Website closed due to the prospect of facing harsh penalties under European Union legislation.Looks like (((they))) are behind this

curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=190142&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=353907 Linking to illegal stuff was already illegal since the last year, Nyaa was just surviving over it.


PIC RELATED with new information regarding the case.

New law in Europe has made the closing of the site real, get informed in this discussion.

so basically it was the jews

So where do I get torrents now? I put all my eggs in one basket with Nyaa.



You mean the European Court of Justice.

this was sarcasm

lets hope they move it to another country. There really needs to be a nation that allows anything to be hosted in their nation. Sort of like the bit torrent version of the swiss banks.

Love it or hate it, crunchyroll and funimation are the new go-to for anime

just put servers in russia o china

Yeah if I was the owner, I would hide my ass to avoid getting jailed.

nyaa.se is died. The expiration date of domain was yesterday.

Fuck off with the spam, retard.

Someone post the mexinyaa I NEED ANSWERS

For Fuck Sake

Anime is replaceable there are thousands of sites under the sun, big loss is of raws, anime music, live shows etc etc.

The EU sure is b-based, guys!

I think sites like torrentproject.se index and capture every torrent file and magnet links from nyaa. Atleast, they capture extratorrent, piratepady and other big sites but not sure about nyaa.

>site admin gets executed for yaoi anime

Get fucked normalfags

>first refugees
>now this

Will (((they))) stop at nothing?

At this point fuck it, just ban Europe from Nyaa and use proxies.

What's the difference?


Meanwhile us superior streamers are carrying on like nothing has changed. Get fucked torrent fags

>implying it would have survived longer if it was located in the US

Where are you getting your manga raws mate, AB has a shit collection, BBT doesn't have them and PD is a pain.


I only care about my games. I still haven't downloaded the 2nd Grisaia.

>yfw you realize there is no escape and the only way to acquire your weaaboo stuff without political bullshit is to learn moon and live in japan

Search Mexican sub groups, most use neutral Spanish, or even better find some from Chile and Argentina they mostly use neutral Spanish.

Beware of the European Spanish garbage though.

Would you kindly kill yourself please.

Fuck off, Sup Forums.

>tfw have to nothing to worry about

Yes, this is all Sup Forums's fault. How do we destroy Sup Forums for the good of the EU, fellow 4 Channers?

Sup Forums is right for once. this is a very jew move

>Mexicans already translated umaru
>Still no English subs

>Not just buying manga because it's cheap
Wait, there are people here who still can't read moon?

Why is europe such shit a tier continent? We should nuke them already

It's not the anime people care about, nyaa had a fucking huge catalog of LNs and VNs and had some really obscure titles that are hard to find anywhere else.

what is this and how do i get it?

this. Let's ban anime once and for all

So just cut off eurofags access to the site. I see no issue. Sup Forums will be better off without them.

Why does everyone seem to use the white theme

and where's the american public anime tracker

Safe here too.

Umaru amar mucho los tacos y el tequila
Rate my spanish

old Sup Forums is more than 50% from Sup Forums, newcomer.

It's macron's and merkel's plan to ruin us. They cannot tolerate us having fun with our great tastes.

Nyaa.ru time?

Not all have been licensed and importing is pure faggotry.
Nyaa was a great place to get raws.

You realize Nyaa is actually ran by Europeans right?

>implying he was implying the US was better

culero chavo

If it exists there is probably a Mexican Spanish translation.

If it is old as fuck there is probably an European Spanish VHS somewhere, but no one wants to watch Spaniards subs.

Spain, Mexico and a big portion of latinoamerica loves Anime.

they just want you to BUY BLURAYS user.
They want to save anime once and for all.

>manga raws
He can read moon, nigger.

Did people actually use nyaa for raws? I only ever used it as a last resort, and usually it didn't help. Everything that isn't super-popular dies so fast.


It should be "Umaru ama mucho los tacos".

>tfw we're gonna go back to the days of early online anime smuggling through forums.

Micron is part of this? How so he isn't even elected yet

I feel we all knew this day would come.

>tfw only way to get new content is sending runners via "go-fast" boats to shore and downloading the latest raws before going back to intentional waters

please remember

Going to fansub websites is annoying I want the spic nyaa not the spic Doki

Is there a nyaa-type site or not?

Secret club x 1000

Impossible to get into unless you know somebody

I miss EULA, I don't miss chameleon.

From where will I get my idol concerts now fuck

>Be spic
>Can actually get pirated anime dvds for free

He supports the EU

For weekly/ monthly magazines, used to use PD till my last PC gave away.

anime ban when?

>Implying that he wasn't implying the implication

That guy is from Sup Forums, he doesn't possess any kind of thinking capacity.

>he isn't even elected yet
He was part of the gov for the last 2 years, was appointed there by rothschild and selected by hollande and merkel as the best puppet.
He doesn't even have a fucking party.

The french election is rigged, he was third everywhere but in the biggest most easily rigged town.

>Psst, Hey you, i heard you like little girls doing cute stuff
>Well i got exactly what you are looking for

Frozen layer

You don't, neon

>there is people who actually think this
It's funny because stream sites rely on torrents to get their uploads.

>look up "martin schulz february 14 2014"
>articles about how Israeli nationalists were buttblasted he criticized their treatment of Palestinians
I'm still not sure if Sup Forums is genuinely retarded, some kind of elaborate performance bait, or both. Probably both.

Is it possible to get the database dump shown in OP image? I used Nyaa all the time to find older visual novels that were sometimes awkward to find otherwise. Would be nice to still be able to locate them.

Not for long. These sites are vanishing as well.

Hoepfully, after the Olympics. Realistically, never.

Is there anything they have that won't just be on manga-zip and/or the first page of google results for "_______ raws"?

Very cheeky for a show about girls pissing themselves when a guy hits them in the head with a bat.

Because it's default and people don't bother changing it.

blame the normalfags spreading this shit

Stop this stupid shitposting.
All unironic streamfags should just fuck off and end their incompetence.
Where the fuck do you think all these streaming sites get their anime? They sure as hell didn't make it themselves. That is, unless you are unironically paying for a CR or Funi subscription. In that case, just end yourself, you're killing anime more than you would think.

As long as you go Mexican and not Spaniard you will be safe.

European Spanish is such a fucking shitstain to neutral Spanish, seriously it's safer to go and learn Chinese than to try to enjoy it in Spaniards gibberish.

If you want torrents for English subs in Méxican platforms, well good luck in anything other than games.

apply yourself.

>There are people who don't just buy manga on Amazon jp
But why?

>Stop this stupid shitposting.
Nigger, you're in a reposted spam thread full of crossboarders discussing EU politics.

All this could be solved if some anons paid a visit to Israel and enjoyed the sights

Fuck the EU.

>everything on the internet is getting divvyed and monopolized to a few select players
>thought japense cartoons were safe

I know people always say we're past the wild west days of the net but this is getting alarming.

You first, r/anime.

>jews are ruining japan
>jews want people to support japan's economy by buying anime
when will you faggots get your stories straight

Holy shit it's CANCER

Not really nyaa was convenient and gave me better speed. Also manga-zip and rawsc might go down nyaa acted as backup.

I wish CR would stop existing.

I pay for my anime. What I don't do is pay the asking price of $80+ for 10 year old visual novels I'm interested in reading. Sukebei helped with that.

Well the EU and UN have tried to take measures in the past to shut down loli in japan

I'm not spending money.

streaming isn't much different from tormenting these days

Did you say the same thing when OM went down? "Oh, no, it's so alarming, we can't read manga anymore"? Almost zero chinese cartoons have been lost from the internet due to nyaa going down.

>not just using perfect dark