Monday is Martin Luther day NOT Martin Luther KANG jr day.
-Who is Martin Luther?-
Why is he important?
-His book-
-Hitler loved Martin Luther-
Monday is Martin Luther Day
Other urls found in this thread:
MLK jr was a nigger commie.
History lecture series on Luther & Catholic heresy
Why he be pale?
allowing catholics into the US was a mistake, they were the start of the flow of shithole people from shitholes
good guy absolutely redpilled about jews
Catholics were the ones who pushed the hardest for a weak southern border (because they wanted Catholic spics to flood in and transform the country) and all the Jesuit Universities are staffed with Jews who shill their one borders one world philosophies.
Lecture on the subversive counter-Reformation (parts 8&9)
Monday is Robert E Lee day
As much as I wish it was, why?
It would be much easier to turn MLK day to just ML day.
>If i had to baptise a Jew
>Baptise someone in the name of a Jew
Wew Lad
last bump
I'm more okay with America celebrating a cheating, heretical nigger than with America celebrating the monster almost killed off Christianity.
I hate that asshole so much. Fuck HRE niggers for allowing him to live
wow thanks
Luther was literally proto-Hitler, advocating total persecution of the Jews and their expulsion from Germany.
Sorry about the sideways pics, I was just taking a few shots as I read it the other day. Everyone on this board should read the whole thing, user, keep up the good work.
ah its fine thanks.
yeah we need to get more anons on this.
This desu
Luther was a grade-A badass!
Almost as much of a fucking maniac as Thomas Muentzer.
how did Martin Luther almost kill off Christianity?
>disparaging a crucial figure in the movement that made the Netherlands great
Save us the effort, what is the source?
Thank you. After seeing the name tempted to get a paperback copy to infuriate everyone on the train.
Fuck that piece of shit
Vive le catholicisme et la France fille aînée de l'église, à mort l'hérésie protestante et les révolutionnaires
reapeating digits and age of death of our Lord Jesus Christ confirm desu
>Doesn't know of the 30 years war
Typical of a heretic.
says the idol worshiping mary cultist
Don't forget a coupe other fine books.
Richard Wagner's "Das Judenthum in der Musik"
English here
Luther's Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants
>monday is nigger day
Literally in the OP
That war started over 70 years after his death and is really more of a result of some German princes choosing to be Calvinist rather than Lutheran or Catholic.
It has a picture of the eternal wandering Jew on the cover
Sneak a copy into the library and put it with the Martin Luther King books.
Again many thanks. First one pretty heavy in typos but readable anyway.
Martin Luther commands us to burn down the synagogues of Jews. More Christians kicked Jews out and banned usury than any religion. Do not let fedora tipping Marxist kikes from lebbit distort these easily observable facts. The Christian White Hetero Male is the main villain of the social justice narrative, it's not pagans, it's not atheists, it's not even muslims. It's the White Christian Hetero Male.
Based jew hating man exposing jews since 1517.
You know every time you worship something that isn't the one God you're literally worshipping Satan and it clearly states this multiple times in the bible, right? Where do Catholics get off on calling anyone heretics? Don't you 'forgive' lifetimes of sin by telling your followers to say hail marry 50 times? How do you know any of these things and not realize you are a raging heretical devil worshipping demonpossesed freak?
30 Years War was fought by various Protestant Nations but subsidized entirely by France. The entire war was an enormous proxy war engineered by Richelieu and Francois Leclerc AKA The Grey Eminence. It was their Foreign Policy for weakening the Hapsburgs for an eventual Crusade against the Ottomans.
Fucking madness really.
the 30 years war has nothing to do with Martin Luther im pretty sure.
What are you getting at?
Holy shit he went IN
>being thankful to the mother of god is idol worship
>Praying to something other than the one true god means praying to jesus is Idol worship too.
>for a crusade against the ottomans
>when the ottomans dedicated 60k cavalry to the protestants and the french side of the war.
>Pretending no to know about trinitarianism to hide your own polytheism
The absolute state of Catholicism
Therefore, a Christian should be satisfied and not
quarrel with the Jews. But if you think you must or
desire to talk with them, do not say more than this:
' ' Do you hear, Jew, do you know that your principal-
ity together with the temple and priesthood are de-
stroyed now for 1460 years? For this year, as we
Christians write after the birth of Christ 1543, it is
exactly 1469 years, and is thus going on 1500 years
since Vespasianus and Titus destroyed Jerusalem and
expelled the Jews from it." On this little nut let
the Jews bite and dispute among themselves as long as
they want to.
Goodness me. What a madman.
Justify your implication that a single catholic is mentioned in the Bible.
gas the catholicucks
That's funny considering all the zionist churches are protestant.
>Ripping apart a continent and welcoming in hordes of rapeugees
You motherfuckers are whats wrong with Europe. You motherfuckers can't even make up your damn minds about whats right and splintered into so many different sects its a surprise you're all still even close to christian after that blender. You turned your back on nearly 1000 years of tradition dating back to the roman empire itself. Spit on your ancestors faith so you could keep some coin. Claiming you are the righteous path when all you are is selfish.
Wait til you get to the part where he talks about what to do about it.
>total persecution
>confiscation of all property
>not allowed to live in permanent structures
>take away their Talmud and school, burn them all
>give 3-4fold Jewish property to those who convert.
Like I said, literally proto Hitler
>Its a surprise you're all still even close to christian after that blender
It's almost like those that hear the genuine call of Christ can never be lost from him
all pro-jew christians do not know about the synagogue of satan which still operates to this day.