How do I reconcile having black friends with hating nigs?

I participate in the nigger hate threads and yearn for the day of the rope as much as the rest of you fags, but at the same time I have black friends in my life who I cherish deeply and are genuine people.

They aren't monkeys, they are the civilized and white-acting nignogs who you wouldn't be able to tell are black apart from their skin. How can I resolve this cognitive dissonance of having black friends who are good people with thinking that blacks should be physically removed? Maybe some of you can relate.

I have a castizo friend who is considers himself white but he is a blue pilled degenerate so I have to red pill him.

Exceptions to the rule, fag. What are you, a woman? Besides, the biggest problem with them is the unpredictability of their offspring. There are decent black people out there, of course.

Not all black people are niggers. Just like not all white people are trailer trash. Just like not all gays are flaming. Just like not all lesbians aren't dykes. Just like not all men are rapists.

Or you know, just follow suit in the bigotry and wonder why no one understands you either.

You need to kill your friends for white race or you are a cuck. /thread.

do whatever you want.

join in the fun. there needs be no reason. keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums

>tfw you have a black friend who hates it when nigs are nogging just as much as you

>How do I reconcile having black friends with hating nigs?
I don't have black friends.

If you aren’t a complete autist then you will understand that good normal people tend to judge based on the individual. Group demographics and statistics aside the individual can prove himself to be good or bad. It’s a matter of character. There are noble Africans just like there are degenerate Europeans. Statistics state that this tends to be a minority. There are always outliersbbut when it comes to culture and society the individual does not matter. You can be a white nationalist and still have black friendsgiven that they are of good character and not degenerates. It would be better to have a black friend of strong moral character than to have a white friend that acts like a degenerate.

You don't have to do the physical removal yourself. You pay into a system that will hire the kinds of people who can stomach that kind of work. And the worst treatment will naturally be reserved for blacks actively resisting the existence of a white nation-state. The rich, smart ones who don't resent whites will just avoid the conflict altogether.

there are black people and then there are niggers
there are white people and then there are honkeys
get the gist?

its simple just think of them as your house niggas

Blacks =/= nigs. I myeelf seen a couple of well educated black men. And then there are nigs.


Well by your logic white trash and you are the same, just dressed in different clothes.

Assume all blacks are niggers until they prove otherwise.

You don't /thread yourself stupid newfag

I can't see how the things you are saying are even remotely true if you "yearn for the day of the rope". There is no way you can be friends with non-whites if that statement is accurate as it means you are planning to kill them in the future.

Op you need to understand that nigs are nigs nothing more, no matter how they co ceal it they will eventually show you their true nature just sevete the bonds before that happens

Got many niggers in squat-land?
Imagine my shock.

This. Individuals and populations are different things. Individuals are judged on individual merit, populations are judged on what their society is willing to tolerate. This isn't hard. OP is a Faggot.
Also, $age


wise. Most people have never been in a position to do anything very wrong without any consequences, people who seem entirely fine can turn on a dime when the chips are down.