Childhood is rooting for Lelouch and CC.
Adulthood is realising Kallen is the patricianr choice.
Childhood is rooting for Lelouch and CC.
Adulthood is realising Kallen is the patricianr choice.
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Harem ending or fuck off.
With a timeskip the loli should be of acceptable mounting age as well
Miraculous Birthday confirmed canon
Alivefags BTFO
>associating yourself with a dirty 11
there is no hope for your kind of trash
Childhood is fapping to kallen
Adulthood is fapping to Villetta
Long haired Kallen
Ohgi, go home. No one likes you.
>Adulthood is fapping to Tianzi
Kallen's long hair is proof of peacetime. Her hotblood has not been necessary so she began to grow it out like all the other girls.
>Childhood is rooting for Lelouch and CC.
>Adolescent is realising Kallen is the better choice
>Adulthood is realising Shirley was truly the best choice out there.
>Not wanting the true wife of Zero
No really, i cannot pinpoint why i like this chick any fan who can tell me why they like Kaguya?
stopp making this shit code geass threads on a.
Kallen and Lelouch is less thematically interesting. CC and Lelouch at least means that R2 ended with Lelouch granting everyone their wish, but at a fucked up price. CC's the only odd one out between Nunnally, Schneizel, Suzaku, Kallen, etc. otherwise.
Not even Villeta likes him anymore
>Ohgi Getting cucked in s3
who's hyped
I'd rather just both Ohgi and Villetta die
seems legit, i guess thats it
Bitch literally fought AGAINST him instead of helping him in any way she could.
Which is what he wanted, so in actuality, she was actually helping him.
If Lelouch told her the truth she would have follow him in a heart beat but she would have seem like traitor to her friends so he decided to rather not tell her
CC was never a choice for romantic intent. She's too jaded and was only ever there to help Lelouch achieve his goals. Kallen was always too immature, and again only a tool to use to achieve his goals. The true choice is none of them. Lelouch never wanted a lover, and never needed one. He wasn't weak like his father.
Harem ending.
Lelouch has 108 kids too just like his father.
I would have thought adulthood is spelling patrician correctly
Childhood is rooting for Lelouch with anybody.
Kallen isn't on his level. She's a kid he used for his plans. She's cute and a great pilot but not relationshit material. CC is his only equal due balancing his genius with her life experience.
Shirley is even worse, her strongest attribute is being nice.
This so much
wrong her only attribute is loving lelouch cuz thats her whole fukcing character glad that useless hoe kicked the bucket
Shirley was perfect.
I've been a Shirleyfag for over a decade.
Adulthood is realising that a threesome with Nina and Table-kun is the best possible outcome.
>Code Geass was released 11 years
what have we done with our lives since then?
How crazy were the shipping wars while Geass was originally airing? Was the Lulubowl violently contested, or did CC always have it on lockdown?
>shit begins to go down
>Kallen is needed once more
>dramatic hair-cutting scene
I ate a lot of pizza hut
Papa John's is a lot better
dominoes is better than both
>How crazy were the shipping wars while Geass was originally airing? Was the Lulubowl violently contested, or did CC always have it on lockdown?
Kallen got her planned arc cut for time. So CC was always the only obvious choice.
But in the end most people at least wanted a threesome end. CC with her ass and Kallen with her tits.
>Suzaku and Euphy
>Ogi and Viletta
Code Geass has enough racemixing as it is.
>Kallen got her planned arc cut for time
Suzaku and Euphy never got to the actual "mixing" part, user. ;_;
She's a disloyal retard, get over it. Lelouch is spending eternity getting blowjobs from the green witch.
See Hes (currently) dead.
where did you get this, that looks like a high quality version for the picture drama, but the one that was mentioned at dailymotion only played the first 4 minutes, were is the full version for this picture drama?
>Used a design
Means literally nothing.
>he doesn't know
There's an S3 in the works. He's alive user.
But that's not Kallen, that's her clone from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Not being stupid is realizing Kallen is Lelouch's Queen, only a retard would think otherwise.
He knows, he's just a retard pretending inconsequential non-canon stuff is canon.
Honestly speaking now, Kallen must be doing anything but no piloting.
She has to stop pilot anything for years or their is no conflict otherwise.
She's the most powerful pilot in the whole history on Earth.
Whoever has Kallen in his side has already won EVERYTHING before the war even begins.
Hence she HAS TO be doing something completely different in the years after R2.
t. loser
No, Suzaku in Geass'd mode was the better pilot, but Kallen had a better machine so they were even.
That's so wrong in many levels. Susazu has no chance because he's been impersonating Zero 24/7
Try actually watching R2, you fucking idiot.
I never thought about that. Kallen is too OP, how are they gonna nerf her?
I said specifically said "currently"
Its called Lelouch of the /Resurrection/ for a reason
A bullet
Learn English, then watch the show, you fucking ESL retard.
ok underage
You stupid subhuman piece of shit, they explicitly state it in the show. Why are you ESLfags so impossibly retarded?
Maybe by putting her on the opposite side from Suzaku of whatever conflict happens in R3?
>watch sub
>then watch dub
i like lelouch's dub voice better then jap but i dont think the jap voice is bad at all.
i like the jap voices better for other characters like nana but i think lelouch's dub voice matches his character perfectly
is that weird?
Not him, but the show specifically has Suzaku, under Geass, saying that he can't beat Kallen even with his curse, and saying Kallen's skill is too great
I just watched the last ep yesterday. I remember.
They hinted a lot about Kallen's brother during the latter half of R1. When R2 came around they decided to just ignore it along with some other things.
Because of her Guren. Try watching it again and actually paying attention.
Suzaku never attributes it to the Guren's specs. Kallen herself comments on them once to herself when saying she should be beating him because the specs, but Suzaku never does.
Again, watch the entire thing again.
The first time the Guren is upgraded and the superior machine, which makes Suzaku kill 35 million people. The second time Lancelot has Albion and they're on relatively even terms
I did. I told you exactly what when down, and what the two said.
>I did
Sorry, I forgot to tell you to pay attention.
No. CC and Lelouch have much more chemistry. And Kallen is too submissive for him
Okay, tell me. Post word for word what they said, verbatim, and then tell me to pay attention.
Go on, I'll wait.
I'm working on a PhD in biomedical engineering
I also have a tulpa waifu
I think originally Kallen was supposed to have a confrontation with her noble Britannian father. So she probably would've still been in a fucking box for being an eleven terrorist, but I think she would've been imprisoned by her father instead of Nunally.
The timeslot change forced them to cut some planned content to reintroduce characters for the new timeslot audience. Kallen was supposed to have an arc, and I think Cecile was supposed to have an arc with Suzaku. But they had to retread old characters, created Rolo and of course had to show off a bunch of new colorful gundam-toy looking Knightmares so Sunrise could sell moar Geass robots.
also we didn't get any tits in s2 because of the timeslot.
>Dig up your archives because I can't read
Or you could just rewatch it and pay attention.
kallen >>>>>>>>>
Don't worry user, remember she's gonna reincarnate as a loli
You've posted nothing though. I posted details of what happened, you just said "pay attention"
So you're gonna have to back up your claims yourself.
In asia perhaps. In UK is Papa John
> does not like Fukujun acting
His voice is questionable, but the acting is top notch. There are times when I have cognitive dissonance when I know what Lelouch did is stupid but my kokoro said otherwise.
>Harem ending or fuck off.
This guy gets it.
Being a pensioner is realizing that MAI HANNI was the best girl for Lelouch
Key word here being
Milly is better than both.
>I posted the entirety of what I think happened
I'm happy for you.
Why was milksteak in Code Geass?
Truly the patrician choice of food.
>scene like this
>they didnt make out or have sex
proof hes gay
Prove me wrong then.
Plot of R3 is most likely the retribution of the order.
C.C. cockblocked them in that scene
>Prove my hearsay and short attention span wrong
I'm good.
Not an argument
You've yet to refute anything I said with evidence.
And you've yet to provide any actual evidence to reject what I said. Let's skip the pseudo-intellectual Sup Forumseddit babble.
Hers is still a bit better as stated by herself. Also Suzaku needed to create a situation to gtfo while her entire attention was on beating him. They are both great pilots and neither is noticeable better than the other.
Thank fuck they changed it then.
>Suzaku: I can't beat her. Even using the Geass I'm cursed with! Your strength is unimaginable, Kallen!
See, right here, everything I said. Suzaku attributes everything to pilot, as I said
Then, as I also said, only Kallen comments on the specs
>Kallen: My machine has better specs than yours, and yet... Why? While you're this strong, do the right thing!
You can argue whether the dub VA quality is bad all you want, but it was handled directly and personally by Sunrise. It holds more weight than fan translations.