(((Krautgate General)) - Previous OP is a faggot, have some Rage edition


JF Debunks Libertists

Academic Agent vs David Cedarwood

Sargons new homepage

Sargon and Metokur talks about Doxing

Sargon the Liberalist




>Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before The Storm

>Tales of Trout Part 2: Academy of Discord

>Tales of Trout Part 3: Ballpits Closed

>Tales of Trout Part 4: Dox, and Doxxes, and Doxxxing Oh my

>Could it get any worse? (It could)

>The Fall Of Kraut Explained in Under 6 Minutes

Kraut was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.

Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul operation of Skeptic Stasi working with /leftypol/ & the NYT, to infiltrate, gaslight, dox & erase every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat & Red Mackerel. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN & he delets everything.

With the Skeptic gatekeepers now kill, /ourguys/ and Race Realism begin the takeover of Pop-Science.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

cheekyvideos.net/murdoch/Sargon the afraid.html
cooperation.epfl.ch/files/content/sites/cooperation/files/Tech4Dev 2016/1164-Lask-SE20-CCI_Full Paper.pdf


posting in a JIDF slide thread


>tfw no ct gf who believes that blacks have no understanding of time

Mirrors of LIBERALIST LEBENSRAUM - CENTRIST DEATH SQUADS before the Sargon Internet Defense Force shoahs them again:



She's cute for an ugly skank.

You faggots srsly keep up with the lastest "alt-right" drama and celebs and then you say you are not reddit lmao

Rage is literally perfect.

Is it the same version? It sound a little different.

Ignore him. He tries to shit up every other thread.

So how many levels in Sargons cult did that post get you?

Tibet is an example of demographic replacement genocide, and leftist/liberal hypocrisy on the matter when it pertains to white people.

Over the past few decades, China has been sending thousand and thousands of Maoist Han Chinese to live in Tibet; with the express purpose of taking it over through demographic displacement. The Chines immigrants vote for the communist party, which allies itself with China, and also attacks Tibetan culture, Buddhism, and native Tibetans themselves, often with violent force. The process of "Chinese-ifying" a country is called Sinicization.


Leftists and libcucks have protested this; and formed things like the "Free Tibet" movement, which opposes Chinese rule of Tibet.


However, these same leftists never consider that the same thing is happening to white countries via the importation of Mestizos, Arabs, niggers, etc. Many left-leaning governments and political groups in European countries, such as Germany and Sweden, even actively suppress dissent against mass-immigration; basically restricting whites' ability to defend themselves.

Also, the Dalai Lama is redpilled, and said Germany was taking-in too many immigrants:

>TFW leftists worshiped the Dalai Lama during the Beatles era, but now they hate him because he doesn't support Europe being cucked by sandniggers.

New Aydin Paladin video about based Poland:


the nosering ruins it

How long until the paranoia results in purges of alleged counter-liberalists?
How long until they tear themselves apart and follow their own rhetorical rabbit holes until they reach peak social justice themselves?

>forgetting the murdochmurdoch vid

cheekyvideos.net/murdoch/Sargon the afraid.html

>be Poland
>don't let sandniggers in
>don't have sandnigger crime and terrorism

Really makes you think.

Daily reminder that Sargon has a second monthly tip jar other than Patreon

Fingers crossed she's now fashy enough to have removed it when she makes her comeback.

>no trigger discipline

What about the food? Your ethnostate is going to have some crappy food.

what one youtube attention whore faggot says to another youtube attention whore faggot has no real merit to have countless threads and a general henceforth sliding good politically relevant threads off the catalogs

we don't have a strict imigration policy
nobody wants to live here because we're poor

That post reads like a Sup Forums parody.
I'm sure you can enjoy your BLACKED and ARE SLAVS WHITE and POWERFUL!!! threads anyway.

will the liberalist movement start censoring free speech?
would be hilarious

>tfw no more rage videos ever again

Is she a straight up Fascist now?

shouldn't you be saging those "SHE. FUCKING. WON." threads or "Are X white?" threads instead?
those are even less relevant than this stuff

Poland didn't remove all the semites though!


>yfw she comes back completely brainwashed

Interesting video about the downfall of Haiti, with clips from a speech by William Pierce:

>be richest island in the Caribbean, controlled by France
>French Revolution happens
>French libcucks let the niggers run free
>the niggers genocide all the white people, liberals included
>murdered whites in ways too gruesome to describe
>Haiti now belongs to niggers
>Haiti turns into a shithole
>US government makes 3 huge attempts to modernize Haiti
>Haiti is still a shithole

Really makes you think.

They had to take her out because she was becoming to popular.

>That post reads like a Sup Forums parody.
That's the beauty of it. That post might be one of /ourguys/ sowing the seeds of discord. It may be legit. But either way it ends up causing the same effect.

If you think the poster is legit, you're concerned about saboteurs infesting the board
If you think the poster is a saboteur himself, then you're still undergoing the same paranoia that he's referring to.

That's the genius of this. We can openly say we're infiltrating and fucking with them on their pages and networks, and we don't even need to be secret about doing this to cause the desired effect.

Liberalists+ will either purity spiral toward social justice, anarcho-capitalism, or straight-up fall apart soon enough. Those are the only options.

Whites don’t have much original cooking, t b h

Her finger is behind the trigger though.

Not fully true. The EU got butthurt at you because you refused their sandnigger immigration quotas. Also, Poland, Hungary, and others are forming an anti-EU alliance to oppose immigration.

Just because current lefties shat up the term "progress", doesn't mean I became a rampant cuckservative.
The point of law enforcement is to teach citizens a law, not to fuck up them for the rest of the life, you filthy commie fuck.
Hitler didn't invent nationalism. Nothing stops me from running a degenerate nation with ethical CP, while you'll have to drag your daughter across states to get the sex approved by the ethnostate.

those are bait threads intended to flood the catalog this a slide thread where newfriends believe that this is Sup Forums board culture worshiping e-celebs like they're some kind of head of state and their policies will have global repercussions

Who the FUCK thought that it was a good idea idea to have this (((guy))) represent us?


Hard to tell with so little new information. I just have a vague recollection of her being happy that her political compass came out as authoritarian right.


Sargon grew up in Framlingham, a small but quaint village, with a population more akin to a family gathering than a township. Most people are unaware that this is where his nickname originates. Unsurprising really as the village, being so small and all, wasn't really known for much save one thing; its pickle factory. Sargon's family lived just behind it and everyday on his way to school Carl would stop by the towns one pride and joy. Outside the old brownbrick building were the barrels they used for the pickling process. Large oaken barrels full of pure brine. Sargon had a deep attraction to the smell, he was absolutely infatuated with the aroma. It was said that on most days he would simply stare into the brine barrels for what seemed an eternity for a child his age. But the sight and smell eventually wasn't enough; he had to be a part of it all somehow. It must have been around the age of 12 that BrineTits Benjamin became a well known name as Carl took to the habit of dipping his hand in the nearest open barrel and smelling it. Whether he intended to or whether it was simply some unconscious motivation we'll never really know but he would wipe his hands afterwards on his chest. Another thing to remember about Carl was that he liked to air himself out during the day by keeping his shirts unbuttoned. And so because of this he would end up wiping his hands on his bare chest and smearing the pure brine all over his breasts. He didn't have many friends because of this but it's said that people always knew when BrineTits was around because you could smell him a good ten minutes before you saw him..

would you like moar redpills on haiti fellow Sup Forumsack?

I bet this is a troll post by one of us, look at the "edit" button on the bottom. Either way, it will make them paranoid

There is no country with more michelin stars than Japan.


It's the same. Meanwhile, I did upload a "different" version to the original channel which has a couple frames added to the end of it to distinguish it from Youtube's algorithmic autism.

Go ahead. It's a relevant topic now because of #Shitholegate.

Damn. I guess rape gangs are fine then.

consider the following in 1965 haiti and the dominican republic were economically equal
>The Dominican Republic and Haiti present a quasi-natural experiment; the two countries
share the island of Hispaniola and are broadly similar in terms of geography and historical
institutions, yet their growth performance has diverged remarkably since 1960. In 1960, the
Dominican Republic and Haiti had the same per capita real GDP at just below US$800.
However, by 2005, the Dominican Republic’s per capita real GDP had tripled to about
US$2,500, whereas that of Haiti had halved to US$430

>The Dominican Republic’s economic growth has been one of the strongest in the LAC region over the past 25 years. In the first quarter of 2017, the economy expanded by 5.2 percent, following yearly average growth of 7.1 percent between 2014-16. This contrasted sharply with that of the average 1.4 percent contraction for the LAC region in 2016.

and haiti is still eating mudcookies

Stop, lad. Just ... stop.

haiti is the biggest black market (no pun intended) on this side of the planet, it is a failed state where law is almost non existent and the ruling class has no problem selling out the "people"

>transparency International's Corruption Perception Index for 2008 ranked Haiti the fourth most corrupt country in the world. Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index for 2013 ranked Haiti the most corrupt country in the Caribbean region, ranking 163th out of 177 countries

shutup moran

Could anyone post the uncensored pic of Aydin's boobies?

Asking for a friend.

state dept. on haiti
>Crime statistics are woefully underreported by the Haitian National Police (HNP), and reports indicating that Haiti is statistically safer than other countries in the Caribbean are inaccurate.
>Homicides continue to be a major concern in Haiti. In 2016, there were 1,029 reported homicides, with 70% occurring in Port-au-Prince.

I know the guy who took her virginity. He’s very suave, I don’t get what he was thinking she’s fucking weird looking.

I'm getting sick of all this talk now. Inter-faction street violence WHEN


French + Italian cuisine is all I need

when the left eats itself no one notices
>With upwards of 10,000 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operating within its borders, Haiti is known as the Republic of NGOs. Yet despite the billions of aid dollars invested in Haiti’s development, this island nation still has an unemployment rate of 40 percent and ranks as one of the poorest countries in the world. Why is international aid to Haiti not more effective? The reality is that a confluence of poor accountability and lack of local partnering by international organizations (IOs) have severely hindered the effectiveness of aid dollars, and hence, Haiti’s development.
>A lack of accountability for how NGOs spend their aid dollars also results in a huge waste of aid money. Since there is no actual oversight or well-defined metrics on how well many large NGO programs are run, programs are often run and managed poorly. For instance, a report put out jointly by NPR and ProPublica found that the Red Cross claimed that all $500 million dollars it raised for Haiti went to serving 4.5 million Haitians. However, with only a population of 10 million, this number is highly improbable and the Red Cross has not provided supporting details. The money spent on actual programming was likely far less than claimed. When asked for a list of their specific Haiti programs and their cost, the Red Cross declined. The Red Cross has also stated that it has provided homes for over 130,000 Haitians. Yet on further questioning, the Red Cross acknowledged that the figure included people who attended a seminar in how to fix homes, and those who received temporary rental assistance. Additionally, many managers were not able to speak Creole or French.

Anyone know what Rage is up to now?

Aydin ready to make Rhodesia great again! Look at the bodycount!

Africans don't have food desu

>This World Bank map of the region shows the percent of land that still covered by forest. Haiti falls in the category of countries whose forest cover is rapidly diminishing. The proportion of forest area as a percentage of total land area that remains in Haiti today is estimated at 3.5%, compared with 41% in the neighboring Dominican Republic. Drought conditions have pushed people to continue this detrimental practice

the problem is niggers and the use of charcol
>Most of the ten million people of Haiti use solid fuels, primarily wood and charcoal, for cooking and heating, with the combustion of biomass equaling an estimated 70% of Haiti's annual energy use
cooperation.epfl.ch/files/content/sites/cooperation/files/Tech4Dev 2016/1164-Lask-SE20-CCI_Full Paper.pdf

why don't you shit post this in a haiti thread you tard

I was just told I don't understand liberalism for bringing up the paradox of toleration. I guess I'm not a big brained enough nibba


top ten causes of death in haiti
>Cardiovascular Diseases
>HIV/AIDS & Tuberculosis
>Diabetes/Urog/Blood/Endocrine Diseases
>Neonatal Disorders
>Unintentional Injuries
>Chronic Respiratory Diseases
>Transport Injuries
>Other Non-Communicable Diseases

>The fact is that many Haitians, especially the five million who live in the countryside, believe that many illnesses, including Aids, are caused by magic rather than microbes.
>"For them it's not due to a virus or their behaviour, but it's done by somebody else, and enemy who is trying to do them evil."
>Because of this magical view of life and sickness, Haitian peasants suffering from HIV or Aids are more likely to go and seek help from their local voodoo priest than from a government clinic.

wrong thread

Her ex told me she pretty much just started thinking the way she did to be different and unique. She’s probably just finding another way to get attention.

NEW Destiny video. Holy shit, he's literally calling out the Jews and BTFO the (((msm))) and (((city people)))


How the fuck is he not /our guy/?

>you stupid smol brained nibba, tolerance isn't about any strict definition of anything that makes sense, it's a wishy washy bunch of abstract bullshit we can deploy at certain times whenever we want in order to sound good, you don't GET IT you FUCKING IDIOT

mate - u got owned

I got curious and looked it up on google maps, what the fuck is happening here?


t. Carl of Swindon

The US is the white ethnostate and it's already got the best food in the world.

>why don't you shit post this in a haiti thread you tard
dropping redpills with citations, links and vetted sources is now a shitpost, lurk moar or go back to where you came from

nah that can't be right, my dad told me she's preparing for an insurgency

>Whites don’t have much original cooking
Everything you know about cooking comes from whites/Europeans.

>How the fuck is he not /our guy/?

because he is morally against the idea of white people having their own exclusive territory

Reveal your flag

this thread has nothing to do with haiti

You're doing the Lord's work, my dude. Keep it up.

only joking lad, these lot are beige posers - just post some big brain nibba shit

I agree, US best ethnostate.

but it's gay.

the Clintons and haiti

>former U.S. president Bill Clinton — now UN special envoy to Haiti — apologized for the U.S. policies that helped destroy Haiti’s agriculture sector under his presidency, making Haiti dependent on U.S.-imports for food staples like rice.


>Gold Mine: Hillary Clinton’s Brother Granted Super-Rare Mining Permit from Haiti After State Dept. Sent Country Billions… HuffPo’s Stein: Clinton Foundation Did Influence Foreign Policy Because Donors Got Access
>Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years.

>CARACOL, Haiti (AP) — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton encouraged foreigners to invest in Haiti as she and her husband Bill led a star-studded delegation gathered Monday to inaugurate a new industrial park at the center of U.S. efforts to help the country rebuild after the 2010 earthquake.
>Actors Sean Penn and Ben Stiller, fashion designer Donna Karan and British business magnate Richard Branson were among the luminaries at the opening of the new Caracol Industrial Park, which is projected to create thousands of jobs more than 100 miles from the quake-ravaged capital of Port-au-Prince.
>Hillary Rodham Clinton told a roomful of investors gathered for a luncheon that she had made Haiti a priority when she became secretary of state.

you're shitting up the thread with irrelevant bullshit

Also, skip to 33:30 if you want to see maximum HNNNNNNNNGGG~!!!

Don't worry, I love playing the Jew

>Example of Leftist Moral Relativism
Tibetans are historically good so it's bad.
Whites are historically bad so its ok.

A lot of this moral relativism stems from nihilistic ressentement of their own people's success. An extrapolation of the whole "You should feel privileged because they are starving kids in Africa" bit; without question why the kids are starving in Africa in the first place.

This leads to the boon of Trump's "Shithole countries" statement. Where the public consciousness is finally asking why these countries are shitholes in the first place, and then looking at the makers of these shitholes. It doesn't take long before people draw the obvious connection between correlation and causation: shithole people make shithole countries.

In my book they are because they obviously have european roots and share our history and culture

She was very over-rated imo.

ye? well so's yer ma heh

this thread has literally nothing to do with haiti

>How the fuck is he not /our guy/?
he's a pedo scum that should be castrated violently then hanged

with that high socialism I'm not seeing it. If we had free market and low taxes, sure, we could become the European tiger, but our economy is pretty much stagnant.

part (1) haitis pigs
>The history of the eradication of the Haitian Creole pig population in the 1980's is a classic parable of globalization. Haiti's small, black, Creole pigs were at the heart of the peasant economy. An extremely hearty breed, well adapted to Haiti's climate and conditions, they ate readily available waste products, and could survive for three days without food. Eighty to 85% of rural households raised pigs; they played a key role in maintaining the fertility of the soil and constituted the primary savings bank of the peasant population. Traditionally a pig was sold to pay for emergencies and special occasions (funerals, marriages, baptisms, illnesses and, critically, to pay school fees and buy books for the children when school opened each year in October.)

>In 1982 international agencies assured Haiti's peasants their pigs were sick and had to be killed (so that the illness would not spread to countries to the North). Promises were made that better pigs would replace the sick pigs. With an efficiency not since seen among development projects, all of the Creole pigs were killed over a period of thirteen months.

>Two years later the new, better pigs came from Iowa. They were so much better that they required clean drinking water (unavailable to 80% of the Haitian population), imported feed (costing $90 a year when the per capita income was about $130), and special roofed pigpens. haitian peasants quickly dubbed them prince a quatre pieds, (four-footed princes)

quoting a leafbro
>They neglected their pig population until they had superpigs that even Haitians couldn't kill with neglect