Donald Trump fucked a pornstar and paid $130k to cover it up

Donald Trump fucked a pornstar and paid $130k to cover it up

>The money was reportedly paid to keep Clifford from talking about a sexual encounter she allegedly had with Trump in 2006, shortly after the billionaire’s third wife, Melania, gave birth to their son Barron.

Crazy days and nights article from 2011 reporting the same thing

> The Donald as he likes to call himself has been in the blind item space before. But he does it so often it really is not worth mentioning. The only reason it is this time is because I think the woman he was sleeping with while he was pregnant is coming forward.

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Sounds like something I'd do if I were rich

Another pornstar, Jessica Drake is currently bound by a NDA from discussing Trump

>“Jessica’s NDA blankets any and every mention of Trump, so she’s legally unable to comment,” her publicist, Josh Ortiz, informed The Daily Beast. “Jessica signed a non-disclosure agreement after her allegations of misconduct, and she can’t do as much as peep his name publicly.”

Cheating on your pregnant wife?

literally who cares

also the porn star declines that this scenario actually happened, so fake news


He didnt want her to tell he's a one-pump chump

>also the porn star declines that this scenario actually happened, so fake news
Yes, because she was paid to

prove that she had sex with him


I can't prove it, at least never to your satisfaction. Look at the reports and rumours going back years.

Does it line up with what is being reported now? Yes.

Does Stormy Daniels denial letter look like it was written by Trump's people? Yes.

Is there photographic proof that they met? Yes

Did he cheat on a previous wife? Yes.

Time to play what's worse
Place your bets!
One president takes advantage of a young white house intern and then lies about it when federally investigated, is nearly forced from office.
One billionaire who will at some point in the not too distant future become president fucks a porn star and gives her hush money.

They are both bad and unfitting of a president

Those are two damn big scoops

Also stop this shit

Good to see an alpha finally running this country.

And Arnold Schwarzenegger had sex eith a mexican made. Whats your point asshole?

if you cant prove it why are you saying in your op "trump fucked a porn star and paid 130k to cover it up"


What proof would satisfy you?

You mean a rich alpha males fucked prostitutes ? This cannot be allowed, this man must be impeached.

you killing yourself and your ilk.

He pulls some top shelf trim, why do people act like its a bad thing? It's what real men do. Soys take note.

physical documents, letters between the two indicating some type of romantic relationship, admission from either trump or the porn star in question. If she denies it ever happening whats there to make me believe it did happen

>what is proof these days? i just follow whatever some (((journalist))) tells me.
the absolute state of shills.

shilling at pathetic levels

Oh wow a rich and powerful man has sex with attractive women

Oy vey

Nonsense she is obviously being threatened and her words can't be trusted.
She should just shut up and let us male feminists protect her.

> wow look at that
> a woman worth looking up to
> we could all learn a lesson from trump and melania
inb4. its nothing
even stormy daniels said it was nothing

>Nonsense she is obviously being threatened

Quit slutshaming our president

Nice! Good for him. Not true but wish it was. That’s a badass President.


So the modern-day Cyrus does immoral shit. Water's wet. Shit stinks.

False, it's the lizardmen brainwash.
They can't let their plant be compromised.

Every day a new attempt to assault the president of the united states. I predict that they will crash and burn with this constant attacks because the people will get really tired of this shit

It's either racism, sexism, his mental state, russia... it's getting boring, shareblue. And the common man will recognize this soon.

I would never fuck a pornstar. But if someome else wants to do it its up to them.

End of story.

This guy gets it.
The only real thing they can do is spam so much shit the board is un-usable for a few days before they get bored or too triggered to continue then its back to normal.
Its always the same topics, often the same images, and same comments.
The blatant Anti-white. Anti-Christian, and Anti-Western attitude is only serving to prove they are short sighted fools who care not for discussion.
Sage and report every last thread like these so maybe the faggot mods will start banning them. Use pic related to remind them.

They have to, nobody has noticed that after more than a year the democrats still have to get their shit together.
Not only that but they're also being occupied by commies and other socialist filth.

>Use pic related to remind them.
What does your pic have to do with this thread? Is anything non pro-Trump a shill to you? Fuck off moron

I don't think so, have you seen her awful tits? If a man of his means we're going to pay, I'd have to believe it would be higher quality than this.

Eh. It's not like he got blow job from an intern in the Oval Office or anything.


I am so jealous of you people, live life being constantly stoned.

nobody cares. stop being such a bloody Puritan. no wonder the left is losing the culture war. bunch of stiffs.

Like these
Why are the Clintons always brought up?

Porn-star denies this actually

And there is no way to disprove or prove such a thing.

And who the fuck cares? You lefties only find moral issues with shit like this one it's someone you hate.

>no wonder the left is losing the culture war. bunch of stiffs.
I thought the left was against traditional gender roles, marriage etc.

Are you confused?

a rich man having a mistress on the side is traditional.

I wouldn't cover it up. I wouldn't even pay the bitch. I would simply say, "Be proud! You've fucked the richest cock you'll ever see in your life."

Muh war on women
Muh women's rights
Muh drumpf

He's your president
Hillary cheated and still lost
Your still a cuck
Goto your safe space shit hole and cry

Is having three marriages traditional too?

Because Bill set the standard, son. Now, to be sure, politicians have been fucking around on their wives since there have been married politicians. And the Republicans were all hypocritical bastards about it because they were desperate to bring Slick Willie down. And it is also true that the technical reason for impeachment was lying under oath. But the truth is, it WAS about the sex, and the Democrats defended Ol Bill's right to have his skin flute played by a pudgy Jewish girl. Of course 23 years later, these same Democrats have decided that it was terrible what he done, and he should have resigned. Sorry, that ship has sailed.

>I wouldn't cover it up
You gotta when you are running a campaign and a significant portion of your base are evangelicals

I didn't care when bill fucked monica, and I sure as shit don't care about this. Who cares who our presidents fuck/fucked?

only three?

She got a year's salary for half a night's work. Where's the problem?

Same. One is married to an icequeen and the other is married to a gold digger. I'd cover up affairs for both trump and bill.

So honestly, divorce is a-ok? cheating on a pregnant wife is fine? All traditional values now?

>Only 130k
Ouch I would have figured he could afford the 250k puss at least...

Even being stoned, I'm not that retarded. They're just running out of things to throw at him

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” - Hillaryious


>traditional values

Hahahaha do you huff gasoline or some shit?


fucking sluts has no bearing on one's ability to be president you retarded puritan

Looks like women can't get enough of the Dons dong, the Dongald, if you will

Even if it was true, (its not) , who the fuck would give a shit?

Ok, as long as we establish it happened first we can move on from there.

Fucking sluts no. Paying hush money, yes. Blackmail is a real thing

The Donald has never struck me as one who espouses moral values.

Not the first human to cheat on a spouse... so what?

How do you go on being so stupid? $0.02 per post is not enough

>blackmail is the same as signing an NDA....

Into the trash it goes.

Its not, but the potential for blackmail is there if he is off banging pornstars

keep playing the moral busybody. I'm sure the left will continue to wins hearts and minds.

Lets see what's plausible
> these porn stars, even in their prime, can be had for $1k a night
> THIS porn star hit the wall in 2003
> even in her prime was one of the lamest, coke-addled performer on screen
> no stories from the best porn stars of the Wicked / Vivid era

Wait, is the left the moral side now?

you're the side of no fun allowed.

>playing the moral busybody

and the side with no food
Holy shit this cuck is pure cancer

There's not a single billionaire that hasn't fucked a pornstar.

That picture is literally straight from the_donald

>fucked a pornstar.
as if "porn star" are actually
> most attractive women
> most satisfying sexual performers
> discrete
> not completely insane

There are escorts genuinely worth a 4-5 figure price tag, but they aren't the cracks heads that get BTFO on camera for $500


If he did good for him now sage.

He also has no argument

Strawman Ad hominem at it's finest.
I don't know what the-donald is but maybe you so go back there.

Its degenerate
You are a liar

>I won't face my hypocrisy, waaah

Shit nigger. I'm a one pump chump. But I'm not a billionaire president.

>its degenerate
said who exactly?

Trump would have gotten a way better deal.

shit nigga that's a R A R E flag you've got right here

Says common, decent people everywhere. What kind of example is this for the next generation?

>example is this for the next generation?
dumping a load in a warm hole?

when this thread 404's you can try again.
but this time give it a proper try and not hide behind your flag. you will get more reply's.

I am talking about your flag, mentioning that you are a hypocrite. If I'm not wrong your flag is the literal definition of degeneracy - anarchism.

>If I'm not wrong your flag is the literal definition of degeneracy - anarchism.
Why? Explain your reasoning


Explain why its not

and then lied about it. Under oath.

He made the claim. I am asking him to explain. Extra credit for not spouting off Sup Forums memes