Can we organize a worldwide protest for Nyaa? Anime is a human right
Can we organize a worldwide protest for Nyaa? Anime is a human right
Can we just skip to the part where we start bombing EU government buildings and skirmishing in the streets of Brussels?
If anime is a human right then why protest a piracy site that allows you to download free content
Annnd I just found out this was fucking shut down.
I am both an idiot and a depressed one
No but nuking EU would be a good start.
Aight Satan when do we start
Fuck this capitalist bullshit, Sweden can suck on my cock as long as this ban and pewdieshit exists.
>anime is a human right
>humans who create the anime for people don't have the right to money for the service
Protesting will serve no point. We should create the first Anime-based Jihadist network.
Anime hu ackbar?
I vote for this.
This, just use CrunchyRoll
By your post numbers the heavens have shown us a sign.
You will lead us.
But what if I don't like their liberal way of subbing?
we need to destroy EU, vote for Le Pen
wasted those quatros.
Don't put me in the screencap.
So is health care, but you americans have to pay for that too don't you?
I'm a giant newfag, can someone tell me where torrent sites like nyaa get their RAWs from? Is that the point of first upload?
They had a deal with Microsoft.
What do you mean? They got it from TV or WEB
Hail Satan!
I don't want to be nuked, go away Trump. Nuke Syria and North Korea instead
Nuking Syria or North Korea would get you nuked though.
Kek will is it
It's a sign
where the fuck do I get raw anime now.
I would rather have WW3 over anime than economics or religion
Hold up! Nyaa is dead? What about manga fox where we read mangas??
Lets set ourselves on fire in public protest
free anime now!
>mfw pic related is now sauceless
Okay, but what exactly is Nyaa?
Download normal anime and deactivate the subs track?
you watch all your anime on CR, dont you?
EU literally didnu.
They clamped down on some shitty streaming site using Kodi and Nyaa got heart attack.
Oh yeah, I mean I know that someone has to record it from TV first, I was just wondering how they first made it available for other people to download.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around how a single site could be that important. Was it just a convenience thing? I just use Crunchyroll and never downloaded anything.
How devirish
I could do that but It's annoying as fuck and often stuff like horriblesubs looks like ass
Please fuck off.
I agree.
>Nuke EU
>EU now becomes second Japan with kawaii craze
>European anime
Is this the only rational course of action?
Except Crunchyroll AU's been stop-start garbage for months now. Motherfucking kissanime has more stable streams than CR does
You can't wrap your head around the concept of bittorrent?
Anime with Dutch, German, Icelandic or French dub? Hell no
Europeans speak English across.
nyaa predates crunchyshit by tons of years. back before the kikes got their hands into anime, it and TT were where you would go to get your animu needs. It build a giant community spanning all kinds of media, even crunchy didn't really hurt it because a lot of people hate their buisness practices and streaming in general.
You could compare it to youtube going down right now I guess, everyones going to feel stupid for uploading there in retrospect too.
it was daiz dipshit.
what protesting would achieve you libcuck?
I keep hearing this but I'm german and can't confirm this at all.
>EVE Online anime war was just a test for the real anime war
Anime dubs with Dutch, German, Icelandic or French seiyuus speaking English with heavy accents? An even bigger nope
Fuck off
I can think of many reasons I want to see the EU fall, more important than the death of one torrent site.
So have at it.
sauce please
iirc some user on Sup Forums is current working on a torrent index that grabs magnet links if they're alive. Idk how well it works though
They should be paid by taxpayers of course, not us.
Super Satan has spoken. His will shall be carried out.
>still using torrents
It's pretty much guaranteed at this point.
A lot of Americans work or study abroad, only interact with their highly educated coworkers/classmates, only eat at tourist restaurants, and return to America with the impression that everyone speaks English everywhere.
nice gets
Most people effected by NT going down are europeans on welfare so it already could be.
Can't they just move servers to UK?
>where you need a TV license and watching porn is illegal
Satan wills it
Still means no more loli stuff on sukebei. I'm perfectly okay with that though.
My bad, forgot about that. Move to Ukraine then, nobody gives a fuck about piracy here.
kickasstorrents sysop was ukranian and now he's rotting in US prison
I don't think moving the shit to a war-torn country would give us the safety guarantee we need.
Porn is still illegal in Ukraine for the sukebei fans out there.
Moreso than the UK. As in, nothing is allowed.
Yeah nah, that shit's illegal in Ukraine more than anywhere
Crunchyroll doesnt have my deep hipster anime
I've never heard of anyone getting busted over piracy especially chinese cartoons and 2d porn
This. But I guess no one cares.
Where to get old anime now, stuff like World Masterpiece Theatre or obscure OVA's ?? Really sad.
Reported this thread. enjoy your van
If you haven't heard of anyone being busted over 2d porn, you might not have been on Sup Forums when such things happened.
Granted this law is long expired, but it can still happen.
Some EU politicians and even the UK have pledged to protect "imaginary children". With those words exactly.
slav torrent trackers
In Ukraine.
>human right
>Implying you have rights.
The best thing you can do in life is realize that "human rights" are a literal meme and whatever it is you feel entitled to can and will be taken away right from under your feet.
The gender violence law in Spain violates articles 6, 8 and 14 of the European convention for human rights, go over there and ask a man if he has "rights".
Anyway, stop your bellyaching, you'll still be able to get your free anime fix through other places and another site like Nyaa will pop up again, and in all likelihood Nyaa will come back again under a new domain.
This is only harmful to people that want older anime, 3DPD JAV, raws for LNs and manga and VNs and porn games
what really grinds me gears is that there is still no prove piracy actually impact sales at all.
Human rights allowed your pampered ass to even understand about the things you are talking about, pretentious idiot.
But there is.
Almost every study on the subject agree on this matter.
Piracy has a positive effect on sales.
Unless its a smalltime porn dev I guess.
That guy that was running Sandwichworks literally canceled plans for a sequel because his first project didn't make any money.
Oh but people watched it alright. But it was a cracked version.
I was looking forward to that sequel too... but I can admit, I didn't buy the first one either.
C-can you do it before summer though ? I work in Luxemburg.
Are you tired of keep winning Sup Forums?
m-m-m-maga amirite?
Sup Forums is not solely visited by americans, bless god for that
would those people have bought his shit though if there was no pirated version online?
probably not.
Yes, only by superior hispanics and Canadians
They want me going full DEUS VULT, didn't they? Fuck Sweden.
What the fuck has the EU got to do with Nyaa being dead?
It's just the perfect excuse for shitty artists:
>I would sell so much if it weren't for piracy!
No, you wouldn't, shitface. Piracy makes voting with your wallet informed. Good things flourish under piracy, while bad things suffer.