Is it just me or the quality of Sup Forums suddenly dropped with the death of nyaa?
Could the assassination of nyaa be part of a bigger scheme to destroy Sup Forums?
Is it just me or the quality of Sup Forums suddenly dropped with the death of nyaa?
It definitely exposed how inept the average user is at using the internet.
In case you hadn't noticed yet, we can destroy this shit on our own, no need for external help.
Kuzu no Honkai killed Sup Forums
Who are you?
Why do you want to destroy Sup Forums?
Maybe Sup Forums realised how fragile they actually are.
Sup Forums really has been fucking awful for quite a while buddo, maybe you are finally at the point that you will realise this.
Name of anime in OP post?
The quality has been dropping on Sup Forums for the last ten years. This is nothing new.
Anne happy.
Anime... anime is dead.
It's no longer about enjoyable shows, decent animation, or cute girls. It's an endless series of streaming, fought by streaming services. Anime, and it's consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. Anime is dead. Pre-subbed anime available for pre-streaming rights, using pre-subscription accounts to the major streaming services. Early copies from the anime industry enhances and regulates their speed subbing abilities. Source control. Sub control. Dub control. Anime control. All torrent trackers are monitored and kept under control. The age of fan subs has become the age of HorribleSubs. All in the name of averting the catastrophe of unsubbed anime. And he who controls anime subs, controls what anime is watched. Anime is dead. When the subs are under total control, streaming... becomes accepted.
Until yesterday the use of "kek" and "lol" was not allowed.
Is that the hacker formerly known as Sup Forums?
how new ur
Sup Forums has been shit way before naruto was even allowed.
It actually goes back to let generals run rampant in the board.
Eating offensive pussy?
The two happened at the same time, naruto was allowed on the board in generals because the mods thought that would be preferable to letting them create threads everywhere. Honestly it would have been better to let them have their fun for a day or two, or ban them all, it wouldn't be the first time the board was spammed with horse shit.
I feel like it just brought all the lurkers out of hiding and now they are panicking because they lost their only source of anime.
Everyone must know that the main boards are full of people lurking from elsewhere.
It's because through all the stupidity and panic, actual retards and shitposters have been using it as a free pass to act stupid.
Give it a week.
Early onset puberty
its been shit for almost a decade.
You are just as retarded as the people you're complaining about. The death of Nyaa hasn't reduced the quality of Sup Forums significantly, what it's done is reveal how incompetent the people you've been sharing this board with are. Seeing people losing their minds over Nyaa's closure and not having accounts with private trackers is one thing but the amount of morons that are incapable of using IRC or magnet links is what actually boggles the mind. Nyaa is a simple convenience, not the be all end all of Japanese media sharing. Sukebei going down is an actual loss but there are people too stupid to find currently airing anime. Then you have the retards shilling for Crunchyroll and advocating for streaming. Whether or not it's just pretending to be retarded, you have legitimate retards mixed in with the trolls. Nyaa going down revealed modern Sup Forums for the cancer it is.
>load bearing part of a building is destroyed, causing the entire building to collapse
>"definitely exposed how shoddy the outer framework of the building was"
If anything, it exposed how many shameless streamfags there are on Sup Forums these days.
>Sup Forums
>Having any form of quality ever since talking about Naruto and not being laughed out of the board is now a thing
The torrents are still out there to work with. Nyaa just isn't available right now.
This doesn't show how many streamfags we have, but how inept most of our torrenting pals are. I mean you could literally get a hold of a saved state of the website and all the torrent links would still be good simply due to how torrenting works. People complaining about it being down or gone are dumb as hell.
Name of the show on OP post please?
Rude, I guess you don't know how much redit influenced the chain of panic threads and how crossboarders enjoy shitposting in this kind of situations.
>This doesn't show how many streamfags we have
You clearly have not been in any of the hundreds of threads that have popped up since it happened then.
It's Anne Happy.
What's your favorite anime?
Sansha, good luck
>Sukebei going down is an actual loss
This and even then if you dig hard enough you can find some of the more obscure niche shit in that place.
It genuinely baffles me how many idiots, which I want to believe are people just pretending to be idiots and that makes it even worse, are there in all those shitposting threads trying perpetuate braindead retarded falseflagging and bait. But that's how it goes I guess, give them an inch and they'll take a fucking mile.
>spoonfeeding cancer
Hope the mods have no leniency for you either.
Spoonfeeding is allowed in post-nyaa Sup Forums
Thanks. Gonna watch the first episode now.
yeah ok there mr. 2012
Well you're certainly not helping you dumbfuck.
Dense cunt.
Keep dreaming.
Quality reply, you're going to save Sup Forums.
Better than what your fat fucking face is doing choking on your own cock.
In fact, send this entire thread into the bin.
Stay salty, Sup Forums
Why are you complaining about a little meta thread when there's a bunch of worse threads up in this moment?
Who's to say I'm only complaining in this thread?
The post cooldown and your way of expressing your ideas.
And also you're probably enjoying the Sup Forums thread.
If that's what you want to believe shitposter.