Imagine this situation

>Exhentai goes down

What would you do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Get a wife. Settle down and have kids.

Use the coutless other fucking site out there.

Make metathreads on Sup Forums about it.


Fap to my physical doujin collection for once.

I specifically played that game and went through all of the pages of a certain tag to ensure that I'd have a good amount of material in case that ever happened

I've downloaded everything I currently need.
And sad panda threads are already gone so it's already hell.

use tsumino? it gets the job done

Go to Japan and start buying them.

>dumb fearmongering comment with no weight
Expected nothing less from a dumb pokecuck.


lol epic reaction


This, unironically. Kind of hard to find a child wife, though.

Continue fapping to lewd mobage cards.


I'll keep downloading directly from the scanners instead of using sites with mandatory registration.
Just like I've always done.

I've downloaded every gallery that features my waifu in case that happens

time to subscribe to fakku

Fuck off shill.

download every single thing Nagi Ichi ever made preemptively

that's what I would actually do if panda disappeared

>this many ero doujins
Most of my waifu's doujins are non-h. Your waifu is a whore.

there's at least one autist in japan/NA who has his own personal copy of the entire server for that day

>unofficial content
I don't care as long as she's pure in the source material.

if i think about it, subscribing to Fakku is the only way to save hentai, pls subscribe guys so they can license and translate more magazines
but i won't, i'll wait for leaks instead of paying those jews

Ex has much more content though. Also, most doujins sites are against lolishit.

Ex and g are the same thing, dumbfuck.

I would unironically do this. Fakku's owner seems pretty nice.


Fuck off with your shitty ass buzzword

Who is this sæmon dæmon

Kill yourself normalfag.


Is your vocabulary limited to buzzwords?


I would finally be forced to track down and kill Daiz.


>seasonal waifu

Kill yourself.



You can't simply track down and kill cancer. Every time you so much as touch it, it sends out tiny fragments of itself that start growing elsewhere.

Nice buzzword. Don't fucking reply to me unless you're contributing to the thread.

>this many lewds
I really wish people would stop doing that, Megumin is pure.

I have a Fakku account and a sadpanda account.

>reddit spacing
Kill yourself.

A man's gotta cope somehow.

I'm pretty scared of this happening, actually.
Is it time to start downloading and hoarding my loli doujins too?

Normalfags are definitely gonna come for loli and shota stuff one day.

I only download cosplay sets from there.

>posting 3DPD shit on Sup Forums

Blow your brain out cancer.

I'm mostly using pixiv nowadays but i really need to download all my doujins bookmarks before something like that happen.

Is there anything on exhentai that isn't there already on other websites?

What's so great about it to begin with? Its tag system is not something that hasn't been replicated.

You would be surprised what stuff you can order over the internet these days.

Their private p2p distribution system, I guess.

It's not great, just less awful than most of the others.

I download and archive everything I want, I still have hundreds of unread doujins so I can keep myself going until it comes back or gets teplaced. There are also other sites too.

>still believing in mail-order brides

You are pretty retarded, user. Then again without suckers like you, gangs can't afford all their gold blings.

nhentai is fine. It's like a spiritual successor to Pururin.

>Exhentai goes down
I'll just switch to using sukebei then.

Except nhentai recompresses shit.

What's the probability of this happening?

Never tell me the odds.

Yeah but it doesn't have a thing about loli, so generally I could work with it

lol xD

lol answer me

This is why I download every doujin I like.

kek xD

>Downloading porn

Why not?

stop lol wtf

I downloaded all my favs last year

too bad they doubled since then so I'd lose over half the shit I like plus all the ones I have yet to discover

Kill myself probably

Enjoy not being able to fap to your favorites whenever you want. Sad Panda has gone down before.

It's also slow as shit.

nhentai has just the 1-9 release.

Use Yahoo image search to fap

wtf xD

Then you might be retarded because fakku content is the one thing ex doesn't have.

I need to start saving some artist CG galleries, it might be the only place with those.


I have 374gb of doujins from exhentai, 260gb of which is pretty well sorted into folders and on dropbox.

I check every day and download what looks nice based on thumbnails.

if dubs, exhentai is kill

Seriously though how do you "shut down" sadpanda?

Its essentially p2p network. You can shut down a site, but it should be easy to replace it immidiately on different host.

All of the content is already on its users hard drives anyway.

you can get infinite space with g drive

fuck off Eric Shmidt

hmmm brap xD

Google drive scans all your files, i switched over and i got an email saying it found a file not allowed on there, didn't say anything else so it might have been some loli or something, Not even dropbox knows what you have on there and as such isnt liable.

>Not even dropbox knows what you have on there



Considering how much of a pussy the ponyfucker owner is probably really easily. Someone needs to make a mirror site of more than just doujins/hmanga, save my game/artist cgs, thank you.

>Not even dropbox knows what you have on there and as such isnt liable.

the only way the cloud (read. the nsa) won't see your file is if you upload truecrypt containers

>p2p network

the fuck does that even mean?

Google sells your information for ads which is why they can offer many gb of storage for free while dropbox knows people use their service for
sketchy shit so they are better off to ask for money and remain ignorant of whats on there.

Torrents. How do you not know what P2P is while being a big enough nerd to watch anime and browse Sup Forums

look up h@h

You can download ehentai application to download, store and host ehentai/sadpanda files on your hard drive. For hosting you get credits you can spend on sadpanda/ehentai features.

Most of the time viewing sadpanda gallery, you dl pages not from server host, but from other users. For example if image doesnt load, you just click a button to load it from other user.

Learn to draw and make my own hentai.

Well, time to save my fave loli doujins for the inevitable doomsday.


Become a functioning member of society.
>Watch anime and fap daily
>Go for vacation without any privacy to spend on anime or hentai
>Feel no urges to fap after a break
>Anime is generally fapbait
>Know that if I watch any - I'll eventually fap
>Start catching up to WN\web-comics
>Try to start catching up to anime
>Nyaa is down
It's a revelation to me.
I've put down a plan how to stop being such a weeb fag and nyaa being down will help me greatly.

Just migrate to anidex and fap as usual.

no user, you were the normie all along


No user you are the normalfag.

FTFY, reddit scum.

>Wizardhood ETA 3 years
>Remote job
>Fat weeb
>300+ titles
You can have it your way when I have the poison out of my system completely.