Anyone else here watch the series all the way through...

Anyone else here watch the series all the way through? I never meet or have met anyone who has and can bask in the greatness that is the Fist of The North Star. Imo it is the BEST 80's anime.

The sequel is shit

Sequel as in the newer movies they've been putting out? Which I think suck or do you mean when the series goes onto that island and bat becomes a fighter too? Because the end seasons kinda sucked too

Read the manga long time ago. How was the anime? Might download it just for the sake of keeping it.

If you won't read the manga, don't gloat about the value of the series.

Read and watched it. Anime was much more enjoyable

Did I ever say I wouldn't read the manga? And I i've read a few but ive watched the 300 + epsidoe series so suck my dick

>Read and watched it
Then don't make a thread about the *anime*. Make a thread about the series.

Awesome. The japanese voices are perfect and the dialogue in the show is so fitting.

I'm not op

He has a point

I noticed, 20 seconds later. And, I'm glad you're not - and also not at his level of discourse.

I make a thread about an anime I love to see if others want to talk about said anime on a web forum dedicated to the subject and I have a low level of discourse? Shut the fuck you neck beard go watch naruto

>Fist of the Northstar is THE BEST 80's anime
Hey, that's not how you write Cobra

the anime is more of a comedy
it's worth watching

Read the manga, it's GOAT while the anime is barely watchable.
Definitely didn't read it.

>what are opinions?

He probably is referring to HnK2 which is everything after Raoh dying. Supposedly even Buronson has gone on record saying the series ends when Raoh dies. The only good thing to come from HnK2 besides some goofiness is the City of Light arc is pretty good.

The anime has excellent direction, music, voice acting, and for its time the animation can be quite good. The only thing some people dislike is the Shin arc is extended because they needed to give the manga time to move forward and give material to adapt, but I think that's a good thing since it allowed for more world building.

HnK is not 300+ episodes what in the flying fuck are you talking about? It's 152 even if you include HnK2.

Why is heart so prevalent? He's in a lot of promotional material/games despite having a tiny role in the actual series.

Is it because he's the first to "beat" Ken, outside of Shin?

Read the manga and it was pretty good. Never watched the anime though.Oh yeah, the anime has retarded hair colors and censorship.

shut the fuck up

Rei deserved so much better than to job out to Raoh's cape.

>Deserved so much better than to die at the hands of one of the greatest martial artists in the world
You should think before you post