As an arab shitskin sandnigger living in the west...

As an arab shitskin sandnigger living in the west, why should I give a fuck about your plight to preserve the white race? Humans objective in life is to procreate and advance the human race forward. Why should I care about your plight when there's absolutely nothing in it for me to do so. Entertain me with reasonable and logical arguments to listen to your point of view instead of your tiresome, racist attacks that doesn't accomplish anything other than reinforcing my objectives and further strengthens my resolve to fuck your women even harder and more often.

If you want something from us, there's got to be there something for us to compensate. It's just business at the end of the day, bro.

Other urls found in this thread:ære-medsøstre-danske-mænd-bider-altså-ikkeårligt-uddannede-nydanskere

>As an arab shitskin sandnigger

You don't need to tell us this, we see your flag.

Arabs don't actually fuck white women. Studies have been done on this.

Women generally go for men of equal or greater educational level. Especially in Scandinavia where education is free.

Arab women love education. They are very well educated. Often university level. Arab men? Not so much. Often, these men don't even pass high school.

So now we have a lot of lonely arab women without a college educated man for them. Where do they look?

White men.

>advance the human race forward

>is a muslim.

This is why you get the rope.
Would you prefer before or after the jews?

>Swedish flag

Imagine being this cliche

You shouldn't. Each for his own. That's why in the end we will exterminate even the last one of you.

You shouldn't.

Now tell us why we should not kill you or expell you, given the chance?

>advance the human race forward
>implying ((( progress ))) is good

>living in the west
There is no West without western people. When white Europeans become a minority, "your" town will be like a Gulf State without the money.

>38% rise in muslim women looking for white men on biggest online dating site

>study shows huge increase in muslim women-white men relationships

>Muslim women refuse to marry muslim men, not educated enough. Prefer white men.

I know that you are Swedish and all, but here, white men aren't the ones getting cucked. The arabs are.

What rational interest would you have in turning your host country into the same shithole you escaped from?

tbf women in europe go for blacks and whites never arabs (unless they are dirt poor) which is why so many arabs are turbo virgins who rape/suicide themselves for allah

you shouldn't thats the point

You're asking the wrong question. The question should be:

Why should we care or feel sympathy for you when the decision finally comes, which it may well in the next 30 years, to forcibly remove you and all of your kinsmen based on your race?

Why should we care about your cries of "racism"?

>As an arab shitskin sandnigger living in the west, why should I give a fuck about your plight to preserve the white race?
Of course we don't expect you to. And that's why we don't want you here.

>Humans objective in life is to procreate and advance the human race forward.
This is such a meme.

>fuck your women even harder and more often.
You're probably a virgin LARPer

With that flag it isn't even LARP.
Day of the hope when?

How about this.
You came here because your own country is a shithole, right?
Now if you actually had the capacity of forethought, you'd realize that as soon as people like you become the majority here and the remaining europeans leave/get killed, the country you are in now will also become a shithole like the country your left.

Therefore it would be in your best interest to try and prevent this.

However, if your people were capable of making intelligent and informed decisions like this, your countries wouldn't be shitholes to begin with, so I don't have high hopes.

You shouldn’t, you’re the indvader, you do you, I’ll do me

Because once we are gone, you'll be surrounded by arab shitskin sandniggers.

>that flag
every time


Non-white women wants white men, and like we learned from the us election, white women are still on our side.

Once again time shows that the white man always wins.

Because without whites, the west would be just like whatever desert shithole you came from? Why do you shitskins always do that? You flee a place, and then when you get to the new place, you just turn it into the shithole you fled from. Are you people retarded?

a deracinated baby is a vandalization of your genetic legacy regardless of which gender pairing creates it

you cunts advancing the Human race....FFS sand you are an ignorant cunt and a half

This is true, I've never seen a paki/muslim with a white girl here, I don't mean white children that the muslim pedophiles rape but a full grown white stunner. There seems to be some stigma attached to them, maybe it's the association with islam because I often see black guys with white girls.


>why should I give a fuck about your plight to preserve the white race?
The same reasons you left the shitholes you're supposed to be living in, moron, because you're incapable of maintaining a future-forward society with proper hygiene and bridges/cranes/buildings that don't fall over due to lack of maintenance. Without the west the rest of the world STARVES. You know this, that's why you spill out of your containment zones in to our lives. No fuck off back to the desert.

*now fuck off

yeah i think its more because white and black men generally dress well and have good hygiene which arabs dont seem to value which attractive white women obviously arent going to go for.


>As an arab shitskin sandnigger living in the west
Do you enjoy living in the west over your homeland shithole?

That's why we have to preserve the 'white race.'

Well, you did try doing something similar last time around. That genocide thing didn't work out so great for you that time. Now the jews are making you pay the toll. Maybe it's time to try a different approach? You do you, though. Just a thought.

>Arab women love education. They are very well educated. Often university level. Arab men? Not so much. Often, these men don't even pass high school.

I'm studying Master of Science and Engineering at one of the top schools in the country. Your point is fairly true though seeing as there's not a lot of my kin in the academia.

Your missing my point though, dear sirs. It doesn't matter what we are. Whether that be arabs or blacks the fact of the matter is that we're not white, our interests are not being satisfied with your arguments you're bringing forth. Anyone that isn't white is going to be asking you the very question I just asked. You want to preserve your interests, so it's your job to further your own. Turning to racism and bigotry will only escalate and accelerate our objectives to accomplish our objectives without any regard to yours. I'm asking. Why should we all care about yours?

If that is your answer, I see no point why we should stop doing us then. Input appreciated though.

Turning the country you live in now in the same shithole your parents fled from is probably not in your interest. But you do what you want


>As an arab shitskin sandnigger living in the west, why should I give a fuck about your plight to preserve the white race? Humans objective in life is to procreate and advance the human race forward. Why should I care about your plight when there's absolutely nothing in it for me to do so
You shouldn't. Just remember it goes both ways. No more human rights for anyone.

>advance the human race forward
>by actively destroying the race responsible for most of mankind's progress, including the country you fled to
Outbreeding the one race willing to push us forward isn't going to help at all

>advance the human race forward


What makes you think we are interested in making a deal with sandniggers? What do we possibly stand to gain by working with you?

why should i give a fuck if you give a fuck?

its obvious that dependant cultures don't want white separatism, there's not supposed to be anything in it for you. as a shitskin crypto-jew, allowing the goyim something for themselves probably offends and disgusts you

except that Asians, East Indians, and Muslims are more numerous than whites so they can afford to mix.

So from their point of view, they are not really losing anything. They are gaining white genes, or becoming "more white". They think they are doing what is best for their children by giving them the gift of whiteness. The reality is often very different, with the children not being white at all.

Whites lose out because our population is smaller. If a white mixes, it means fewer white people.

Who the fuck ever asked you for anything Schlomo. Fuck off parasite.

So why did i fuck plenty of white women in my life? White roasties in Western-Europe prefer Moroccans and blacks over white people any day...

This board sharpens my hate, and it reminds me daily that we are surrounded by subhuman scum that hate us.
There can be no living with this virus.
Filthy fucking vermin swarming into our cities like rats.
Fourth Reich when?

Because we're going to end up slaughtering you and your entire family if you don't self-deport. And you'll have deserved it in your arrogance.

>If you want something from us, there's got to be there something for us to compensate
We don't want anything from you, you filth.

Soon brother soon.

Should YOU care? No. You have no incentive to, the white race is your enemy and possesses everything you claim to hate, which is why you will be wiped off the earth and put in nigger zoos with the other third worlders when we exterminate you as abominations before god.

Go die in a fire, you subhuman piece of mudslime shit.

Yeah you shouldn't give a damn thing about this, but we white peoples should.

Your country will become a shithole like the one you left without white people

I'm on here for the memes. I don't give a fuck about race, and the white race isn't important to me. You middle easterners could assimilate us into your genetic pool in 200 years for all i care. I'll be equally dead nontheless. Racial difference between whites and middle easterners could be equalized by a few generations of selective breeding, which happens naturally as the upper echolons of society breeds between themselves, only accepting exceptional individuals from the lower classes to join them.
Phenotypes aren't very important when it comes down to it.
Also its *you're*, not *your*

That's not true though. I love white people, as I do with any other race. I have no beef nor qualms with people in general, and have found a lot of love and respect with like minded people, regardless of race or creed, sex or beliefs. I don't care what you are. If you're a decent person, I will probably like you.

Why should I die for your sake, though? Give me a reason why I should "die in a fire" for you? Why should I care about your wishes when you display 0 redeeming qualities that makes it effortless to discard your interest and accelerate my own instead?

In my proposition, I win. In yours, I lose. Why should I lose for your sake?

Respond to any of these posts you retarded larper.

OP, you should give a fuck because if you don’t, you are a literal parasite. You have come in to another country out of desperation because yours was ruined (at least the majority of Arabs in Sweden this is the case, if not for you). You share ethnicity, culture, language, religion with wealthy Gulf countries, but it was white Swedes who gave you a future and a good life. A people not of your own took you in, gave you welfare, educated you, introduced social programs directed towards their own populace to consider you equally Swedish. If you act out of contempt for this group, you are a parasite.

If, hypothetically, Lebanon or Syria became a great place to live, I might wish to live there but I would respect the culture and people first in their own country. Not that I wouldn’t want to fuck the women, but I wouldn’t want to see the country or people Americanized and I would care about their future. If not, I would just be a parasite.

I don’t expect the average Arab immigrant to think this way. The average white person prob doesn’t give a shit about your culture but whites aren’t pouring into your countries. If they were, Arab countries should at a minimum restrict to those who do show respect. Likewise, it is fucking crazy that Europe allows any poor Muslim to come into their country since the vast majority will be simple opportunists and disrespect the country’s interests and culture.

I don't think you should care, Whites have no regard for shitskins, one of the big selling points for Brexit in my country was border control to keep brown muslim refugees out, (17,000,000 votes in favour) It's the same when a suicide bomber takes out some marketplace in an islamic shithole country, nobody White cares. The racism on both sides will remain for all eternity, I really wouldn't worry about it.

Israeli IDF member here
You bragging about "fucking european women" only strengthens my resolve to pursue a military career and blow up your kin to avenge the euros
And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it besides whine at your pro-palestine protests

Wanting to keep out massive Muslim influx from UK and not wanting Muslims in the ME to die from suicide bombers are not mutually exclusive desires. Most people are apathetic but not hostile.

Kek,8/10 gud troll



I actually believe there's a big integration problem in a lot of countries (including here) that contribute to these segregated parallel societies, which creates toxic environments between people living in each society. This is a big problem that I'm unfortunately not seeing being talked a lot about here. It's mainly for vs against immigration. I wholeheartedly agree that we need to stabilize immigration in order to focus on the integration part, which I feel have been sorely lacking in the discourse.

Well, I did not come here - so no. In fact, I had no choice in the matter since I was born here. My parents immigrated, but I wouldn't say that my ethnic country is "a shithole" It's pretty nice, actually. Lot's of tourists. But that's irrelevant to the greater discourse. Many do come from war torn countries. I disagree with the notion that the host countries would turn into "shitholes" just because the immigrants came from warn torn countries. Those countries are mostly corrupt and destabilized, and have never progressed to the levels that the developed countries have. Like I mentioned earlier, neglecting the integration process whilst enabling great immigration numbers is a reactionary step in terms of progress and prosperity. That I do agree with, and is something I really want the discourse to be about more often.

Your hypothesis is incorrect. I never escaped from anywhere. As for those who decided to immigrate, I would assume that they'd want to come to a place because they sought a better life. I don't think people in general would like to come to a place and help it turn into a place that they left. Seems pretty counterproductive if you ask me.

Let's help each other out then - starting from here. If we do that, then maybe it will be different in the future. Just a thought.

I don't know how it's like to not live in the west. Living in the west is all I know.

I am an Arab who's lived in the west for many years, and I am really sorry about what's happened to Europe. The reason doesn't lie with immigrants though (even shitskins like myself) but it's down to your parents, grand parents and yourselves. European people created the greatest civilization that has ever existed, the most beautiful civilization that has ever existed but it had in itself the seeds of its own destruction. Empathy without reason is the surest way to loss of control and ultimately the decline of a once great civilization. I don't think things will improve in the west before a century or two at the very earliest. My children will be born here (to a white woman) and they will feel that this is their land and nowhere else. It is unethical, immoral and in human to remove them from this land. The only solution is to make tons of babies or if something biblical happens that changes the current order. I hope it is the former.
You can blame the kikes all you want, but you let this happen. Your grand parents fell asleep at the wheel and you are paying the price for that and your children will pay an even dearer price.
I love the European spirit but it IS going to die and I feel partly responsible and very sad about it.
Make babies and get back to basics.


>Those countries are mostly corrupt and destabilized, and have never progressed to the levels that the developed countries have.

And you believe that countries destabilize/progress independently of the people living in them?
It's all just an inexplicable and random process?
Ever considered that the reason your countries never progressed might be due to the people inhabiting them?

>Living in the west is all I know.
Then educate yourself. The people elsewhere do not have a society such as ours for reasons, find them for yourself.

Sweden and France are hot favourites for where it will all start. Pepper you Angus, camel Jockey.

You shouldn't, you shoudl just go home. Before we make you

>Humans objective in life
Is best left to humans, but thanks for providing an outside perspective.

Second generation migrants are aids
They idealize what they never knew and piss off everybody about it
Just kys


>Humans objective in life advance the human race forward

Whites are the ones who do that and shitskins are the ones who go against that.

If ever it goes down you'll be on a rope with your thot. Though it won't change until economical collapse. Then we'll have tribalism. Comfort is cancer. The previous generations were just born there not really their fault. You sand niggers and regular niggers on the other hand are just opportunistic scavengers and you deserve everything that is coming to you.

Never heard vandalisation of a genetic legacy before. Going to have to use that.

>If you want tsomething from us, there's got to be something to compensate
That's fucking rich. I look forward to killing every last one of you that wont leave on their own accord when this place has collapsed

I never said anything about my kids. You've evaded the question. What would you practically and honestly do with kids who were born here and feel that they belong here and nowhere else.

I meant : I never said anything about me and my gf.

>It's unethical to remove my kids
No it's not you faggot, all of you will be kicked the fuck out of these lands, along with your mongrel freaks and race-mixing whores.

What a stupid fucking question, send them back where they belong of course. Which, thanks to you, is just out. Are you really trying to blame him for your spawning some deracinated mongrels?

No one was talking to you anyway. Continue to stare at your feet Fin

Dont cry when they genocide you.

All millions of them?

No, I'll cut out half of the cancer and leave the rest in just for shits and giggles. What the fuck do you think you utter moron?

You shouldn't
I don't live in the west but i'd love to murder ya

Racial separation is better for all races, not just whites.

>The reason doesn't lie with immigrants though (even shitskins like myself) but it's down to your parents, grand parents and yourselves.
WW2 killed 100 million Europeans and destroyed white nationalism, and allowed the communists to takeover, as well as destroying many of Europe's most beautiful cities. Is this surprising under the circumstances?

>I don't think things will improve in the west before a century or two at the very earliest

Scientists predict a nuclear skirmish between Russia, Western Europe, the USA, and China within the next 10-20 years. Elon Musk in his recent book has already stated that his motivation to build the SpaceX project is to escape nuclear annihilation. If you think Europe is going to last 100 years, you are, frankly delusional. Even without nuclear war the federal reserve ponzi scheme is going to collapse fairly soon as its clearly unsustainable

>My children will be born here (to a white woman) and they will feel that this is their land and nowhere else
Once Europe becomes 'brown', there won't be any more white women. You'll be living under a theocratic dictatorship again. "What tyrants cannot measure up to, they are driven to destroy". If Muslims somehow gain control of Europe, you WILL fuck it up and turn it into the Middle East again (i.e. a cesspool). More likely, Europe will collapse into civil unrest/turmoil/democide in the next 10-20 years. Your 'brown' kids and white wife will be a distant memory when that happens (keep dreaming though!)

>Make babies and get back to basics.
We would be having white babies if we weren't being flooded by millions of shitskins. A flower surrounded by weeds will eventually perish. Jews are responsible for this, since they ultimately control European immigration policy and despise white Europeans, particularly Christians.

This isn't our fault as much as it is the fault of a small group of criminal jews. These decisions were made without our knowledge outside the democratic process

At the end of the day, people are people. I see you as human beings with a lot of contempt and irrational thoughts. You see me as sub-human trash that needs to be exterminated. I find it fascinating to understand the human psyche of people that hates people like me just because the way we look.

False. Racial diversity benefits non-whites because it gives them the opportunity to leech off whites where by themselves they would all starve due to their incapacity to survive in the modern world.
Racial separation is better only for whites and east asians.
This is why you can't convince nogs to leave white, it would be like trying to convince a tick to leave it's host, just remove it by force.

>just because the way we look
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

why do you live in the west rather than in your shithole in the first place?

The average IQ of your people is 85, it's not the way you look ahmed.

Why don't you have kids with an arab woman tho? Just curious

You have inferior genetics
You have inferior culture
You have inferior looks

In that order. These are not your homelands, you are not our people, your race have done nothing but cause problems.
We've had enough

>why should I give a fuck about your plight to preserve the white race?
You shouldnt.
You should just get back to your stinky shithjole

>This isn't our fault as much as it is the fault of a small group of criminal jews. These decisions were made without our knowledge outside the democratic process

And whose fault is that? Don't think like a woman or a nigger. Your grandparents let it happen and that's why I said they fell asleep at the wheel. Also, I'm not Muslim anymore but I'm in the minority so thats a er... moot point.

>Advance the human race forward
>replace the race that has contributed the most to society
If you're a productive dude with at least a Masters, you're good. You're smarter than the average white. Just don't try to replace the good members of the white race. Most whites on Sup Forums are sub-120 subhumans. Don't listen to them.

You're not British, your children are not British, your wife is a traitor to Britain.

You all have to go back.

They hate you because you are arrogant and entitled.

>I disagree with the notion that the host countries would turn into "shitholes" just because the immigrants came from warn torn countries. Those countries are mostly corrupt and destabilized, and have never progressed to the levels that the developed countries have.

Enjoy trying to get 68 IQ Somalis and 75 IQ inbred Pakistanis to integrate into a formerly high IQ, high functioning, high trust civilisation. Our corrupt, communist EU politicians operate on the assumption that all races are exactly the same, contrary to all scientific data.

In reality, even fairly high IQ groups such as Asians have strong compatibility issues integrating into Western culture which was built predominantly by and for and intended for white people. You can't have western civilisation without white people. It just won't work. Once non-whites reach critical mass, expect to see Venezuela tier social breakdown

I don't know any here, and my family back home are pressuring me to do so. I have changed so much since I moved to Europe (left Islam for starters) that I would be incompatible with a good Arab girl now. That, and white girls are physically more attractive and mt girlfriend is the best of both worlds : pretty, feminine, classy (yes) submissive blonde.

looks like you took a wrong turn somewhere, do you need directions to find your way home, redditor?