Liberalist here

Liberalist here

Why do you fear me little alt righter? Did you believe you would be safe inside the confines of your echo chamber? No ideology is without scrutiny, my arguments hold weight while yours crumble from dishonesty. Come little alt righter, follow me out of darkness and towards true enlightenment.


We got a tough guy here boys

What the hell is a liberalist

Its all just tribalism in the end. No matter what theories people surmise or what gods and prophets they invent. Tribalism is the natural instinct of social animals.

Nobody gives a fuck what you have decided to spook yourself out of basic natural reality with.

What colour am I thinking of, Richard?

Are Italians white?

Muddy white.


shawn ruby
to me
14 hours agoDetails
The biggest issue with Jews is that they'll always see themselves as a minority and will politically involve themselves as a minority, they invented a political philosophy to help export their views.
Using Marxism they will always be at odds with the majority. Marxism isn't simply a different economic principle, it's the philosophical intellectualization of being a minority.
Marxism was originally workers versus factory owners, then it became women versus the family, race versus the nation and now it's gender minorityism and the other perversions today (illegal immigrants versus native citizens).
The goal of Marxism is never to complete or connect a community it is to divide and Marxism in a majority underprivileged nation will still be divided up further into weird perversions because Marxism as a philosophy doesn't end. The base goal of it is to "get rid of the institutions holding back humanity", which ends up making more institutions.
Also, Marxism isn't epistemologically based, so it doesn't matter whether something being split up makes sense or not (gender) it just matters that there is something counteracting what already exists.
You're never going to find a complete Marxist nation which is why they fail all the time or they turn towards race and nationalism (ussr, china, nkorea).

Pick a topic to debate then brainlet, and let thy ass reaming commence.

It's Sargon's new ideology. He's such a unique individual - so enlightened by his freethinking intellectual mind, so above all the pathetic sheep - that he invented his own political ideology. It's called "Liberalist".
Seriously, you should read the webpage he set up to explain it. It is so poorly written and thought out that it comes off like a 3rd grader wrote it.
>Groups of people can't have rights
>Religions have a right to worship
It appears he - or someone else - set up a Wikipedia article for it that google crawled but Wikipedia took it down.

The only politics in the world is rich vs poor, and people only vote for whoever helps themself out the most. Liberals republicans libertarians. They're all shit buddy, heh. But you're the one demographic that's eaten so much shit.. well. You actually believe being a toilet is a good thing.



I accept your challenge alt righter. Prepared to be crushed by my intellectually fury.

>Given the weight of the evidence, how could you possibly deny the historical authenticity of the holocaust?

Psst nice try kiddo, i'm a liberanik my IQ is leagues above yours. But us radical centrists must stick together to fight this collectivist menace collectively... as individuals.


good post the effort to "get rid of the institutions holding back humanity" is because they have a twisted view of the world. the genuinely believe that once we somehow do that - there will be utopia.

It is the utopia that is their biggest weakness and their all driving passion.

>Given the weight of the evidence, how could you possibly deny the historical authenticity of the holocaust?
Already been here before.

here an user gave you a good response last thread:

WW2 involved the deaths of about 60 million people - if you factor in communism in the soviet union you have another 40 million. We are talking about 100 million people dying in Europe over a period a period of 15 years (1931-1946).
During that period many ethnic groups were targeted for extermination - the largest wholesale extermination of which were done to Ukrainians (6-10 million). The Jews were just a side show (2-5 million) but their historical revisionism has made it as if they were the center stage of the whole thing as the main victim.

your response was:

isn't it wonderful how you can write off five million murders as a side show? Especially when the guy running the side show spent his entire life talking about evil jews and blaming them for everything, and boasted about having rid germany and europe of jews.

My response is:

isn't it wonderful how you can write off ninety five million murders as a side show? Especially when Jews were at the highest echelons of the USSR during the purges and the holodomir that partook on the murder of many more than those that died in the holocaust.


If only liberal media would stop censoring then we could have a real debate. And liberals would get destroyed.

How is it an echo chamber if you are here making a shitty slide thread? If I was gay like you and went onto your subreddit r/cumguzzlingsjwhomosexuals and made a pro Trump thread, I would be permabanned.

Stop being gay and join us.

>Liberalist here
that's not even a word

Kek has sealed this truth in holy trips.

Sargon no want to be stupid

Liberal + Autist

liberalist deathsquads when ?