I had blue eyes and blond hair as a kid but then my hair turned brown

I had blue eyes and blond hair as a kid but then my hair turned brown.

It's not fucking fair, pol.


Go outside more you basement dwelling neckbeard, your hair needs the sun to rebleach it. You'll be blond if you spent more than 10 minutes a month outside.

This is a whites only thread, Amerimutt.

Achmed, I have currently blond hair and blue eyes, you are objectively less white than I am.

>inb4 nonsense that would make a beor non-white.

Go outside.

Same here. I get blonde highlights being in the sun, and have started lightening my hair naturally with honey, tea, lemon, etc..

You were fucked from the start, kid. You were born in a 3rd world shithole. Your hair color couldn't save you from being Niggered.

Same. My sister still has platinum blonde but I have a brown with light streaks.

Fucking shit skin, absolutely degenerate.

i have black hair black eyes black skin

im 100% white though. heil hitler

Good, blonde hair looks like shit on men anyways

so you were a changeling all along.

fuck off Mahmood

>born with black hair and olive skin
>now have sheet-white skin and platinum blonde hair

Entirely from British Isles DNA pool too, I have no idea what the fuck happened.

That happened to me too. I was blonde when I was a kid with blue / green eyes and now I have brown hair and green eyes

Your hair is lacking vitamins and nutrients you would get from a healthy diet and sunlight.
Lay off the hot pockets, stop shitposting here, and go outside to get exercise and vitamin D.

Me too OP. This is common.

Lol you morphed into a mutt

I did too. Now my hair is brown and my eyes are hazel. Has anyone in the history of the world used the word hazel except on eyes?

I had super bright blonde hair as a kid

it's so sad how it darkens with age :(

OP could try henna, that would be socially acceptable in Englandistan.


>had bright blue eyes as a child
>now have gray/green eye with yellow closer to the pupil

what fucking happened Sup Forums what did the vaccines do to me?


>tfw had blonde hair till around ten
>grey eyes in my baby book
>hazel eyes and brown hair now


Those grapes sure are sour.

I have really light skin and light blue eyes, I still count as an aryan right? Even if my hair darkened :P


I too was a blond hair blue eyed babe.
What are the Jews putting in the environment to darken us?

Apparently women prefer dark hair, although that might be different in countries where blonde hair is more common.

They have shampoos that add blonde coloring back into your hair. I'm thinking of trying one just for a touch more color


Don't do that, it will look fake. People will think you're a fag. Only way to do it is to go to a salon and get your hair dyed, which costs $40 or more

lol same, eyes turned dark as fuck gray too

nah if you get the decent stuff it works pretty well, you can't really tell. It doesn't lighten it that much.

One of my best friends is a licensed hairdresser, she can get me the professional stuff for cheap

>implying that's a bad thing

Why are you posting photos of crying frogs? Man up dildo

God saw it fit to take the gift away from you, what did you do britbong?

lol, mudslime-meme flag. f urself.
pic related to the google search "mediterranian people" ;)

>born with reddish hair and blue eyes
>red hair turned blond
Feels good.

I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes, but the same thing happened for a little while, now it's reverting back, my brunette hair is turning reddish blonde and my eyes basically green

Blonde hair is blonde because it lacks pigment. Brown hair has pigment. You can't shampoo your hair to strip pigment. Those shampoos are a meme. I'm a moderator of a haircare forum and on there people have found honey lightening to work since it contains small amounts of peroxide.



Why does this happen? Hair was plarinum blonde as a young child. Turned to dark brown as years went by. However, now in my late 20s its very light brown with blonde streaks.

well if you're already blonde, you don't have to strip pigment?

I guess I could just get my friend to lighten my hair it's just a pain to have to do it when the roots get dark

I am pale, 6'3 with brown eyes and hair.

How did that happen? From a genetic standpoint.

same, but i grew my hair out and it gradually turns bright yellow down to the tips. chicks dig it

The Jews did it.

just bleach it senpai


All blonde men are either twinks or neanderthals

Nords are a fetish race

still trying to figure that out, all I know women love it, especially blonde women

i know the feel my bong
My hair turned dark and my eyes grey

Julius Evola said Aryan is a state of mind.

>had straight brown hair as a kid
>turned pure black and slightly wavy at 13
Can't tell if this is good or bad, but I've always wanted black hair

congrats OP, you went through puberty. men don't have blond hair

If there were to be a single thread at the moment as to why Sup Forums shouldn't be taken seriously, this would be it.

muh nigga, ppl look at me as if im crazy when i say i got yellow flakes in my blue iris
i knew a american indian chick, if she looked towards the sun for 10-20 seconds, her fucking iris would change from pure brown, to having orange and gold flakes through them, no fucking lenses or any bs
shit was a little fucking spooky(and hawt) desu

but never stick yer dick in spooky

I had the same thing OP

Blind hair blue eyes

My hair turned brown right around the time I started watching (((television)))

Yeah, all blonde people haven't ever watched television. Retard.

My hairdresser suggested doing blonde highlights and slowly going totally blonde. She said if you had blonde hair as a kid that it will look good with your skin tone.

Your original body was replaced and you were shifted to another dimension, also Hitler had blue eyes instead of brown in this dimension

Sixty fucking posts and nobody mentions that testosterone darkens hair

This is why dirty blonde is the best men's hair color, light blonde is for women

Hitler shares your feels.

Why would any form of blonde be the best for men when darker hair denotes testosterone?

I had extremely light blond hair and brown eyes as a child. My hair is now brown, and eyes green.

Pure Germanic ancestry as far as I know, as well. Strange.

>blonde hair & blue eyes are what makes you 'white'
All kurds and afghanis please leave.

>I had blue eyes and blond hair as a kid but then my hair turned brown.

same here... I got green eyes though, so that's cool.

damn user are you me?

honestly i find brown hair + blue eyes to be the best looking combination, better than blond hair, i also find their some of the most successful with people too

those are some sweet genetics you got there leaf

I'm a boer and I have blond hair and grey eyes.

I like the idea of a ghost Hitler always being with me and advising me, and in a way mentoring me.

Fuck off, cunt.

Post another picture of your face, you look cute :3

The same was with me. It is normal for North Europeans. More older you get, more darker hair you got. Then your hair will stop getting darker. It's happens with 90% of North Europeans.

The sun turns my hair red and it looks gayer than I am

I've had DARK brown/brown my entire life. fuck yourself

I had jet black hair down to my shoulders when i was born. After a year it sent brown.
>After 40 years there is not much of that brown hair left...

Who the fuck are the kids being born with full heads of hair

I was, 24 now, black hair, blue eyes.

Stop shitposting on Sup Forums, please.



It seems to be more common in women for the hair to stay blonde than in men even among siblings, I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with mens biological makeup

>tfw still blonde with green/blue eyes
Women seem to like dirty-blonde/brown hair more than blonde on guys though so I don't know what to feel

You are not white.
Welcome to the club.

Seems like it, i was blonde as a kid now im light brown, my sister however is still blonde.

same :(

If youre not 6'2 with over 130 IQ, 7 inch cock, blonde hair, blue eyes, strong jaw and chin, flawless skin, strong, athletic body, germanic nose, and a strong brow..
You will not make them nazi eugenics program. Your blood line will be stomped out

If you already have less than 3 of the above traits you will be some of the first to be extrminated

Eye color doesn't change mutt.
