bimbos are cute!
Bimbos are cute!
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Living proof that purityfags are factually wrong.
Yacchan is best mom. I want to protect her smile.
I never come here, and I want to know the geberal consensus on here aboot this anime is here on Sup Forums
It's shit
Bubbling, busty, blond, bimbo babes with big boobies are the bestest!
tfw you deeply envy their cute, carefree nature, and like happy bimbos, but most /d/ threads now focus more on the botched plastic surgery, tatted-up, gross kinda than the Stepford kind
>like the plastic surgery and makeup aspect of it
>/d/ and /aco/ are getting overrun by dudes who like bimbos because they get off on "threatening" girls being bimbofied
its kinda gross, I just wanna fap
It does get pretty gross pretty quick, but when it's done right it's fantastic
I mean, I guess I can respect the fetishization of the body mod aspect, but I mostly want to indulge in the happy, ditzy, "pure slut" aspect of it the most.
Also, dunno what OP's intention was, but since this is Sup Forums, let's make this thread a celebration of fine canon bimbos!
there really aren't very many.
fuck off leaf
only good thing about toradora
I suppose they are appealing in a way.
Bimbos that slightly subvert the stereotype having a surprisingly smart side underneath are golden Goddesses.
not at all
In my place, bimbo means PENIS
Are you Slovak?
Yasuko route fucking when?
Why didn't Ryuji just fuck his mom?
She deserved to be happy.
Her route in the VN was the best
Why do so many men feel the need to breed with dumb women when that lowers the chances of their offspring being intelligent?
Yes yes, I'm sure you, reading this right now, are very special and only value smart women. I'm asking a general question because "Men do not like smart women" or at least "Men do not like women smarter than them" has been a purveying stereotype for literally thousands of years.
>why do guys like dumb girls
>posts a dumb girl that everyone thinks is cute
dumb is cute to a certain point
most people aren't trying play at-home eugenics and just want to have sex
I ain't knocking it. I know dumb is cute. Yui's like a cuddly teddy bear, only you want to fuck it.
isnt she hostes not bimbo
Is bimbo a profession where you come from or why would you think those are mutually exclusive?
Is there much of a difference between Gyarus and bimbos?
Gyarus are sluts who are trying to REALLY fucking hard to look and act a certain way. Bimbos just naturally are they way they are. It's more innocent and honest.
It's like said. It's cute and triggers the natural male instinct of protecting the female more easily.
Ask Rebis
/d/ bimbo threads are a mixed blessing, plenty of carefree turbo sluts girls, but so many guys love the inhuman botched surgery bimbo monsters, I cant even get hard with those things.
are there a lot of anime bimbos? I like the vain ones
So what did she do to her sister?
Fuck off cuck
Anal Dowager!
Cavorted her
I've tried finding smart women and it's too much of a hassle, just easier to find a gullible/carefree bobblehead.
Our society doesn't really encourage women to be smart (look at the toys for girls).
To compound the issue the smart ones tend to fall for the feminism/tumblr bs or they still want chad thundercock.
Also, genetics makes us want tits and ass and girls with those tend to get by without ever needing wit or personality.
This goes both ways sadly.
What's worse is high IQ people avoid having kids.
Bimbos have the best kinky fetishes that vary from being a hard sub to hard dom.
>I'm her age next year.
Fuck I'm getting old.
How old is she?
It really took you 15 hours to made such an amazing post? Also i'm pretty sure that fucking women and then dump them have nothing to do with being a cuck, it would be the contrary.
As far as we know, Yasuko only had sex with one guy and that was her baby daddy who left her when she got pregnant.
Yasuko is still pure in spirit and is at best only a drinker cause her job requires it.
Okay, she's 33. You're turning 33 next year? What an oldie!
>is turning a spry 31 in 2018
I turn 26 in a week. If you're still posting on this site regularly in your thirties, you need to do something different with your life
fuck off son, i do what i want.
Are the LNs worth picking up?
I mean, i liked the anime and want to know more about the story, but the sheer amount of pages each volumes has is quite overwhelming.
I'm just saying this for your own good. This site is a real fucking time waster. If a normal message board is comparable to weed or alcohol in its psychological effects, this site is like crack in that's interface and traffic offer plenty of quick, cheap highs. Before you know it, you lose track of the time you've spent here. It's funny that one of the main reasons so many anons never finish their own anime or vidya backlog is because they spend too much time shitposting on fucking Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>you need to do something different with your life
I choose not to run.
Seriously I would've left here years ago if I could.
I have a job though. Just not any life outside of work.
>turn 31 in November
>been using this fucking site since my late teens
I'd probably kill myself if I woke up one day, realized I was already thirty and that all I have in life is my wagecuck job and Sup Forums
What do you want to do in the future, and what suicide method would you choose in that other scenario?
>What do you want to do in the future
I think I'd just like to be a little more self-reliant and doing my favorite hobbies and making however much money I am actually willing to put in work for, rather than working a shit job I hate, dealing with people I don't like who never take their job seriously and where I'm either never getting enough hours or where I'm never getting paid enough for the work I actually put in.
>and what suicide method would you choose in that other scenario?
probably sleeping pills
Girls only need to be cute, everything else is baggage.
I'm about to drop a red pill.
Just keep coming here if the site's still alive.
Nothing wrong with spending time in the place you grew up.
bimbo is a bread
And I got a damn erection looking at this.
You've ascended.