What are some things you could do with a Heavy Object?
What are some things you could do with a Heavy Object?
Ohoho > Hime
Seduce siscons.
I really wish this show was better written
Produce more heavy objects.
Hold my door open.
Keep my papers from blowing away in the wind.
Increase traction in my truck.
the characters were enjoyable enough at least.
Why is there snow all over her?
>S2 never
>ace combat loli will never be animated
It was. Slow start is a kamachi thing. It gets really good in the novels (the anime just covered 3 out of 13)
>no Hime doing personal strip-pole-dance for Quenthur
I really like those not primarily for combat objects, like the FO terraformer or the IA one that hosts a game show.
>FO terraformer or the IA one that hosts a game show
I like all objects and I appreciate these types of objects too. Also FO's terraformer pilot is a cute
>ace combat loli will never be animated
I just want to see her dogfight with Burning Alpha please onegai damnit.
Where's my G-Cups, motherfucker!? I was promised G-Cups!
You can use it to stake a claim to an area until your enemy blows it up.
The entire point of the gameshow object is using the viewers to blow other Objects up.
>Mariydi casually kills 3000 legitimacy kingdom soldiers with gaz
>not surprised at all when zombies appears
I hope the 2 idiots never meet her
Not necessarily with it's own gear though. It's definitely more recon than combat. It's not like the super scanner object that can switch from analysis to combat with the same gear.
It's supposed to be Q&H + Baby Magnum, with the public serving as the Q&H surrogate.
Fight other Heavy Objects.
become /fit/
Where are the HO13 illustrations anyways?
Within about a century various countries will start building real heavy objects. There just needs to be a few more breakthroughs in the fields of portable nuclear power plants and directed energy weapons.
Wouldn't it be easier to skip the objects and go straight to Amaterasu or an engineered pandemic?
People always rag on the idea of Objects, but they're the most logical thing to make with a giant magical power plant, high energy weapons and super armor
I wanna princess carry tiny mariydi to my bed
Is it really possible though?
Place it on my dick.
knock up my commanding officer in the cockpit
Knock up the princess in the cockpit!
An aircraft carrier is heavy object. So is a Zumwalt class destroyer or a Kirov class battlecruiser. Imagine how handy it would be if you could quickly plunk down a heavy object anywhere on earth.
A carrier that could withstand nuclear blast and SAL weapons would be nice
The high energy weapons and the power plant are the key I think. Without effective energy weapons a heavy object would be too vulnerable to artillery.
Lasers too. To counter aircrafts
I think mobile artillery is the worst threat against a large slow-moving heavy object because the enemy can fire lots of shells from different locations and then shift their position to avoid counterbattery fire. And it wouldn't be cost effective for the heavy object to shoot down hundred-dollar artillery rounds using million-dollar missiles. That's why you need beam weapons (or maybe railguns) for self defense because they could target large numbers of incoming artillery rounds quickly and re-engage multiple times if they miss the first time.
>What are some things you could do with a Heavy Object?
Worship like a good little soldier.
Why did those two get the privilege of seeing that sight?
Cum inside.
I-is that an order
If it doesn't have a rocket punch it isn't worth my time.
I can't convey in words how hard I would.
Destroyed an sea based object.
However they where only allowed to look at her underwear and silhouette during the shower. If they tried to look inside
Well they would be in trouble.
Heavy Object is so comfy. I always giggle when reading a chapter
>The entire point of the gameshow object is using the viewers to blow other Objects up.
ok. Now I'm interested in the light novel.
A lot of crazy stuff happens in the LN. The most recent one is basically ace combat in LN form, and the one before that had a post-apocalyptic style scenario after an object gets dropped from orbit.
Which world power would you want to be in?
If I'm still a random normalfag?
Info Alliance > LK >Capitalistic Corp > Faith Org
Capitalist Corporations sound fun.
I'll think with my dick and pick the faith organization. Especially the norse factions, they're pretty chill and my odds of getting with an elite are higher.
>odds of getting with an elite are higher.
>ywn fuck an elite
Elites are always put on a pedestal but they want companionship too.
>ywn fuck an elite
If you try and capture one, but I'd probably not rape one as they could be skilled in close combat
Elites are modified to handle extreme Gs and most of them are funsized.
They're literally made for wildest sex
How is FO chill? They're the riskiest faction because it's filled with fanatics who will make you sudoku whether you want to or not. They have at least 2 volumes dedicated to them trying to destroy the world for enlighenment
The FO isn't all the same, it really depends on which faction you end up with. The only issue that the group from EX had was Skuld.
>FO elites
They're all crazy
It's not an issue that they know Skuld kills their own but handwaves it?
This pale skinned blonde loli is so cute
The odds of having something like her in the average unit is extremely low.
What's the bar supposed to be for FO units because I really don't see it. They just love causing trouble and there's a good amount of infighting as well.
I would Putana desu. Delicious brown elite
What's the appeal of poledancing, anyway? I never got that.
It's semen
you self insert as the pole
I want to praise her too
Oh right, that manga exist
Hime is cuuuute
Ice Girl 1 is so cute
I wonder if there's any other cute girls in her fighter squad
I don't know about the rest of Sky Blue, but outside of Mariydi the Ice squadron is comprised of young men.
Oh well
Only lolis can be aces..?
Not so fast.
Should I read the LN?
It's definitely one of the few LN series worth reading. It's quite over the top and entertaining.
>Did you enjoy the anime?
>Do you like Kamachi?
Destroy EU
But user, the Legitimacy Kingdom is based in Europe and France in particular. You wouldn't want to make Hime sad, would you?
It's all fun and games until one of them decides to gut you like a fish.
They did once and Catherine had to save their asses. Without her around they would be dead.
IA sounds best in general.
FA is a mixed bag. Some factions are great some are garbage.
CC are full Cyberpunk corporatocracy. Not a nice place to live.
LK is nice if you are a noble and shit if you aren't.
>loli + 3 young men
One per hole. Nice setup.
No one will go near her out of fear or disappointment in her body.
If anyone in this series is asking to get gangbanged it's NTR-girl.
/fit/ girls with big tits are the best. I wouldn't have enough stamina to keep up though.