>it's light novel adaptation
It's light novel adaptation
>it only serves to promote the LN and will never get a third season because the sales have been boosted enough
>It cuts out way too many details
I miss the days of eroge/galge adaptations.
>>it's light novel adaptation
And it's obsessed with lewd art.
Some decent stuff came out of VN adaptations(Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Clannad), but it was mostly shit.
>It's a LN
>Main girl wins despite a superior girl that has had a more involved, more intimate relationship with the MC the entire series
I'm waiting Konosuba
good to see even japs know light novels are trash
speaking of which back in those days with 26+ episode adaptions why didn't this ever see a adaptation
Trust the author. He won't pull a Kuroneko.
>it's a WN that's adapted into an LN then adapted into a manga
>it's a light novel adaptation
>it's actually good
Kyoanus detected :^D
>he doesn't read LN
Keep your opinions to yourself, filthy pleb.
>Set in a fantasy school
>Heroine is a tsundere princess
>Oh no! MC walks in on her!
>Duel between Tsundere Princess who has an A in everything, including Jobbing
>MC is some nobody who manages to win every fight and not have a massive target on his back that means anything
>Childhood Friend/Loli
>Best Friend
Well fuck you too, and your generalizations.
LN adaptations are usually the best anime. First theres more room for artistic freedoms and design without triggering autism because there is no specifically drawn scene that a storyboard needs to be based on. Second, there's less chances to fuck up interpretation of the story due to the wordier nature, and less chances to run out of content and catch up to the source material, leading to long hiatuses or filler blocks like with manga.
>magical school battle harem
who watches this shit
Too soon
They tend to skip a lot of content, though. In the worst case, they can adapt an entire volume in a single episode.
Don't destroy my hope and make me kill myself now user. We still have the OVA
It will get a third season, I want to believe it!
>it's an incomplete adaptation and basically just an advertisement for the thing it's adapting
>it's an original but rivals light novels in writing
>it's an adaptation of a shitty VN like Fate eliminating the need to read the shitty VN but people will still pretend the VN is better
Spice and Wolf is trash so I'm not sure how he generalized anything. It might be enjoyable if you're a 15 year old girl that never went to school.
What are you trying to say? I need to read a shitty light novel in order to know it's shitty? Idiot. It doesn't sound like you actually read what I posted you just wanted to post your b-tier reaction image.
>Spice and Wolf is trash
Wew sure is shit taste up in here
>t. Can't read
I'll fucking kill you
>it's yet another generic harem show pandering to beta otaku
>I can't read it
>but I know it's shit
>all I read are Sup Forums posts
>that's how I know it's shit
Original TVA
High Tier:
Novel adaptation
Mid Tier:
Manga adaptation
Visual novel adaptation
Low Tier:
Light novel adaptation
Shit Tier:
Video game adaptation
Beyond shit tier:
Web novel adaptation
Mobage/Netoge adaptation
>It's an escapist wish fulfillment fantasy for people who never leave their rooms unless its to buy more useless garbage
This is correct except light novel needs to have a separate category for adapting old light novels before the era of SAO, and those would be at least mid tier.
This. LN adaptions aren't bad, but the LNs themselves are generally just better written.
>VN adaptions
If only I could be as naive.
No argument here.
Who says I can't read it? You can stop samefagging. Actually read my post next time.
The hell is a WN?
Lurk more.
white nigger
Well, fuck you too nigger
Fuck you. How many original anime nowadays have been originality for originality's sake? It's dead and should stay dead.
Eroge adaptations are still a thing though.
Name one good original anime last year.
>transported to an RPG-like fantasy world
So you're saying that the pacing is going to be vastly superior to a manga adaptation?
>how many
Doesn't matter. One is enough.
Why does anyone have to win? Darkness is too weird for him, aqua is a spoiled brat, and I can't see megumin's too much of a loli. Honestly, Im not seeing any romance and I hope the author doesn't force any of it in. Let it just be humor.
The only time I've enjoyed romance in a humor show is Baka to test and thats because it was established from the beginning unlike here.
HOPEFULLY this happens with overlord s2 and the lizard volume
>its a using a light novel adaption as a thinly veiled fan service harem
>LN never even gets adapted
Why does everything have to have romance? Konosuba is pretty obviously a comedy anime. I honestly can't see Kazuma getting with any of the girls. If the author tries to shoehorn some romance in its just gonna turn the show to shit. One of the only comedy anime that incorporated romance right was Baka to test and thats only because romance was part of the actual concept.
Aqua's a spoiled brat, darkness is a weird fuck, and megumin is a loli. I'd prefer to see them view him as trash and him view them as idiots rather than actual romance partners
Oh fuck I thought it didn't go through
Already a thing
isn't that the definition of modern anime?
Fuck. Is it at least low-key as in the romance is there but theres no arcs about "their love" and its just comedy?
There's like two romantic scenes in the entire novel, but it's there.
Adapting stuff from other media is optimal. Making an anime is expensive, so it makes much more sense for studios to let the other people do the story while they work on animating it.
And about the using anime to promote the LN is more the author's fault than the studio's.
It's the publishers, not the authors that decide that stuff. I'd imagine most authors would love to see their works fully adapted.
At least they were completed stories unlike LNshit.
Are manga adaptions shit as well because they don't typically cover the entire series?
It just happens because LN authors are too beta and prefer to bow down to them.
>It's a well-done adaptation of a LN that keeps getting more seasons.
Yes, but at least the original work is enjoyable to read when it's a manga (and avaiable to non-moon speakers).
That's not right at all though, it's the publishers that provide the funding so they would make the decisions.
Flip Flappers, no questions.
>inb4 flip floppers
Some of them are. Most of the really good adaptations will cover the whole story or at least the parts worth covering. Not saying LN adaptations are bad because they are incomplete but that most of them are bad and incomplete. Most VN adaptations are complete stories which are more pleasurable to watch.
>Style Over Substance: The Anime
No. Fuck that garbage. I don't care how it looks if the story and characters are so fucking horrid.
Nothing about VN adaptions are "complete". They generally reach an ending, but not without stripping down so much of it. Unlike manga and LNs, VNs always take more time to read through then their anime counterpart, leading to the crunch. The only real exceptions are VNs like Planetarian which are short, which lets you adapt them well.
>It's a sakuga fag insists that pretty pictures make up for terrible characterization and laughable writing post.
Most LNs that get an anime are translated or being translated.
They're also very easily accessible.
>Nothing about VN adaptions are "complete".
Except for the fact that they have an ending. Adaptations will never be 1 to 1 but that was never my point. They have a resolution. Most LN adaptations don't. People like things to resolve. They like to see the guy with the girl and the big bad defeated. This is something you'll have to risk going without in a LN adaptation.
Megumin is actually older in the LN and their ages are very close together.
Does that excuse everything else about the show being shoddily written, directed, and very much incomplete when it comes to portraying anything? Having an actual ending is hardly a metric for having a decent show. By that metric Gosick would be decent because they threw an ending in there after adapting the rest of the series.
This. LN translations are only becoming more common. It helps that the chinks are coming on board as well to help make them available in English.
>Does that excuse everything else about the show being shoddily written, directed
No but what are LNshits' excuse?
No, you're mixing up the LN and the WN. She was 17 in the web novel(the previous version of the story that was cancelled when the author got a contract), but she's 13/14 in both the LN(source material) and the anime.
So saying that VN adaptions are complete and therefore good is a fallacious claim? I am glad to see that you are being honest.
>Being this retarded
Heh, typical elitist faggot. What does LN even have to do with this?
>are complete and therefore good is a fallacious claim?
Please point out where I said that. I'll wait for you to realize how retarded you are.
>style isn't substance
I haven't seen the show in question, but you're a turbopleb.
>Most VN adaptations are complete stories which are more pleasurable to watch.
Yup. Apparently Shingetsutan Tsukihime is OK because they kill Roa at the end.
>Shit Tier:
>Video game adaptation
VG adaptations are VERY hit or miss. Some can be god-tier like Gungrave, Sengoku Basara and the Street Fighter II movie, others are mediocre but otherwise enjoyable like Neptunia and Devil May Cry, and some are beyond shit tier like BlazBlue Alter Memory or the Art of Fighting movies.
Please point out where I said
>VN adaptions are complete and therefore good
Or are you so retarded you think "more pleasurable to watch" means "good"?
Here I'll point out something to you. In my first post I said:
>At least they were completed stories unlike LNshit.
Do you know what people mean when they say "at least"? It's not that they're saying something is amazing but that there's at least one good aspect.
Yuri on Ice
Oh please, arguing over semantics won't get you anywhere. That doesn't elevate them over LN adapations when they are deficient in every other way due to being rushed as shit and missing out on important narrative elements which make the story work in the first place.
>That doesn't elevate them over LN adapations
Yes it does. The average LN adaptation is shit and doesn't have a proper conclusion. The average VN adaptation is shit and has a proper conclusions. Hey guess what, one is better than the other.
> they are deficient in every other way due to being rushed as shit and missing out on important narrative elements which make the story work in the first place
Exactly like the average LN adaptation.
>Implying your pic related isn't another light novel adaptation
>It's light novel adaptation
>imouto fetishes killing anime once again
>>That doesn't elevate them over LN adapations
>Yes it does. The average LN adaptation is shit and doesn't have a proper conclusion. The average VN adaptation is shit and has a proper conclusions. Hey guess what, one is better than the other.
There you go again. Having an ending does not as a rule make something better than one that doesn't, especially when the narrative is compromised in other ways. LNs can actually pace themselves decently whereas VNs ave to make much greater sacrifices than any LN adaption. This is especially prevalent when a LN is more episodic (Jintai, Dantalian, ect.) so having an ending arc is not a huge deal.
>> they are deficient in every other way due to being rushed as shit and missing out on important narrative elements which make the story work in the first place
>Exactly like the average LN adaptation.
I already explained my perspective on this bit, but it is up to you whether you want to actually read the comment chain or not.
it's different dumbass
Good, that shit didn't even deserve it's second season. It was just fucking trash.
On the other hand, NGNL deserves both a movie AND a second season.
Mashiro Iro Symphony.
If only for seeing the tsundere characters lose big fucking time.
>discount proxy battle anime with Mary Sue protagonists
Its ok user, they are not blood related
Space Patrol Luluco