Do you agree with this Sup Forums?

Do you agree with this Sup Forums?

No, that's gay.

Yes, that's gay.

Maybe, that's gay.

The voluntary extinction of humanity following cessation of sexual reproduction is the ultimate moral good.

Yes, that's what god truly intended.

I don't know, that's gay.

if this unsexy brown slut broke into your universe and raped everyone you knew I'm pretty sure you would think the same

You are truly enlightened, user. Teach me your ways.

Can you repeat the question, that's gay.



>all anime is turning fujoshit and/or yurishit
Only based Shinkai can save us with hetero love

Depends: if we go by this logic, than should anons love anons?

You're not the boss of me now, that's gay.

I love you all, in a non-romantic way.

A-user, that's...

>unironically preferring hetero
What are you gay?

Don't reply to Sup Forums users.

>unsexy Kuro
Why is this a meme?

i think girls should date girls and boys should become girls

I think women should love boys, and men should love girls.
/l/ & /ss/

I think girls should date me, and I should date girls.