(10-30% depending on what region) but Americans don't.

Racially speaking, it's better to have a 90% pure populace than a 100% homogenous impure populace. Of course this is lost on people who don't know their history.


The level of ignorance on here is sad. Know thy enemy.

Arabs castrated slaves because they forced their slaves to convert to Islam. The son of muslim is considered a muslim under Sharia law and it's forbidden for muslims to enslave muslims.

This is why muslims did not stop capturing and selling slaves until Europeans stopped them.

Americans had no such insanity. We bred our slaves to replace slaves each generation. The slave trade steadily declined and even the Confederate States outlawed the importation of slaves, because they believed they had enough to fulfill their economic needs already.

and michael moore looks like a fat jewish lesbian

Economics and logistics

Africa is close to the arabs so it was super easy for them to get new slaves

Americans/French/Spanish/British had to sail to africa and back again, and there was way more demand than supply initially

If there were 500 million Africans upstream of the Mississippi they would have all had their nuts cut off.

You mean roaches. What a retard.

Because Americans banned the importation of slaves long before they banned the slave trade. BBC was the only source of new product. I blame you for this, Nige.

That's part of it but the basis is economics. If the arabs had to sail across the atlantic to get new slaves they wouldn't have castrated them.

*slave trade meaning buying and selling of local slaves as opposed to those imported from Africa

muslims could just go and get more any time they wanted

thereby externalizing the costs of food, housing, medical


>it made sense to breed them
(((to whom???)))

Southerners were greedy as fuck and didn't want to have to buy more slaves they wanted to be able to make more.


>Yeah let's import niggers!
>They surely won't breed and hate us later!!

we understood like other livestock you breed the best to produce the best offspring so they can work harder for you in the future

>Thinking Muslims only got slaves from Africa
>thinking Muslims slaved for economic reasons

Leaf, the major Muslim slaving grounds were, in chronological order, Arabia, Levant, Iran, Caucausus, North Africa, Ethiopia, Anatolia, Sicily, Spain, Transoxiana, Zanzibar, India, Volga steppe, Kiev, Mali, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Balkan Peninsula,

Muslims enslave to spread their religion. They depleted their slave grounds until either they gained control of the region and forced heathens to become kafir and pay the jizya or had force converted everyone to Islam. This is the primary method by which Islam spread. The early Caliphs were literally too successful in gaining political control of regions and had less than 15% of their population converted to Islam, which forced them to look ever further afield for slaves.

The only time in muslim history when economics entered the slave trade was under the Ottomans who, needing more slaves and not seeing anywhere to get them, imposed the "blood tax" on their Balkan subjects, literally forcing christian subjects to give up their children for the insatiable muslim lust for slaves.

Furthermore, most of the demand for slaves was to force them to serve in their armies. Muslim freemen rarely wanted to fight, preferring filthy trade, "decadence", or scholarly pursuits. So this insatiable slavery machine was mostly to get slave soldiers to capture more slaves to ultimately create more muslims. Muhammad was a fucking psychopath.

America outlawed imported slavery long before the civil war. The only way for slave owners to maintain/produce their slave workforce was to breed it.

Honestly what the fuck does michael moore eat to get this fucking disgusting?

I mean he's a special kind of flabby. Like a 6000 calorie a day not get out of bed ever kinda flabby. Fucking eww.

Empathy is the white mans greatest strength and greatest weakness.

Michael Moore is absolutely grotesque.

apparently the idea didn't work and neither do they

Sloppy Michael Moore indeed

Right? I only clicked on this thread because I was so shocked by how terrible he looks. Zero muscle tone in his arms, looks like something is genetically wrong with him.

that's a good thing, then even if you eventually grant them rights they just die off in one generation

damn. Jabba the Hut has really let himself go since Star Wars. looks like he ate pizza the Hut too damn many times.

To slave sellers who didnt want to pay for more people to be shipped across the fucking ocean and wair months and have 1/3 die on the way. Can you into business user?

>The level of ignorance on here is sad.
>because they forced their slaves to convert to Islam
you happen to have sources on this?

This rich morbidly obese ass tries to preach to us. wtf

That wouldn't be a problem if slavery was never abolished.

Based. You won't repeat this feat ever again though..