I can't wait until this little retard dies
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasuka Isogashii Desuka Sukutte Moratte Ii Desuka
>Subs is out
>Thread is dead
Is there another thread which I missed or something?
Fuck you
People are rather sperging about nyaa being down instead of talking about the current shows.
People talking about this show are in the other thread that sadly doesn't have sukasuka or shuumatsu in the title
I found that already, the one above was just me being mad.
those are some big ears
When did Wilem become such hug-rapist??
She's gonna get gently hugged.
getting head
They practically fugged already, I don't get why she slapped him though
Her hands were held down to his dick area.
He broke
they're clearly on his chest
these two are fun
these little sluts are retarded for lizard cock
was it rape
I'm staying the fuck away from this show's thread. Spoilerfags doesn't have basic decency.
Well lizards are simply superior
I wanted to see them be hugged also
Favouritism in the army, Willem should be discharged
wow the scene where they reunited was really good
She didn't slap him in the novel, this was just to heighten her tsundere appeal.
Lizards are the niggers of their world
there's nothing really to discuss. The novels are done and all the anime-only theories regarding the plot have be regurgitated so many times it may hit its limit already.
So there really is only one thing to do: sit back and relax while watching the plot unfold
Given the lizard lore the loli provided us today, I'd say they have more in common with Parisians.
>extinct humanity
Just who exactly is the target audience of this?
Did you not listen to Green Loli today? Some people really like lizards.
>mfw this entire scene
I felt so warm and fuzzy inside, it was really well done.
>expected Will to hug all the girls at once
>actually goes straight for Chutoly
My heart.
>Just who exactly is the target audience of this?
furfags apparently
How much did they adapt of volume 2 ?
Pretty much 1/3rd up until Willem hugs Chtolly
OP confirmed soulless.
This show's pretty non-cliche for light novel shit so far. I'm impressed to be honest.
fucking delete this
Wait wait wait wait a second, the fucking OP has a Ginger there with the same sword as Chtolly. Who the fuck is she?
What? Can't you appreciate how they had the tastefulness to not sexualize this?
Picked up.
Her twin sister Kutori
I was waiting for this meme.
I want to fug the purple smug loli.
One third. Going by the next ep preview, ep 5 will only adapt another third. If they continue like that, the anime will finish at the end of volume 4. Slowing down to finish with the end of volume 3 or speeding up to adapt all 5 volumes doesn't seem realistic at this point (especially since volume 5 is longer and would need 4 episodes at this pace).
>mc hugs kutori instead of ren
Shit taste.
Don't worry, Ren becomes the main girl after volume 3
Previous 3 eps were great, but this one was pretty shitty. What went wrong?
I want to teach this little lizard fucker about the wonders of humanity.
your taste
>dude, let me in. I'm a fairy.
It got too cliche too fast.
This part was actually pretty funny, Willem's suffering was just badly done.
What do you mean with cliche?
>put stethoscope all over loli
Easy government contract dosh.
>>mc hugs kutori instead of ren
Ren gets more than enough of Willem later on
More than every other characters
It's cute how you're coming out with your "logical" explanations that have nothing to do with the truth.
As befitting of best girl
Someone spoiler the ending of this for me. Seems to be kinda meh based on what I've partially read in comment sections.
Watch the show and go back to wherever you crawled from
I don't understand. What's wrong with them?
You don't need to hover over spoiler tag but you'll be glad to know that Kutoli basically dies in the next I'd say 2 episodes. Willem will also meat his daughter and experience what the eradication of humanity looked/felt like. Oh shit, I didn't spoiler that my bad user guess I didn't care enough about someone as mentally handicapped as yourself.
Everything about the ep, apart from the lizard romances.
more like 5 episodes if they go 3 episodes by volumes
meh! no one died, dropped...
You are fucking retarded.
Also Kutori dies at the end of Vol 3 you god damned retard who's too stupid too spoiler
Why would I spoiler my posts? When you behave like this you can't really expect people to respond in a manner that suits you.
Are you actually so stupid as to not understand the point?
You are even too stupid to spoil stuff. What you think as a spoiler does not even happen
I wasn spoilt that everyone except the MC dies at the end
Only Kutori dies, and even she's (probably) reincarnated at the end.
That doesn't mean things go well for everyone else though
Or that reincarnation means anything
I need spoilers.
Yeah, her memory is probably permanently gone, and Willem's is sealed away
There won't be much suffering
Why are these lolis such sluts?
you are so cute, what happens in sukamoka?
So, when does Willem fuck the furry?
I think it is safe to say elq wins the MC bowl.
(btw she is the soul provider [get it] of the lolis souls)
He already did, this episode. Touching her like that is apparently serious business
I knew it was rape.
>soul provider [get it]
Leave and never come back
Something that will never happen in this current anime :^)
Haven't watched the ep yet, did they rush volume 2?
No, same pacing as the first 3
So, I missed the last thread. Was there anyone butthurt because they didn't show the fight?
>Snap out with Wuld Nah Kest, showing that you could unleash hell if you only wanted it.
>heavily implied you won't be able to keep Not-tenshi safe.
being this Mc is suffering even without having to pull his backstory from behind the curtains.
There is a fight scene in the OP, did they skip it completely? I think there's another battle later when they actually btfo Temere for good.
I don't remember the LN at all now, it's been too long.
The fight scene should be in 2 episodes as a flashback
>implying animeonlys come into these threads
they'll probably show it once they explain what the fuck went on
I'm just a filthy secondary who comes here and expected others to be retarded and expect the fight now and be butthurt when they don't show it, like the retard ANN reviewer.
I get how not showing it now makes perfect sense, but you can't expect people on the internet to all be rational
Man, furries are such an eyesore.
But you posted scalies
Equally disgusting.
Bull fucking shit.
I'm afraid you'll have to endure them.