Ok, I just bought one

Ok, I just bought one.

Where do I start?

burnpile, semite garbage goes in burnpiles

>New living translation
You start by throwing it in the trash

You take it and put in the trash where jew writings belong.

Start by returning that garbage and buying the King James Version instead

Start at the New Testament. If you're not a Jew the rest doesn't really apply to you; though there is some good mythos in there if you're clever enough to take away the lessons of the parables.


Odinfags or Fedorafags, either way, get the fuck out. Sup Forums is a Christian board.

Start with Genesis, of course, OP. Don't believe the faggots who say "Oh, Jesus made the old testament irrelevant" to justify their degeneracy.

Start with revelations.

> also King James version is a superior read

the middleway faggot, quit wasting your time

Start by returning it to where you bought it.

burnpile, semite garbage goes in burnpiles

burnpile, semite garbage goes in burnpiles

When did this assblasted burnpile meme start? Fags get out.

This is what I've been doing but damn the Old Testament is long. I've heard a lot about how the NT is really what is relevant.

That's not a good version to read.

Why and what is?

>Sup Forums is a Christian board.
This joke has never been funny.
You get out, christcuck retard.

There's value in every book, but I'd be lying if I said that you need to read all of it in order. Like, there's no need to sit down and plow through Psalms and Proverbs all at once. Definitely read Job all the way through.

Start with an unabridged Old Testament. It has very relevant teachings.

buttblasted Jew detected

Page 1, then 2 then 3 etc.
The same way you would with any fiction book.
Except this one boring af

Burn that and go buy KJV

Pagan Europe conducted human sacrifice, danced naked around sticks in the woods, and engaged in African and Amerindian style tribal warfare.

Christian Europe conquered the world.

All Odinfags are LARPers that betray western values and make actual white nationalists look like retards.

Return that piece of shit and get the orthodox study bible

It's written to sound hip and modern on purpose. It's actually one of the worst translations if you were looking for something traditional and substantial. If you want an easy to read version with more accuracy, the ESV is a better option. Although it isn't catholic or orthodox approved, I feel it'll suit your needs better.

The NT explicitly confirms the OT who the fuck says it makes it irrelevant?

Also, Matthew 27:25.

>if you're against jew religion that makes you a jew
What the fuck kind of logic is that?
>our ancestors were worthless savages until this jew religion came along and made them enlightened
This is some next level self-hate. Though christians are great at self-hate.

Like I said, faggots (oftentimes literally) in various churches (mostly Protestant, though Francis has done a great job shitting things up) that want an excuse for their degeneracy and think the solution to declining church attendance is to turn even further away from God and embrace progressive politics.

>Jews literally had Christ executed because they despised his words so much.
>b-buh Christcucks follow a joow rilijiun, guis.

Fucking Odinfags.

Judges 19

Throw it in the trash and get a NASB or ASB you liberal Christian faggot

>read the jew prophets
>worship a jew as god
>but it's not a jew religion it's 100% European
Of course they had him killed, he was trying to subvert their traditions. How the fuck is that argument he wasn't one of them? He was so much one of them he knew how to subvert their traditions and refocus it around himself.

Start with one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). You won't understand all of it the first time through, but you'll learn the most important thing: what Jesus requires of you to save you from Hell.
Just because you don't read the Old Testament first doesn't mean you should skip it entirely. Just come back to it once you know what it foretells. Jesus is the key to everything that has happened or will happen in the entire history of the world, including before His birth. If you try to interpret the OT without Him, you end up like the Jews.
I'd suggest starting with John (the Gospel of John, not the epistles of John), then read Acts. From there, either read Revelation to know where history is going or read the Old Testament to know where it came from.

Pagan Europe had Greco-Roman culture and civilization. Christian Europe literally destroyed this culture and civilization, and we are still trying to undo the damage 2000 years later.

Jews also killed their other Jewish prophets in the OT. That doesn't make them any less Jewish.

Proxy? Shills in force. I didn't know they did psyops against Christianity.

Read it, won't hurt, ignore the edgy fags who are mad because momma burnt their pizza puffs this morning cause she works late shift at white castle to support their fat broke asses and was half awake when she put them into the oven.

What reason is there for this?

They're hoping to fool edgy impressionable dumbasses on this board who play too much D&D. Paganism is dead, even if it wasn't a theologically braindead religion, from a purely pragmatic standpoint no normie is ever going to put up a shrine to Odin in their house, they'll just go secular first. It's a fucking joke meant to discredit traditionalists.

King james was mixed race

throw it away and get a King James Version of the Bible. Yes, seriously.

The stupid should remember Saturday is pizza puff night

Because that crap in the OP is politically correct garbage for retards.

This is genuinely the best concise analysis of neopaganism and anti-Christian shilling that I have ever read.

>Where do I start?
In the Beginning...

Feel free to steal it if you want, it's God's honest truth and I just want their crap off this board. If they want to LARP about being vikings they can go back to Stormfront.

Start in the newtestament. Its near 3/4 way through in the book of Mathew. Its easier to start here than the begining as it gets pretty boring up untill kings which is actually a pretty good read.Mathew is where Jesus comes in and hes what you need for salvation. The old testament is more what sin actually is and how every one in the past was mostly a screw up.
King James bible is a must but new english is ok for first time read through. The old english King James version is alot harder but the wording has more meaning and stuff hasnt been taken out.
Poeple that shill for new translations i dislike them you cant take words out and say you translated better.