>nyaa is dead
>people thinks it's the end of animu
>they don't know XDCC
Kufufu scrubs
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off
Dumb Satania poster.
What the fuck is nyaa?
Is bandwidth cheap enough for XDDC bots to survive the same amount of leeches as torrents trackers did?
Is there a decent public tracker for airing anime? Please help anons, I don't want to stream.
Kill yourself
tie the noose already
HS has (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((XD))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))CC
Kill your self, FAMALAN.
Join #horriblesubs
They're giving away AB invites.
End your pathetic life.
You lied
I feel like it is 1999 again.
Kill your self, OP.
Pizza Hut shill
Neck yourself
>tfw got my IRC invite yesterday
Feels good famalantachi.
Summer is almost here
Dogakobo shitters are cancer.
I love this meme.
Great, i came late and i can't reply with it without looking like a copycat
I don't know how to use it.
TT or HS magnet links are enough.
Good, the less people know the better.
That feeling of being the first response to an XDCC post is euphoric.
>inb4 "fuck off"
Everyone get a load of this copy cat
>they don't know XDCC
I tried days ago and kept getting error messages.
After two hours of searching for fixes, playing ith settings, and retrying over and over, I gave up.
Go make your self taller.
>nyaa dies
>CR and other paid sites die
>free streaming dies as well
>you have to pirate through XDCC and other old methods
>normalfags stop watching anime
>Sup Forums becomes good again
Until then I am going to continue posting on my dead "copycat" image board.
IRC doesn't need an invite, you retard.
This right there is my dream.
>tfw too itnelligetn to download anime
Stop dropping info.
As it was at the begging shall be at the end.
XDCC is decent because nobody uses it, dumbfuck.
Can you find Raws BD on XDCC?
There's no point in withholding it, someone is or has dropped the same exact info somewhere on reddit. Sekrit club shenanigans don't really work in this day and age.
Drink bleach.
Also that is a good way to get a virus, those pesky hackers.
>download them translated
>press S
Okay I got 9 XDCC invites and no one to give them to, post your MAL and I'll send you through PM if I like your taste.
Seriously, it's 2017 and we are going backwards. EU used to be much more lax.
Now that I think about it is kind of ironic that I greentext here. Greentexting at my "copycat" image board is almost a ban worthy offence.
Anything run by donations is always on constant life support, especially at that kind of data transfer. That's why p2p exists.
How does that work for manga, light novels or visual novels?
Two of the 3 are shit.
>Wanting to go back to XD((((((((CC)))))))))
>thinking the death of nyaa won't lead to the death of Sup Forums
>thinking that won't lead to us being merged with some shitty board or just removed outright
The fact people still use IRC in this day and age is amazing. Legacy protocols should really be put to rest as they don't keep up with security standards.
can i link you to my r/anime thread instead? i listed all my favorite animes (i've seen over 20)
pm me senpai
Typical response from EOP scum.
>thinking the death of nyaa won't lead to the death of Sup Forums
Sup Forums will just start using CR like the normalfags cucks that they are.
There are any number of other ways to get your manga, raw or translated.
>light novels or visual novels
>Sup Forums - anime and manga
I doubt honestly used Nyaa at all but when something gets taken away they want it more than ever.
>stoping piracy is going backwards
get a load of this poorfag, I bet he doesn't even have a CR, Funimation, Daisuki, Amazon and Netflix accounts.
H-here I go!
>Usenet becomes the most popular way of downloading anime
>it's only about currently airing shows
No you retard, we're worried about other shits such as music/OST, games, scans and whatnot.
>Sup Forums will just start using CR like the normalfags cucks that they are.
That IS the death of Sup Forums. The only thing we can do now is learn nip to prepare a grand migration to 2chan when that inevitably happens.
only if you gave Steins;Gate a 10/10
Hit me up senpai
Am I really sharing this board with cancer like this?
magnets on horriblesubs still work
we will be fine Sup Forums!
>Last Online Mar 30, 2012 9:19 PM
Not likely
but the nips are cucks who watch animu on TV with unskippable ads
What if i want to download doujin games?
i am fucked?
Literally the first profile that showed up when searching "neko kawaii myanimelist"
Now this is the real cancer:
At least they're more bearable than western shitters that see Sup Forums's anime board and go on there thinking its a fucking hugbox for recommendations like reddit or tumblr.
I swear to god if someone mentions CrunchyRoll or Kissanime as an alternative again i'm going to invade the EU
Kissanime is a good alternative now that nyaa is ded.
Just use Crunchyroll or KissAnime
Crunchyroll too.
Why not just use the better alternative: Crunchyroll?
Crunchyroll and Kissanime are probably the best alternatives we've got now.
Reminder to NEVER use CR unless they uncensor boobs.
lol its like im on reddit
Just use Crunchyroll lmao poorfags
But you ARE on reddit.
wow ur right kek
I give up.
Im a streamfag now, will settle for kissanime
XDCC! +1
There's nothing wrong with Crunchyroll. It's cheap and has a large selection. It's just anti-stream elitists who talk shit on it.
What happened to Sup Forums?
lol xd
Okay I have 3 XDCC invites left
whoever posts the funniest images gets one
remember to put your email in the email field!
The only problem with kissanime is the quality and the shitty watermark
>helping feed san francisco sjws
I don't know this is reddit
Crunchyroll doesn't have a watermark.
Do people actually think this is funny, even ironically?
It also has a shitty selection and isn't free.
Fucking NGE isn't even available
Kissanime is shit use 9anime
>NGE isn't even available
Good. NGE is trash anyway.
You owe me 3
>not using JKAnime and translating using babelfish
Is there anywhere left that's safe from these degenerates, yet won't get me put on a list?
>Nep shiposter
Opinion discarded and go back to Sup Forums and stay there and never come back.
Calling the cops just to be sure.
Don't mention Crunchyroll on Sup Forums.
Nep is anime, stay mad Asucuck
Yes come to ccluster.com, formerly [email protected]
Get the fuck out.