
I am so fucking confused. Why is everyone freaking out over one website being taken down? If the content was legal then someone can just host it somewhere else with no problems. If the site was taken down because of pirated content then that's good, you should support the shows you watch instead of being a lazy nigger.

Because sukebei.

Maybe if you weren't a retarded underage phoneposter you would understand. Post in one of the countless threads that are already up, you mouth breathing fatherless whoreson.


>you should support the shows you watch instead of being a lazy nigger
Streamfag detected. Newsflash: You aren't actually supporting the creators of the shows you like by watching anime on netflix, hulu, or crunchyroll.
On the contrary, you're feeding fucking jews.

Funny how you posted LWA TV, a show the Netflix licensed, but isn't planning to air until it's finished, leading to people torrent the individual episodes as they come out.

And paying for streaming doesn't really support the industry. Most licensing fees that the streaming sites pay to companies are peanuts.

how fucking dumb can one Sup Forumsnon get, holy shit fucking kill yourself.

Fuck off, Daiz. I'd rather go back to watch spic fansubs than cater to your jew ways.

Lurk for two years before posting.

>content creators get literally ZERO MONEY from people streaming their shows, that's why they make their shows available on streaming services

Fuck off back to r/anime

>Amazon and Steam start getting invested in anime
>Fansubs are killed silently
>BBT private
>Nyaa down
>Streaming becomes a felony in Europe
>Streamsites get taken down or have problems providing HD streams
There is no problem anywhere at all, amirite goys


Is this the jews, nips or Steam fault?

You ARE stupid.
They make their content available because it's better than consumers using an illegal service and not giving them a dime. Most of these services are BANNED in Japan, precisely because the Japanese disk sales market is far, far bigger than that of the rest of the world.

Publishers get the money. The content creators get scraps.

Just like every other industry ever. You might as well just pirate everything and mail the content creators an envelope full of cash any time you want something.

Identity of Nyaa's admin is well known by a lot people in the fansubbing scene + He recently had a kid + Swefilmer's owner got couple year sentence for running a pirate streaming site = Nigga got spooked the fuck out by the fact that he's running a piracy website with tens of millions of unique visitors a month while running ads like a mothafucka.

I would've shut that shit down too.


can't it be hosted in some country where nobody gives a shit about piracy?

>you're a good goy because you don't want to fucking steal a product that you enjoy
Holy fuck. The entitlement is unbelievable. You don't have to watch any anime, at all, ever. If the creators wanted their shows to be free for everyone then they would put them on the internet for free. There are thousands of content creators on places like youtube who do just that. But professional studios obviously don't do that, because creating good content is extremely hard and they want compensation from the people who enjoy it. You won't get any sympathy from me if your only problem is that you can't get anime RIGHT NOW FOR FREE. I hope all you pirates rot in jail.

where is this image from?

An RPG maker game.

>You might as well just pirate everything and mail the content creators an envelope full of cash any time you want something.
>He doesn't mail money in with a fan letter to the content creators he likes


>If the site was taken down because of pirated content then that's good
>implying small light particles traveling over some glass fiber, which later get converted into electrical impulses, which get converted into negative or positive states used in a microchip's semiconductor logic gates that sometimes results in electrical impulses being sent to your monitor, which makes your screen change color at a rate of 24 times every second, is piracy