What happened?

>Middle east brought us algebra, hospitals, Abrahamic religion and much more
>Greeks brought philosophy, universities and democracy
>Chinese brought us gunpowder and printing press

Was cultural enrichment actually enrichment back in the day? Where did shit go wrong?

>implying abrahamic religion is a good thing

No stability or defendable borders and when the Middle East was largely depopulated under the Mongol invasions the Turks took over who spent the next 1000 years just fighting all their neighbours

I would argue that it is (without the perversion from the catholic church). It establishes moral grounds and helps people find meaning in life and in treating others good.

If you were to argue that it has only caused war and death, I would tell you that religion is just used as the excuse.

Levant and fertile crescant gave us some of those things. But after lots of byzantine-persian(sassanid) wars, justinian plague desert cult from Arabia came into power vacuum and destroyed them with inbreeding and their religion.

The ((("ancient middle-eastern inventions"))) were literally by Greeks living in Greek colonies the middle east. The sand niggers were still sandniggering.

babylonians, summerians, phonecians, assyrians and egyptians weren't greek

Would like to read more about this. Do you have a source? Wouldn't surprise me if it's true, considering all the other advanced stuff the Greeks came up with.

we are the enrichers now. in the dark ages there was a net flow to us

Al Ghazali

Their crowning achievement was fucking translation of greek works. Between that and occupying a chokehold for international trade they've never been nor done anything of significance.

>babylonians, summerians, phonecians, assyrians and egyptians

Good list of meme non-factor civilizations there.

Greeks and Romans are all that matters in history.

>the year is 1258
>Abbasid empire was once an intellectual centre, many muslims scientists and astonomers live there, they also built universities and make public library a normal thing
>Learned the knowledge of the greeks, and expanded their knowledge by conducting many experiments.
>one day a barbaric horde came
>they were called 'mongols'
>rampage, starts to kill and rape all abbasid's citizens
>throws all the abbasid's knowledge into the tigris river

> Survivors said that the waters of the Tigris ran black with ink from the enormous quantities of books flung into the river and red from the blood of the scientists and philosophers killed.

>Mongols fucked all their wymen
>'till this day, the effects of mongols is still apparent on the arabs. They act like savages and barbarians. Very dumb too, unlike their ancestors

those people had biggest cities in ancient times(besides sone culture in romania and ukraine that we barely know anything about), started writing(can be debatable, VinĨa culture had it 1000 years before, but again we don't know much about them), irrigation, agriculture, metalworks, craftmanship. Basicly all those things existed in Europe but we don't know much about them because it rotted away while middle eastern was presserved in sand and dry enviroment of levant. It looks like balkan is cradle of civilisation

Protestant Anglos invented the modern world.

spread of al-Ghazalis teching and philosophy killed science in Islam, when mongols came it was already in decline and was used by puritans as a sign from god.

Mongols were pretty much just the last push that threw it from a cliff

All that intellectual knowledge was taken from the Greeks and Persians. They merely preserved it, they did not advance it.

They did some advances, especially in astronomy, but their most imported "invention", "arabian" numerals, was stolen from the hindu and then exported to europe when al-Ghazalis teaching were taking over

Usury, mercantilism and globalisation

The turning point was the rise of Christianity in Europe in the early 100s AD. That eventually lead to the entire world being cucked.

>Let me enrich you with some Abrahamic religion, goy

this was india, same with the numerals, only the word comes from arabs
india used to be mighty, before filthy inbred poms showed up

Any books about that subject, any wikipedia articles? The "Islamic Golden Age" is one of the bullshit enlightened shit alongside "Muh crusades" are what normies usually spout when they try to justify taking in 3rd world trash

Sorry, I don't have squat on that. Just seeing time and time again everything they brag about being plagiarized, either from the east like with "arabic" numerals(the font is theirs, credit where credit's due), from the greeks, or otherwise from a non-Arab(Persia wasn't wholly useless) who got hounded by the muslims for heresy.

Had a guy try to justify praising Islam due to Algebra being brought over due to Muslim trading routes and Christian (re)-conquest.

Also sayingsomethimg that European knights had no clue about chivalry


ar*bs, mongols, an*los and kikes ruined everything

>Cultural Enrichment
Cultural Enrichment happens when scholars and traders travel to countries to do business or to learn, Cultural Enrichment occurs when the greatest minds from nations interact and share information or goods and services.
Cultural Enrichment in the 21st Century would be recognized as free trade and telecomms/the publishing of research.

It has nothing to do with immigration, immigrants were never necessary, Fibonnacci brought most of the arab worlds discoveries back to Europe on his own.

What it did need was trade and travel, but now, travel is unnecessary because we have the internet.


AL ghazali literally teaches muslim to become dindus

second half of second image mentions the "golden age", but the rest comes in handy now and again as well
Really, the fact that they never managed to recover from the discovery of the Americas(trade route devalued) should tell you something. Hell, for them you could probably call the current state a second golden age, now that they're not entirely irrelevant again due to their oil reserves.