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Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine
King today
Unfortunate choice of words there
Kai best boy
Just me then?
Chibi Haine is cute
>have to torrent this time because y'know
>look at peerlist
>why can't I hold all these Poles
>Spaniards second most common Yuros
I expected them but not that.
World map, seems to be real word with bullshit nations
This is a cute girl (male)
>modeled off of Austria
>has a king nicknamed 'the God of War'
>has a Russian first name
>not Prussian
Fucking Japs.
I think they were going for generic european really
Do you take the hand?
Kai squatting like a slav
The plot thickens
This anime makes my inner aryan happy.
How does Haine know the king? And well enough to drink with him?
First name basis too?
X-files theme plays
I want to teach Leo basic arithmetic!
I want to teach Leo proper grammar and syntax!
I want to teach Leo fictional history!
I want to teach Leo courtship in a foreign language!
I want to teach Leo the pleasures of the body!
I was so off put by the seiyuu they picked for Victor I thought for sure he was gonna be evil.
Then again I can see why they went with Morikawa, he's got the right intensity.
>dat huge Russia/USSR
Prince from a country conquered by Victor-chan
USSR doesn't exist yet, or shouldn't, given the other borders on that map.
Russian Empire knockoff
Haine with a nightcap is too cute.
Imperial Russia seems more the case given that Austria and Germany are within the same empire, even though Russia's borders look more 20th century than 19th.
Holy fuck he is dumb. I thought he was just a little stupid but this is a bit much.
Heine didn't sign on for tard wrangling
Never understood why people wear nightcaps.
Every time I start getting bored with this series it throws more plot hooks at me
>Cafe Mittermeyer
But what about Reuenthal?
Truly the image of intimidation.
Up until this I had wondered if Heine was a prison or military instructor, but I'm unsure if such a role would have contact.
So we can all agree Kai probably has the biggest penis out of the four princes right?
Nah leo is secretly a monster
What's so monster about this bashful thing?
please fuck off
Why do Japs like Saturday Night Fever so much?