I usually just lurk and never contribute, I don't really have anyone else to talk to right now

I usually just lurk and never contribute, I don't really have anyone else to talk to right now.

>inb4 blogpost

I did everything right, Sup Forums. I was a virgin, I waited for a man that wanted to have a traditional family. I promised I'd wait for him while he was overseas in the military, a month after I met him.

I did everything I could to support him while he was over there. I was always understanding when he couldn't talk to me much or for very long. On Christmas, I sent him a 15 pound box full of cookies for him and his coworkers. I tried so hard, because all I wanted was to be with him forever, be his wife, make him happy until the day that I died, and raise his children.

He just broke up with me. He decided he wants to stay overseas and do contracting work over there. All he said was it makes better money, and it was something he "had to do." This is about two weeks after he said he wanted to leave the Army as soon as possible so it wouldn't interrupt our home life as much.

I'm devastated. I thought he was my soulmate. I know this isn't inherently political, but how are we supposed to get in relationships with people and be their husbands/wives and trust them when they can just...leave? Is this something humanity has always had to deal with, or is it a recent phenomena?

Nothing in his actions or behavior could've possibly pointed to this. I'm really paranoid and vigilant and absolutely nothing tipped me off. I trusted him completely. I don't even know how to trust anything anyone says anymore.

all you had to do was a slide thread on Sup Forums and 500 replies guaranteed
mission accomplished you fucking nigger

Looks like you weren't good enough. He literally fled the country to get away from you. He's probably drowning in pussy.
Serves you right, you cunt. Women are just sex objects, fit to be thrown away after use.
Enjoy dying alone, you used up trash.

Time stamp and tits or nobody cares.

You chose someone who wanted to murder and die for our greatest ally.

I'd say you got off lucky.

Why did you fuck the man if you weren't married with him to begin with?



Very nice user. To your point, the type of dude who'd ditch his girl for no reason to do PMC work probably would've abandoned her if he was married too.
Sounds like you placed a lot of faith in a man who couldn't reciprocate. I feel like that's getting more and more common. They'll say they want a relationship, but they're too stupid/lack the foresight to really get into what that entails. Either way, make sure that you find a decent guy of your race and try again.

Send pic, don´t need to show your face or boobs, just want to see if you are preety and/or young
I can fill the hole he left unfulfilled

You used to be your father's property until he decided on a man to transfer you over to. Don't you just love your new freedoms? You go girlism has fucked us all

Did you really expect better from a man willing to sell his soul to the ZOG and be one of their hired thugs?

Don't get involved with armycucks, this isn't the 1940s he's there because he's an idiot.

>I did everything right, Sup Forums. I was a virgin, I waited for a man that wanted to have a traditional family. I promised I'd wait for him while he was overseas in the military, a month after I met him.

This means that you stayed a virgin and then FUCKED A MILITARY GUY (which is already a bad idea) WITHIN LESS THAN A MONTH OF MEETING HIM.

Unless they're officers or in the science/tech divisions military men are INHERENTLY UNTRUSTWORTHY.

Not JUST because they're putting their lives on the line to protect the kikes in Israel, but because they work in debauched conditions alongside ass-pounding faggots and have access to loose pussy all around the globe wherever they're deployed.


Try again with a man IN THE COUNTRY who works in a solid trade like welding, automotive, or HVAC repair.

I would be interested if you're still a virgin. I'm a god. Literally.

You should take this chance.

>Marrying a "person" in the military
Why not find someone whose kids you have won't be pressured into killing themselves for Israel?

You're an awfully desperate god.

>You used to be your father's property until he decided on a man to transfer you over to.

Yep. And under that system her father would have been legally allowed to kill this mil-cuck for dishonoring his daughter, which ensured that people only entered into marriage contracts when both parties were COMPLETELY SURE that they wanted the arrangement and were willing to abide by the consequences.

Sad how far we've fallen.

>1 post by this ID
Everybody stop bumping this b8 thread

>inb4 500 replies

Did the two-liner give it away?

>I promised I'd wait for him while he was overseas in the military, a month after I met him.
There's your first mistake, anonette. Don't wait for somebody unless it's an established relationship. To him, you're just some broad he was with for a month.

Gotta find a guy who's available to be a good wife to.

I'll try to respond to more posts, I'm just a little torn up right now.

I'm not willing to show any pictures of myself on here, but if you want to connect through something else, I'm fine.

I cannot deny you or your digits. I dun goofed. I really thought I would be with this man forever.

No, he took that.

Do you mean, like, engaged? Because we were "official" very quickly...introduced me to his parents and everything. Said he was looked for rings, even asked my ring size.


After 1 month?
Don't be retarded, and just move on to somebody else. There are plenty of relationship-material people out there, but you aren't going to be able to determine that after 1 month. I wouldn't bother with the long-distance thing for any relationship shorter than a year and a half.

ovary jew BTFO

I guess you're right. It just felt so real, he said "I love you" first, and really integrated me into his life. Told all his coworkers about me, they even referred to me as "Future Mrs. (His Last Name)" or "Mom," I heard them talking about it. One of his best friends messaged me and said that he had never seemed as happy as he was with me.

I just can't believe it actually happened to me. I don't mean to be egotistical or anything, but I'm extremely sweet and really just wanted to make him happy and be loyal to him.

Unfortunate, but not something to be totally broken up over.

The problem is that you're older than 14. I don't know if you pay attention to the threads around here, but all the alt-right incels demand 12-14 year old brides.
Not even joking, there was a huge thread about it not long ago.

Ehh, I'm not exactly looking for anyone. I debated even mentioning my gender, but I figured if I didn't and I said they were in Afghanistan, I'd be roasted for "dating a military woman."

I really just wanted y'all to tell me to stop being such a little bitch about it because I know y'all are the only ones with the balls to.

Life sucks, it always did and it always will. You either pull yourself through and reproduce so you can at least claim not to be a failure of evolution, or you end it and remove yourself from the gene pool. Crying is not going to help.

You're probably right. I had never felt so accepted and loved in my life, though. I felt excited for my future for the first time.

But you're right, I need to not be such a pussy about it.

That's the spirit

>was a virgin
you whore

Nicely sent.
OP is now presumably a roastie now, and deserves a good BTFO

>fuck off nerd

>I promised I'd wait for him while he was overseas in the military

This is a huge as fuck red flag, I don't even want to fucking know what happens inside the military (other than I'm 90% sure they done something gay), but if a man is willingly fights for (((them))) then its your fault for not being aware of it.

>I promised I'd wait for him while he was overseas in the military, a month after I met him.
>I did everything I could to support him while he was over there.

That's all well and good but the first thing you gotta do for your man is not be ugly. Like my woman over there. (pic related)

With looks that like you could even forgive a few mistakes like the couple of times I caught her with my boss. She told me he brought her some melon juice, said a few nice things like "suck my black dick" and she got caught up in all the romance.

I'll bet that if you review all your experiences with this guy, you'll be able to pick out at least six times that he showed you he was EXACTLY this kind of person (but you didnt want to see/believe it). I've been in the same sort of situations a few times myself. And the lesson I learned is that 99% of people are open books who can't help showing you in a dozen ways exactly who they are. The problem is that we usually don't want to see because of our own biases and desires.

are you dumb? she's completely fucked now. No good man will ever want her because she's not a virgin anymore. now she will have to settle for some beta who doesn't mind used goods. She basically threw away any chance she had at being in a happy relationship, because for the rest of her life she will always be comparing any man she is with to this guy she fucked who didn't even care about her



Kind of a weak LARP OP...

a lot of people on both sides cheat. Hell people in America will get married before leaving just for the extra money the government gives you and fuck hookers overseas.

Maybe you were too clingy?

I was worried about that and asked him. He said that he loved it when girls were clingy because it met they actually cared about him...he said he WANTED me to be obsessive and crazy about him, because his previous girlfriends were so distant and cheated on him. He was the one who first talked about having kids and getting married, I was content to go slower.

I'm just so confused.

Maybe he found someone better.

jesus christ, he told you that he was in previous sexual relationships and you still fucked him? what did you think was gonna happen? no one who sleeps around, man or woman, cares about "starting a family." are women literally incapable of common sense when it comes to relationships? You got fucked by Chad and now he's on to the next bitch like always, get over it sweety

Maybe if you looked for a good husband instead of a chad alpha military man you wouldn't have this problem now.

>American Flag
And nothing of value was lost

not to mention soldiers rape women all the time.

I get what everyone is saying. I know I made mistakes.
But there's no list of traits (or lack thereof) that can assure someone will be faithful to you.
Everyone can fuck you over completely at any time.
Women have fucked themselves over so hard by pushing for divorce. Now everybody can just fuck over everyone and have no consequences.
How is anybody supposed to trust anybody to do anything anymore? What's even the point in taking part in this society if at any moment, the society could just ruin you?

>he WANTED me to be obsessive and crazy about him
Look, girls normally do not know what they want. This guy didn't knew also.
IT DOES NOT MATTER if a man tells you that he wants you to be "obsessive and crazy about him" It's not rational, it's not something you can choose.
"clingy, obsessive and crazy" will get dumped even if he's utterly convinced he likes that.
You need to be balanced. Be faithful, but not at any cost. Care for him, but do not be obsessive or clingy.
Everybody values more the love of an independent other.
Your love is more valuable if IT IS NOT UNCONDITIONAL.
A conditional love give the other party reasons to improve themselves.

>i got with an army guy

What did you expect to happen? If youw ant to get with somebody associated with the US Government, get with a federal agent

That's bullshit. Men and woman are very different. A Man can fuck around while young and after that seriously commit to a family.

You only have one option.
Listen closely.
It never happened.....
Lying is your only option, just go on in life as a virgin. Find a good man, pop out babies, and live a great life.

You're in the good side of that equation. Why do you complain?


Goddamn it, Sup Forums is always right.
Thank you. Screenshotted and saved.

>was a virgin

>waited for a man that wanted a traditional family

>premarital sex


OP are you stupid? Honest question here.

>traditional family

>premarital sex





I don't want to live in a world where people could betray each other like that. I don't care if I could technically "benefit" from it...I don't really end up benefiting from it, aside from possibly monetary gain. I don't care about marrying some guy and taking half his stuff. I want a lasting, real, committed, loving relationship.

I don't want to live in such a superficial society.

If you still have your virginity then you shouldn’t be too worried because you’ll still be valuable to other men

Sex is for making babies with the person you’re married to

>Taking advice from autistic virgins on a cartoon forum
90% of the men here are bitter losers that can't even get a gf. Don't ask for relationship advice here.
T. Married man.

Why do you expect loyalty and faithfulness from men when you betrayed God by throwing away your virginity like a filthy harlot?

No tits.
LARP. Slide thread.


Most men don't give a fuck about virginity. Literally a Christ cuck meme.
As long as they weren't complete whores before, there's nothing wrong with a woman being a non-virgin.

>pretending to be a girl on Sup Forums
You know the rules tits or gtfo

statistics disprove your trash opinion

T. Person that isn't married.
Sex is one of key ingredients for a stable long term marriage because of actual biological reasons. If you only fucked to make a baby, you're getting divorced.

Lmao nigger Sup Forums is the most virtuous place on the internet despite all the shit here
t. Barron trump

You mean your trash statistics from a christ cuck organisation?

Happens to everyone

>But there's no list of traits (or lack thereof) that can assure someone will be faithful to you.
yes there is : Are they a virgin who believes in waiting until marriage for sex?

what was his name?

We're supposed to give you a fucking award because you were dumb enough to remain a virgin? Holy shit, bitch, it's the 21st century, are you time traveller from the 18th? WHo fucking does that shit anymore.

>Army bro
>Not putting a baby in it before heading overseas to seed the conquered women
Calling bullshit, or he's gay, or OP is a 600LB hambeast with a mutilated pecker

t. roastie whore

>I don't want to live in the real world

OP ignore the troll posts, sounds like you got with a manipulative guy, there are both men and women who are like that, people who will suck time from your life and then just leave. Next time you will know, it is only with experience that one learns these things over time.

Don't take life advice from fucking Pol

The entire reason for ‘muh bonding experience’ is to prepare for the upcoming child, unless you’re an r-selective subhuman.
>if you have morals and standards you’ll get a divorce
Maybe you will since your wife clearly must have been cock ravaged so many times that she can’t see any other good in the world and gets no fulfillment from good and wholesome things

Actually it’s a white dna meme. Europeans practiced monogamy and virtue thousands of years before the bible


It's your fault for believing propaganda. US servicemen are the bottom of the barrel shitheads. They come from poor families, and most of them are subhumans. I don't know why people actually believe in the propaganda and pretend they respect the mercs, which is what the US armed forces are. If I was a girl, I would avoid anyone who served. It's moistly just bad kids who were sent to military by their parents to avoid jail. Very few are poor people who had military as their only way out. The vast majority is literally subhumans. I only know one guy who served because he was so poor, this was his only option to go to college, and even though he is a good guy, he is a full blown alcoholic. But americans lack any sense, so I;m not surprised at all how you fell for the subhuman running away to the military from his problems. My kids are not going anywhere near US military unless there is jail time in their future.

Sorry sister. Have said that, stuff like this always happened. It is not a modern thing. People, specially young people, always had dreams that they "have" to follow. It is an impulse, hard coded in our genes. Sometimes we are the ones doing it, and sometimes we are the ones left behind. Happened already twice for me and it was always devastating.

You realize that all of those biological reasons are centered around biological PURPOSE which is reproduction, ie. children.


Look. If you will not abuse that power, don't even mention it. The mere mention of that is a threat. If he mentions that, you can say "I agree, it's not fair, but if we reach that point, I'll be fair to you user"
You'll be fine. Just don't be clingy. You'll find another one.

Christ women are retarded. If you want to be a virgin until you find the right guy then don’t fuck him til you’re married. Now you’re spoiled goods forever

I actually feel a bit sorry for you. But this is Sup Forums, have a hug and now fuck off.
Also, save your ass for your wedding night. At least give your future husband the pleasure of being the first in one of your holes.