So someone earlier was shilling GNUNet, but what about Freenet? It has a larger network, a longer history...

So someone earlier was shilling GNUNet, but what about Freenet? It has a larger network, a longer history, and unlike GNUNet, binaries are available for Windows, OSX, and Linux. We don't need to host the files on it, but we can use it to share DHT magnet links using the forum technology already built into it. Release groups can also have their own freesites to share releases.


Other urls found in this thread:

Freenet is private property of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Better idea is to get a site up on ZeroNet so the site itself will be hosted p2p.

Nice meme. Got some facts to go with it?

From Wikipedia:
>ZeroNet is not anonymous by default, but users can hide their IP address by using the built in Tor-functionality
Hahah no.

I used to run a Freenet node, and I'm trying to get together the hardware to start running one again. It's very secure and rather easy to use, and it works fine on Windows, which is where the majority of our user base is. We don't need to reinvent the wheel, and we can fit in with existing traffic.

One day everything will be forced to move to decentralized networks, today is not that day.

If not today, when? It looks like we've lost almost six months of Nyaa's database. How much are we going to lose next time? Right now there's a big gaping hole where Nyaa used to be, and we don't even have a good alternative right now. If there was a time to do what I've been saying we needed to do for *years*, that time is now.

What about I2P?
Network is quite large already, more complete, also has binaries for all platforms, integrated BitTorrent client, hosting, IRC...
Only problem are speeds, but that could improve if more people participated.

Whatever we do, we need to choose ONE protocol to use, at least for now.

We have to build the network, and we can't do that if we're going in 15 different directions.

This. Since GNUNet appears not to need special hardware I'd go with that. I haven't made heads or tails out it yet though. No matter what protocol is used there should be a quick setup guide made.

GNUNet though is difficult to set up and doesn't have binary packages, especially not for Windows. That would have to be fixed first.

You can't download files over freenet in parts. That's the killer.

But you can divide a freesite into pages, which is all we need for magnet links.

You know how long it takes to push anything significant into freenet?
It is simply not feasible for something like we need, sharing large media files in mass.
i2p would work, but there's no collusion of identical files - There would be a single seeder of countless duplicates. Anyone who has used systems like this know how awful that is.
ipfs sounds cool, but is not at all anonymous - Layering things like Tor over it only increases vulnerability space and is hack and dumb.

If only there were something that made up for the all shortcomings of these, offering everything we want and need, a best of all worlds with none of the downsides...

Are you willing to put up pre-compiled Windows binaries and possibly deb/rpms?

I'd go with GNUnet too.

I2P is a second option but not the best, speeds are slow.

Give me time and I may make a guide for GNUnet.

Well then, it's time to start contributing to GNUNet. We can start by building windows binary and improving GUI.

I have it installed, easy on Ubuntu, but don't think I have it setup right. Again, the need for a guide for tards. A windows installer would be great to pull in more users to bolster the network.

Just say it straight, GNUnet will scale for ALL needs.

Fucking this, to everybody who wants to collaborate they can join their irc on freenode.

So I'm still here, just got back, and I still don't see any way to get any anime.

Go to search tab (three circles with arrows between them) and search for mkv.

Okay, I see it. Clicking download doesn't seem to do jack, though.

It might have something to do with the fakku archive I'm getting, so Imma just wait.

That's the file I added, maybe it's just too big (~1gb). But I don't see much outgoing traffic so it could be that something is misconfigured. I also get constant stream of:
>mesh-5634 ERROR Failed checksum validation for a message on tunnel `CGD7'
Search for 2EG5 in peer list, you should be connected to me.

I see you. S5T2 here. I don't see that message.

Why are you guys looking at abandoned software?

Demonsaw is the future. stay tuned for DEF CON 25 where Eijah will make his presentation.

Fuck off shill

>Being this butthurt about someone who acknowledge a much better solution

First learn what that world means you tech illiterate retard.

fuck off shill

I do see the other one too. same dealio.

Did anyone run gnunet without being root?


fuck, my theme may be ruining gtk

get arc, negro.

apparently you need to wait for a while to get peers on gnunet

you can sort by state on the peers page to see them come in. If they aren't and you don't have a list like this, you could try restarting.

There is one Japanese dude uploading almost all eroge every month over Freenet.

>Literally shilled by that faggot mcafee

No thanks

Well, it wods sound easier so why not.