Why won't Chicago lower it's taxes in order to prevent population decline?

Why won't Chicago lower it's taxes in order to prevent population decline?

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Democrats don't lower taxes

Because then it will go broke because of how much it spends of social services.

>lower taxes
Not when you've got all those single mothers to look after.

Because nigger welfare. Just imagine all the money whites would have if they didn't have to pay for niggers.

because the Illinois Democratic Machine is the most corrupt governance in the US. They love keeping minorities hostage for votes

Controlled demolition

They are trying to get their excess of Democrat voters to flee towards Red States. California is doing the exact same thing. A surplus of voters is actually a trad-able commodity among the Democratic party leadership.

FPBP. I never seen an instance where a democrat lowered taxes.

Fucking this.

California has a budget surplus and so many people want to live there the home values continue to sky rocket.


Social engineers are actually hired by the Democratic party for the purpose of writing tax codes and even the design of cities.

What population decline? Democrats don't believe that raising taxes has any impact on people's decision making. That they will keep paying more and more for the privilege of living in such a progressive society.

they don't need lower taxes, they need lax gun laws. niggers already all have guns, make it easy for whites to have guns in the city and you will see them return

I thought that all those welfare gibs come from the federal budget, don't they?

How would that help? You think niggers pay taxes?

Obama did.


California YES!
>Ran out of water despite being nearly 50% surrounded by it.
Formed Water Police.
>Can't pay teachers union benefits.
Raise taxes.
California is a Paradise!

Property bubbles were artificially created to make housing un-afordable for the vast majority of impoverished, city dwelling D voters. They are creating economic/social conditions that allow them to export the unemployed to other states.

Truly full spectrum warfare against middle America

Signed off on Healthcare bill. Campaign promised NO TAX RAISES on the Middle Class.
What was the penalty for not having health insurance? A TAX.

They're trying to take the niggers and push them somewhere else.
It worked for New York. When everything is insanely expensive low level criminal thugs fuck off.

Good luck

Everyone is corrupt as fuck here

We should start a meme shaming cities who try to offload niggers to other municipalities.

California has the best weather on the nation. Largest economy, budget surplus as well as the most desirable place to live. Sorry that makes you so mad.

But they arent bubbles.

Yet obama cut taxes. Sorry that upsets your narrative.

I've lived there bro. I've been all over Cali. Is a beautiful state, but the political situation is dire.

There is no narrative. He did not cut taxes. He made them skyrocket.

Sounds like you had to move because you couldnt afford to stay. Next time do better in life.

wait when did that community organizer cut taxes?

Because you need taxes to gibs me dat

And when you stop being able to gibs me dat, niggers riot and smash the doors of your headquarters and cannibalize you. Rahm knows this. He's riding a tiger and he can't get off.


i think maybe you have answered your own question within your question.
>population decline = gentrification
in the mean time the murderous wildlife create plenty of incidents that democrats and media use to perpetuate their myth of hwite privilege enslaved minorities and genocidal actions of republicans

But he cut taxes. Sorry.


I've linked his tax cuts twice in this thread.

I left Chicago ten years ago because it was so expensive to live there. They won't lower the cost of anything there.

People that grew up there are so use to it they don't even realize it's abnormal to pay that much in rent, or for basic needs. And they don't understand why they are all broke.

It is bizarre how they just kinda think that's the way it is.

The problem isn’t housing desu, like most major USA cities it’s Affordable Housing
>lmao 1000 a month for some 1 bedroom hood shit with an hour commute
Fuck right off with that

>Former community organizer cuts national taxes

Thread is about IL dumbfuck

That is literally what everyone says about bubbles

>California has the best weather on the nation.
t. faggot from out of state that went to visit venice beach for a weekend once

nope california does NOT have the best weather in the nation, a small strip that runs from santa monica down to the TJ border and about 2 miles inland has the best weather in the nation. The rest of So Cal is a fiery desert, the valley that takes up the middle of the state is incredibly hot in the summer and the mountainous regions in the north and east, while they have weather I enjoy, are not what you mean by 'best weather in the nation' because they have weather similar to other mountainous regions in the nation.

Also, the small ocean strip that has really nice weather is unlivable unless you are extremely rich or you want to live 3 hours away in cuidad de los angeles with the spick chollos and nigger gangsters and commute, but try that as a white male and you will get fucking shot.

The bay area is also extremely expensive, but at least its flooded with chinks so the gangs never took root, too bad the AIDS EPIDEMIC did.

California is a trash hole and I fucking hate living here as a FUCKING WHITE MALE, the mountains are top tier and I pray the state of jefferson breaks away from this shit-hole.

I am at the age now where I need to get the fuck out of this corrupt blue state. IL would be red if it wasn't for democrat slaves in Chicago.

Why haven't the Chicago voters gotten rid of Madigan yet?

Absolutely agree! A purge and a rebuild is in order here. Robert demands it!

>Ever leaving power

>Why won't Chicago lower it's taxes in order to prevent population decline?

because they want population decline.



Maybe. Wouldn't that mean that local taxes need to cover other gaps though? Plus the amount spent on policing is much higher due to niggertry