I thought Nyaa was foolproof. But not only the owner ran away with tail between his legs, but he did so without so much of a goodbye notice. Strong community you got there, makes me wanna be a part of the secret club.
So what's happened, torrentfags?
b-but muh AB/TT/BBT
>meanwhile, 99% of all subbed anime is a CR edit
The whole zero notice thing is admittedly really shitty.
Something happened.
what happened?
Why is free market so evil?
>secret club
There's no club to be secret about anymore is there?
>Why is capitalism so shitty?
>EU represents the free market
From the other thread
>The "free market" is dumb because it takes power away from individuals and the state, and puts it in the hands of whoever has the most capital.
The text in that picture...
The EU isn't actually that bad.
I really enjoyed most of it, even if there were some stupid things, and the latest entries where fucking horrible.
But it's better than the lackluster remake of the first one we now got instead.
It's not a thing of the past.
The majority of the food that is produced is never consumed.
It's the only stopgap against the rising tide of the global south, but capitalism is much more powerful than Eurocentrism, so rich white people were more invested in ballin' out than protecting their backyard.
This new thing where neofascists and capitalists suck each other off while slowly recognizing they're bad for each other in some ways is funny as hell.
>dude all human action is the result of economic forces and economic forces only
>dude capitalism will somehow magically "collapse" and I base this off debunked 1800s arguments
You believe in pure pseudoscience, nothing you believe makes any logical sense whatsoever.
What the fuck are you even doing on an anime board?
Get out.
To continue:
>Tell that to shit like company towns
Company towns were actually good though.
They provided higher wages than other companies.
People voluntarily chose to work there because it provided better living standards and a place to live than other firms.
>In the best case scenarios, states can be directly influenced by citizens.
If the population was knowledgeable about these things and not retarded then corporate/government collusion would be slim to none.
This is why Switzerland works quite well.
>free markets
>copyright and patents
Why are socialists so fucking evil bros?
Go back to Kiwifarms icametolurk
Well, never heard about that part.
Then why is Switzerland so successful?
You people are legitimately retarded.
>The majority of the food that is produced is never consumed.
>muh food waste
The vast majority of food wasted is wasted by consumers themselves, not businesses.
>Go back to Kiwifarms icametolurk
Get the fuck out you delusional retard.
I'm sorry if you thought I wanted to imply otherwise. It's still part of a large wasteful system.
>I thought Nyaa was foolproof.
OP confirmed newfag and retarded.
EU is a socialist shithole that needs to be abolished in favor of nation state democracy.
It's funny that capitalist nations produce so much food that the people that consume them waste it.
Meanwhile in socialist countries they can barely produce food.
>Makes no sense
>Vague as fuck
The idea of a European over-government is not necessarily a bad one, but it would need to be an actually democratic government, and not just a puppet government to economic interests.
>Nobody cares about the laws because the results are functionally the same, hell, China is bascally hypercapitalism right now anyway.
lmao this guy actually thinks china is even close to how the USA was during the gilded age.
USA during the gilded age had the higher living standards for workers on the planet.
It's not vague.
Switzerland is one the most capitalist countries on earth and their people have the highest living standards on the fucking planet.
Also they have private healthcare.
>dude capitalism will somehow magically "collapse" and I base this off debunked 1800s arguments
Marx's argument was that the contradictions inherent to capitalism would become impossible to ignore, and we'd eventually move on to a better system (like socialism, worker ownership and the abolishment of capital.) which will also inevitably lead to communism (a utopian ideal in which capital, class, and states cease to exist.)
The march of Laissez Faire > State Capitalism > Socialism > ??? > Communism seemed almost inevitable until neoliberalism sprouted up. Now there's a growing idea that despite capitalism's obvious flaws, the beaurocracy it created will sustain itself until we collapse into 80s dystopia feudalism or the climate fucks us all.
>copyright and patents
...created by capitalists to protect their investments.
>The EU has developed an internal single market through a standardised system of laws that apply in all member states. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal market
It's literally Neoliberalism with training wheels.
>Meanwhile in socialist countries they can barely produce food.
See pic. (We're pretty good at making food nowadays. People starve for profits.)
>Meanwhile in socialist countries they can barely produce food
There's never been an actual socialist country, please, stop meme posting.
I've worked in retail, we threw out perfectly good things into the trash, couldn't even give them to staff at a discount
>dude just give a small group of people all of the power
>what could possibly go wrong
Having nation states create their own laws is far superior to one monolithic socialist bullshit system.
>government regulation
>free market
>It's funny that capitalist nations produce so much food that the people that consume them waste it.
They consume so much food with the express purpose of it being wasted.
Merchants have found that people are more likely to buy food if they aren't forced to pick the last item in the basket.
Switzerland is also a confederation, the best form of government for free market to work in
>most capitalist countries on earth
How do you actually measure that?
>Having nation states create their own laws is far superior to one monolithic socialist bullshit system.
...what do you think Socialism means?
Yes, you too, commies.
Are you actually a fucking Marxist? Fuck off with your retarded ideology. You can't have an economy without a price mechanism.
You can have a multilayered government.
Germany has community level, state level and country level. Now it's also got EU level.
You just need to define which kinds of rulings should be made on which level.
>Marx's argument was that the contradictions inherent to capitalism
There are no contradictions, marx was wrong.
>and we'd eventually move on to a better system (like socialism, worker ownership and the abolishment of capital.) which will also inevitably lead to communism (a utopian ideal in which capital, class, and states cease to exist.)
Then why was he proven wrong by history time and time again?
Why did living standards for the workers increase dramatically during the gilded age?
Marx was wrong.
>The march of Laissez Faire > State Capitalism > Socialism > ??? > Communism seemed almost inevitable until neoliberalism sprouted up.
No it didn't. Living standards were increasing for people in the western world.
>...created by capitalists to protect their investments.
No shit, they used the state to protect their interests. This isn't a free market, it's just government.
>real socialism has never been tried
Nice meme lad.
>I'm an art student
>It's literally Neoliberalism with training wheels.
Just because that's what they state doesn't mean jack shit.
Neoliberalism is a useless meaningless word. There's nothing new or liberal about the EU.
It's highly regulated and controlled.
>See pic.
I guess we'll just ignore the countless other examples of socialism causing mass starvations and genocides while people in actual capitalist countries have TONS of food.
>They consume so much food
*They produce so much food
I fucked that up. I don't know why.
Most other companies don't do this.
They lose money by doing this.
>They consume so much food with the express purpose of it being wasted.
That makes no fucking sense.
Why would companies waste money producing things just to waste it? Why would companies intentionally lose money?
Capitalism produces so much food they can afford to waste some of it.
>Switzerland is also a confederation, the best form of government for free market to work in
I know.
God damn I wish I was swiss.
>Most other companies don't do this.
Yes, they do. It's good business to do it.
>Why would companies waste money producing things just to waste it?
Why don't you continue reading?
People are more likely to buy stuff if they are looking at full shelves rather than half-empty ones.
Emperor GET
>Nice meme lad
Name a socialist country then, shit-poster chan.
>It's good business to do it.
Explain to me why it's good business to waste food?
I worked at a produce store and we wasted almost nothing.
What the fuck man?
>People are more likely to buy stuff if they are looking at full shelves rather than half-empty ones.
So? You can still have full shelves.
No, just use a filo system. Companies do it all the time.
I actually asked my friend that works at walmart about this he said walmart sells almost all of it's food.
USSR wasn't a socialist country?
Vast majority of socialists would disagree with you.
i guess you define socialism differently then,
your version of socialism is impossible
Sweden, Norway
This isn't 1950, you can't just redbait one of the defining philosophies of the 19th and 20th centuries away with thought-killing ideological truisms.
>Then why was he proven wrong by history time and time again?
Because Capitalists have power?
I mean, people predicted the end of Feudalism for hundreds of years before it actually declined. I can't imagine there were any shortage of "IF NON-NOBLES RUN NATIONS SO WELL THEN WHERE IS THEIR DYNASTY THAT LASTS A THOUSAND YEARS? CHECKE MAYTE."
>Why did living standards for the workers increase dramatically during the gilded age?
The labor movement and the decline of feudalism?
>No it didn't. Living standards were increasing for people in the western world.
Yes, that's why the era between WW2 and the mid 70s used to be called 'Late Capitalism'. Funny enough, it was after the Free Market ideology made a comeback that actual middle class gains started plateauing.
>No shit, they used the state to protect their interests. This isn't a free market, it's just government.
They used the state because they could, because capital is a form of power. Without the state, there would be very few checks on that power.
see Unless you're arguing "LET'S STARVE MILLIONS FOR PROFIT" is good.
>Why would companies waste money producing things just to waste it?
Productivity has gotten higher and higher thanks to innovation in technology and bureaucracy. Many things cost almost nothing to produce, but they'd lost out if prices fell in proportion to that value, so they just charge more for it. The bottom never falls out because everyone else does the same thing because profit is the only endgame.
Any country where the government controls the means of production is socialist. In today's world, that would be North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba. All shit holes of course.
not him, but they're of the most free market countries on earth desu
They can afford a welfare state because they have a strong currency.
>Explain to me why it's good business to waste food?
Because it means you get to sell more.
Maximization of profit.
>You can still have full shelves.
And then you need to discard the old food because it's gone bad. Bread and produce don't last very long in the open.
>a filo system
I have no idea what that means.
>I actually asked my friend
I just watched a documentary.
No fuck you. Explain to me how you can have a functioning economy without a price mechanism. Literally no socialist can answer this besides market ones and their ideas are usually retarded anyway.
>most free market countries
No they're not.
>Most capitalist countries
Yea... That surely means the same thing...
Off-topic: China is first! Good for them chinks with all their pollution and great working conditions!
Not for much longer
Someone already put the existing database of torrents back up
>Hong Kong is China
Keep being retarded socialist-kun.
/mlp/ please go
Honk Kong has been China since 1999
The documentary I was referring to:
>Because Capitalists have power?
What does this have to do with anything?
It's a historical fact that living standards went up and weren't kept on a subsistence level like marx said.
>I mean, people predicted the end of Feudalism for hundreds of years before it actually declined. I can't imagine there were any shortage of "IF NON-NOBLES RUN NATIONS SO WELL THEN WHERE IS THEIR DYNASTY THAT LASTS A THOUSAND YEARS? CHECKE MAYTE.
You people are the only ones that have this idea that history is on some progressive path and that capitalism will somehow collapse and turn into socialism. You base this off ramblings from a bearded jew. Marx was legitimately wrong.
>The labor movement and the decline of feudalism?
Nah sorry kiddo. Unions were a small portion of the population back then.
Living standards were actually increasing before any of the major strikes you kids talk about.
Also working hours were decreasing long before the state put in any laws. Pic related.
Economic production raises living standards because the working class can consume more.
Why is this so difficult for you kids to understand?
>Yes, that's why the era between WW2 and the mid 70s used to be called 'Late Capitalism'
heh I love that delusional term.
>wait no stop increasing living standards, stop proving me wrong, this must mean capitalism is just about to collapse
>it was after the Free Market ideology made a comeback
What the fuck are you talking about? The free market didn't make a comeback.
We went off the gold standard in 1970s which resulted in central banks being able to inflate people's living standards away and give governments and corporations tons of fucking power
We're missing the most important aspect of the free market right now.
I would LOVE to go back to the economic laws of pre-1970. We would be much closer to a free market then and things would be a lot better.
They are their own specially administered region.
Dude politic on the anima and manga board lmao so funny.
If you weeaboo fags use our website to question the red-pill, you'll get cocked every time. Anonymous has already brought pirates to their knees, Sup Forums and friends are next.
>They are their own specially administered region.
That is part of China.
>it was after the Free Market ideology made a comeback that actual middle class gains started plateauing.
It's just so hilarious that it's the complete opposite and you base this off nothing.
Oh well, enjoy your delusion.
>They used the state because they could
No shit.
If we had a free market and the government banned any sort of special corporate privilege over the government then these problems wouldn't happen.
>Without the state, there would be very few checks on that power.
Not an ancap, but you're historically wrong.
Medieval iceland and medieval ireland disagree with you.
Also the american midwest pre civil war had a system of polycentric law that was quite successful.
>Unless you're arguing "LET'S STARVE MILLIONS FOR PROFIT" is good.
What are you talking about?
I'm the one that replied to that post.
Capitalism mass produces food. They have so much food they can afford to waste some of it.
Socialism can barely produce any food and thus people die.
People are dying in africa right now because africa doesn't have any functioning markets and have corrupt statists running everything.
Yes, getting special government power to do this where it's impossible for any other business to do so, that or chinese state owned firms.
>Productivity has gotten higher and higher thanks to innovation in technology and bureaucracy.
Productivity overall in the economy has actually stagnated.
That productivity graph you usually see is based on phoney GDP numbers.
>Many things cost almost nothing to produce, but they'd lost out if prices fell in proportion to that value, so they just charge more for it.
If this were even remotely true then it creates a massive profit opportunity for any other firm to lower their prices and take the market share of companies that do this.
There are people so lost in their souls and backwards in their thinking that, with a temporary interruption of people's ability to pirate intellectual property (which isn't really an issue for most people, when that property isn't licensed for distribution in their countries, so no law governs copyright protections), that they see it as an opportunity to advocate for full socialism? A system of power relationship between the state and its people that in practices robs producers of any incentive to generate the materials we're all jonesing for right now?
Tell me, how many anime do you follow---scratch that. How many anime has anyone here ever consumed that came of artists who lived by the socialist ideal of a socialist state??
Guys nobody gives a shit about the politics of it all. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE FUCK I DOWNLOAD MY ANIME FROM NOW?
God, you are such a disingenuous retard. Hong Kong is first world by all reasonable measures and is not at all equivalent to China.
The laws regarding property rights and economy are totally different
kill yourself weeaboo faggot
>Because it means you get to sell more.
No, that means you sell LESS because you destroyed your supply. Also it cost money to produce or buy that food in the first place. You would be losing money.
>And then you need to discard the old food because it's gone bad.
You're telling me that companies don't sell food that has gone bad to consumers. How HORRIBLE?
What is even your point?
That has happened.
When the EU removed their milk limits, the price for milk suddenly fell so dramatically that dairy farmers in the EU had no way of making a living off their milk anymore.
It took several years for the governments to start fixing the situation and lots of farms had to close doors with huge debts piled up.
>calling someone a weaboo
>on Sup Forums
hongfire is also down.
what the fuck guys? is this the end?
You're too retarded.
>USSR wasn't a socialist country?
>Vast majority of socialists would disagree with you.
Most that I've spoken to consider it state capitalism, but to be fair they did try to pull it off.
The funniest thing about the Cold War is that a lot of those "Socialist" countries just had mixed economies, but they wouldn't play nice with US corporate interests.
>Explain to me how you can have a functioning economy without a price mechanism.
A lot of people would recommend just swallowing the bitter pill and abolishing private property (as in corporate-owned property, not personal property). Some want a mixed economy where people could still work, but incomes would be capped and essentials would be covered by society itself. I'd advocate limiting the harmful effects of capital as much as possible and creating public oversight in important industries until it goes away on its own.
>You people are the only ones that have this idea that history is on some progressive path and that capitalism will somehow collapse and turn into socialism.
See >What the fuck are you talking about? The free market didn't make a comeback.
>Medieval iceland and medieval ireland disagree with you.
Feudalism? Whut?
>Capitalism mass produces food. They have so much food they can afford to waste some of it.
Then why do people still starve under capitalism?
Sup Forums isn't of anime chatroom more, anyone who question the red pill must be eradication.
>Off-topic: China is first! Good for them chinks with all their pollution and great working conditions!
Chinese pollution is fault of a severe lack in property rights.
The USSR had a gigantic pollution problem.
>How many anime has anyone here ever consumed that came of artists who lived by the socialist ideal of a socialist state??
Nothing because anime is capitalist.
That's what makes it awesome.
Profit can only be made by exploitation.
>When the EU removed their milk limits, the price for milk suddenly fell so dramatically that dairy farmers in the EU had no way of making a living off their milk anymore.
Good. People in europe are better off because of this.
Maybe they should get other jobs then.
>come to look for news on a torrent site being down
>full blown argument about economic systems
don't know what I expected
>No, that means you sell
They don't sell less. Why would they sell less? You have no idea what you are talking about.
>it cost money to produce or buy that food
Yes, but the extra expense is irrelevant compared to the statistical increase in sales.
Why are you assuming I don't condone throwing away food that's gone bad?
It's just that from the beginning they had produced (bought) more food than necessary in order to increase sales (leading to the customers throwing away more food as well), which leads to an overall increase in food waste.
>abolishing private property
You can't be serious. Fuck off, you need capital for the economy to function and for people to work jobs and get paid wages. Abolish it? Who is going to determine how much your labor is worth then? Some government bureaucrat? The whole system is nonsensical.
>robs producers of any incentive to generate the materials
>Doing something you hate so much
>Doing it just to earn cash