New 3x3 thread. Starting with my favorite shows

New 3x3 thread. Starting with my favorite shows.

favorite romance/harem


Wow your romantic tastes are hurting my stomach.

Not to be a faggot, but does anyone know a horror film that's any decent?

Not really horror, but I just watched Wasurenagumo.

Manga 9x9.

4/4 by the way, your general interests are fine but your taste in Romance is a bit off thats all.

coming from the one with all that shoujo shit. Seriously what sane human being likes Nana?

To be fair though, I am not 100% on the shit I consider my favorites because they always change. Even now I wouldn't consider something like Toradora a favorite of mine.

vampire hunter D (both films)
blood the last vampire

going to end with my favorite films/OVAs

1/3 -NHK, Chobits

4/6 -NHK, Chobits


Requiem From the Darkness isn't that bad. Give it a go. It had a really cool OP too.


We are just different people. Nana is amazing, I think you need to be on the other side of your 20s before it really clicks. I never have related to characters more than the Nanas. Everyone in that show is so flawed but so likable.

3x3 of favorite female characters

+NHK, Trigun. I really need to rewatch NHK now that I've had experiences with social anxiety and shit
+Lain, Shirokuma
+/- Mushishi



>thinly veiled rec thread

OPT is the thinly veiled rec thread.
3x3 is the thinly veiled "whats your favorite anime?" thread.


+Bebop, Angel's Egg, Redline
Mamimi is good

Not my fault. Anime should have been there.

good, didn't watch, meh
manga is better, good, okay
good, good, okay

didn't watch, didn't watch, good
good for the memes, didn't watch, good
meh, didn't watch, cheese in the trap? didn't like it if that was it

you motherfucker have to bring all that shit, just seinen
very good, meh, very good
didn't read, okay, good
okay, didn't read, good

overrated, didn't watch, good, very good
gintoki and polar bear good, the other three kyoani meh
didn't watch, good, good, didn't watch

not really a fan of any those except nana

good, okay, okay
okay, very good, good
cringe, good, okay

very good, okay, okay
good, can't put my finger on it, okay
some episodes are very good, didn't recognize, horse shit

From Konosuba bellow are 8, if I were to pick I would probably switch with cross game, chihayafuru, hyouka or fmp, but I got lazy, so yeah

motherfucker put things harder for others to recognize, from what I do, 4/4

newfag 3x3 alert

shit, good but stretch, great
meh, great, >2011
gayshit, memeshit, didn't watch

>implying 99 was better

Anyone who isn't blind agrees 99 was better.

+ Lupin, NHK
+- Champloo
- Trigun, 009, Chobits, Tasogare

Yikes, user.
+- Toradora

+- Sankarea
- Higurashi, Corpse Party

Now this is some real shit. Big ups for Cheese in the Trap, user.
+Nana, CitT
+- Umineko, Fruits Basket

Have you read Tsukikage Baby, user? By the mangaka of Sakamichi no Apollon. I just started it.

Hell yes.

+ Perfect Blue, Paranoia Agent, Kaiji, Tatami
+- Watamote, FMA

くそたしなみwwwwI need to watch Doremi. On my list after a million other things.


Artsyle, animation, and OST were objectively superior. Also Uvo vs Kurapika and Chrollo vs Zoldiks handled better.

I'm contributing to a good thread.
I vomited
Gay shit
You pass
I don't think you're watching anime for the right reasons
Poser tier
You can do better

Am I taking crazy pills? Because I can understand you thinking 99 was better if you have a massive boner for Kurapika/phantom troupe, but the rest? 2011 is a lot better, maybe you should try to rewatch that shit and see how badly aged compared to the madhouse version, it's pretty jarring, especially in the beginning, I will digres about the OST, since taste is subjective, but I think the 2011 is a lot more memorable than the 99.

good, okay(or), okay(or)
good, okay, okay
good, okay, very good (2gig)

Pretentious tier

>You can do better
I know, I'm sorry.

I don't think K-On is as good as you want it to be, though.

I don't know what (or) is supposed to mean.

>Have you read Tsukikage Baby, user? By the mangaka of Sakamichi no Apollon. I just started it.

No I haven't. A major reason why SnA makes my 3x3 is the religious theme and without that, I'm not sure if I'd like the writing in the same way.

+Serial Experiments Lain, Tatami Galaxy, CCS
-Mushishi .hack

0/1 lol moeshit. what even is the other stuff haha
most boring taste right here lol
lol moeshit
at least put some effort in lol
haha why is there so many moefags here lol

This is my favorite post in this thread.



This is my favorite post in this thread.

This is my favorite post in this thread.

This is my favorite post in this thread.

I dont mind flaws but when your MC is such an unlikable whiny whore waste of life, it makes it frustrating to watch. To me I can't help but to notice it was clearly made up by a woman which doesn't work out most of the time. It's just too obnoxious to sit through. Not to mention the men are ugly as shit. In fact all the designs are ugly.

But the edgy shoujo aesthetic is so good user.

>To me I can't help but to notice it was clearly made up by a woman which doesn't work out most of the time

You can't make this shit up.

you have real shitty taste

Next you're gonna say Vampire Knight and Peach Girl are good too.

This is my least favorite post in this thread. Jesus.

>I dont mind flaws but when your MC is such an unlikable whiny whore waste of life,

I assume you are talking about Hachi and not the other Nana right? She's really not a "whore". She falls in love easily. But she's serially monogamous. Her first bf leaves her when he moves to the city (was a married man), and broke her heart. Her second bf cheats on her for another girl and breaks up with her. She sleeps with Takumi and feels crappy about it. Then she dates Nobu who fails to support her in her pregnancy. She gets married to Takumi and that's the end.
Is she a "whore" for sleeping with a total of 4 guys throughout her whole life? That just seems realistic to me. She's not promiscuous. She doesn't cheat on anyone or even really dump anyone aside from Takumi (and he didn't even notice).

I can't find the exact page, but there's that good line from Nana "You know Hachi, your life depends only on ourselves. I’m still convinced about this. But I’ve also learned to accept that people don’t all become as strong, and it made me kinder than before."

And I like the chara designs. Also all the best manga are written by women, including nearly all shoujo.

Whats bottom left?



rate others.
also get better taste.


Sorry, first time posting in a 3x3 thread. What's the rating system? # you agree with / # you know?

I don't know if its get better taste if eel like its a case of watch more shows

and yeah its you like/you've seen


Thank you! Will do a rating in a second.

And that rating will showcase my newfagness. I've been watching casually for the past couple years, but I've probably only seen a couple dozen series. Filling this out, I actually had problems figuring out what I wanted my #9 to be, which is definitely a sign of not having seen enough, as all 9 spots should be competitive.

>Then she dates Nobu who fails to support her in her pregnancy
Assuming this is strictly in the manga because in the anime they make it clear that her and Nobu are a couple. Then after he finds out she's pregnant, he goes out to get some shit. Then after he leaves Takumi rapes her. Also
>Not a whore
c'mon now... Even if someone were to believe that, it wouldn't excuse the fact she's just a terrible character who constantly does stupid shit.

+/- Chobits
+/- Chobits
+/- EVA (I think that's EVA in the bot left?)
+ Psycho-pass, Princess Mononoke
+/- Haruhi

"Does stupid shit" does not equal "terrible character".

You see user most people stop watching Sword Art Online when they turn 14 and realize that good characters are written with believable flaws.

>code gayass
you lose 20 points for mech shit.
>middle picture
forgot the name but that shit was boring

It's been a while ever since I've participated in one of these threads.
What do you think I come to these threads for?
4/4 (TV), 3/3 (OVAs/Films), 1/1 (manga).
5/5. XDDDD 2/5

Shinsekai Yori


>You see user most people stop watching >Sword Art Online when they turn 14 and realize that good characters are written with believable flaws.
Not even remotely relevant to the previous posts.

It's one thing to have believable characters, but if having flaws automatically means a show is good, then clearly i'm watching for the wrong reason. I see no reason to watch a show where people are constantly making retarded mistakes that could easily be avoided in a real life situation. The entire show itself feels exaggerated. It's as if the story itself was thought up by a delusional teenage girl who doesn't know how real life works. I'm also sure the people who should be watching it are teenage girls whop get off on shitty girl dramas. It's not even that realistic for anyone who's experienced actual relationships. I mean seriously, the main girl cries every episode over almost nothing half the time. It gets real annoying.

Holy fuck you have the worst taste of anyone in this thread. It's all toilet humor, overrated shounens, shitty comedies and a boring as fuck girl music show

>girl cries over almost nothing
>not even that realistic
Ok user.

>hunter x hunter
>kono suba
wow you need to watch better shows.

you watch all the shows a closeted millennial would watch

The amount of shoujo in this one post makes me fucking sick. Please tell me you're a grill which would explain your lack of taste.

rate mine pls


Not enough Lupin

>Code geass
Does it help if I couldn't care less about the mechs and was more interested in the machinations behind the combats? The fights themselves didn't do much for me.
>Middle pic
As said, it's Shinsekai Yori. I'll admit it's not terribly action-packed, but I found the world and themes fascinating, as far as how one goes about designing a society for people that could potentially kill hundreds with a thought. Also an interesting take on the dystopia, as it was sort of justified.

>Assuming this is strictly in the manga because in the anime they make it clear that her and Nobu are a couple. Then after he finds out she's pregnant, he goes out to get some shit. Then after he leaves Takumi rapes her.
No that doesn't happen. He arguably rapes her after they decide to get married and go back to Nana's house for her stuff, but he's the one who leaves Nobu and Nana alone to chat about it.

Yes, Nobu is a couple with her but he does not want to support her in her pregnancy. He's a manchild unable to accept responsibility, and Takumi can.

> It's not even that realistic for anyone who's experienced actual relationships. I mean seriously, the main girl cries every episode over almost nothing half the time. It gets real annoying.
Relationships seemed very real to me. And yeah people cry, including many women, and some people cry easily (I don't think Hachi cries that easily though). Either you have a lot of growing up to do or you are emotionally stunted.

Yeah I am a woman. Also those are just my favorite romances, so of course shoujo is going to dominate. (Shoujo would probably dominate anyway though),

Serious question how can someone enjoy most shoujo its just too slow.

Get on those meds user. Might help a little.

The beauty of shoujo is in the gradual development, user. Things happen bit by bit, like in life.

>muh powerful emotionally flawed wimmin
go watch general hospital. Shoujo is the worst genre in all of anime.

penguindrum made no sense. Don't get how anyone could possibly like it.
Agreed more lupin
>arguably rapes her
takumifags still believe this shit? It happened.
>Yeah I am a woman
opinions discarded
it's called a shotgun

I'm shocked at the amount of people who seem to like MHA in this thread. I thought it was just an average superhero show.

Depends on the shoujo I think. Of the ones I posted, I don't think any are very slow aside from HYD (which has a lot of drag) but we have the wonderful 2005 drama that makes up for that.

Personally, I stay away from slow romances (like Skip Beat) too. It might just be that you've only seen slower shoujo.

>takumifags still believe this shit? It happened.
She protests because she doesn't want to make Nana upset. He says "I'm the one you should be worried about making upset". She never considers it to be rape, and Ai Yazawa does talk about rape openly in Parakiss.
I think of hesitant sex as being different than rape, ultimately its up for the victim to decide if what it was is rape or not, and Hachi obviously doesn't feel that way. And either way they do love each other. Its not like "oh he's a rapist I don't love him anymore now". Kare Kano is still a classic romance even after the implied hesitant sex there.

>opinions discarded
Are you implying you are a male or are you just memeing? Why should males have strong opinions on Nana anyway come on. Thats like women having strong opinions of super saiyans or something.

What shoujo have you seen?

>Thats like women having strong opinions of super saiyans or something.
This is the stupidest fucking thing I've read all day







You're doing fine work. This is a variety of shittiness that I hadn't even considered previously. I'd love to see what novel atrocities you'll conjure up next.



Liking your style too. Together, we can push this format to its illogical conclusion.

Since you seem to like obscurantism as much as I, riddle me this:

Within this grid
three anime
are subtly hid
in punning way.
Now guess their names
and rate my taste.
To solve my games
I bid you haste.

Its true though. Why would a male have strong and angry butthurt opinion on Nana? Just watch the first 2 episodes and realize its not for you. You should be watching harems or shounens or ln adaptations.

I really like the riddle 3x3 concept user but I'm much too stupid to figure these out.

Question: What is "taste"? I'm relatively new to Sup Forums, and the term is constantly thrown around here, almost always in the context of of telling someone they have "shit taste". I don't think I've seen a single thing on here not called "shit taste" at some point. Then, does the term even have any meaning? I get that it's supposed to be representative of one's appreciation of "quality" shows which people less familiar with the genre might not pick up on, but it seems to mostly be used as an excuse to insult other people. At some point don't people just have individual preferences, as opposed to some shows being objectively better than others?

You say you are new to Sup Forums but you seem new to life in general. Are you 18+?

>What is "taste"?
"the ability to discern what is of good quality or of a high aesthetic standard."
>I don't think I've seen a single thing on here not called "shit taste" at some point. Then, does the term even have any meaning?
Yes it does have meaning, but its largely subjective and people like their banter/insults/ribbing. (Important aspect of internet culture).
> At some point don't people just have individual preferences, as opposed to some shows being objectively better than others?
Duh. Why do you need someone else to tell you this.

They're all fairly popular "artsy" anime, for whatever that's worth. As a hint, these 3x3s contain one (or more) shows from this one:

Dennis Moore/9

My confusion originated from primarily seeing the term used in the context of the banter/insults/ribbing. Given the way certain things were declared to be "shit taste" as a fact made it seem like Sup Forums had some idea of an objective taste which I was unaware of. With the high level of subjectivity involved, why bother making such matter-of-fact claims as to the quality of a particular series? I can get saying that you agree or disagree with someone else's taste, but there's always going to be people that agree or disagree with your own sensibilities.

>Given the way certain things were declared to be "shit taste" as a fact made it seem like Sup Forums had some idea of an objective taste which I was unaware of.
This is bizarre. Sup Forums is not a hivemind jsyk.

> With the high level of subjectivity involved, why bother making such matter-of-fact claims as to the quality of a particular series?
Bants. Also its a way of asserting your own opinion that is much more enjoyable for most than "durr I disagree". Like who cares? But saying "its shit" is more of a challenge.

Sup Forums is one person

Thank you very much!

I mostly hail from /tg/, and while we do occasionally have insult-flinging over preferences, those threads are pretty few and far between. For the most part, there's more general consensus over the pros and cons of particular games.

That sounds horrible.

Sup Forums is a foul void of bitterness and insincerity. "Few and far between" here describes the threads where people voice their opinions honestly without intentional shit-stirring and bad intentions. Your genuine concern is endearing, but I fear for your smile and optimism should you tarry here any longer.

This thread is terrible.

Thanks. I worked hard on it.

unless you're the one chick swearing Nana isn't complete garbage and defending shoujo, I doubt you're responsible.

No I am not the same as Why do you hate shoujo so bad? There's nothing not to love about a romantic story.

there's a difference between good romantic stories and not good romantic stories. Most shoujo falls under the second category.

So you like...shounen/seinen romance? Where they male lead just going "Bwuhhhh???" at the pretty girls or whatever?

Give me a break. Name the 12 best non-shoujo romance manga you can. (You cant)

I don't even care for romance anime. Most of the romance shows I've actually seen are shoujo. I have to struggle getting through most of them just so I can say i've seen them and criticize them properly. They're always dictated by the girl's perspective as they should be since they are aimed towards young girls. The issue with that however is it creates unbearable female characters who you'd swear are borderline mentally challenged. These girls most of the time cannot make up their minds even if the situation could be handled with common sense. At least with the shounen romance shows I've seen (very little) I can appreciate the simplicity and not have to worry about pulling my hair out because of how the character's are so god damn stupid . Anyone can enjoy a simple love story or even some not as simple like a Romeo & Juliet type of story. Shoujo can only really be enjoyed by females who live off their ridiculous melodramatic fantasies while watching them. Their filled with completely idiotic characters and problems that you quickly realize are unnecessary. It's not an enjoyable watch overall.


Holy fuck the dub voice of Tanya is complete shit. I honestly want to know how that actress gets work with such a awful voice. Sub vrsion is fine even if the show itself isn't good.

Nigger why are you about shit taste when you have the worst romance anime in your 3x3 (Wolf Girl Black Prince)?