At what point will you admit voting for Trump was a mistake?
Never, as long as these fucks keep kvetching.
At no point.
Fuck people wanting to make the world a nice place.
shills are working overtime this sunday
Yes, Trump has everything to do with a communist run state and its communist run state agency committing a fuckup.
You are part of the problem. These are obvious subversion attempts.
Sage. Close. Hide.
Better yet, just hide before you even click on the thread. Bye bye now cya.
Lol. Commiecucks. Glad you faggots voted trump in. Good job
Only neo/pol/ kekfags like his made-in-israel ass at this point
please sage if you must reply
this is a shill / bait / slide thread
Israel needs to stop trying to fuck with Potus
>Giving a fuck about Hawaii
Those North Korean nukes would be a good hard reset on these shitskin dissidents. Most Hawaiians are Flips, Nips, Chinks and Gooks anyway.
those too are shills. the need people to bump threads. they're losers.
Have a bump.
>At what point will you admit voting for Trump was a mistake?
I don't vote.
Checked and bumped
>I don't vote.
I don't need to vote to get what I want.
shills are working overtime
imagine that and laugh
This. So much this.
explain why op is a shill and trump isn't laughable at the moment.
Politics are a complete farce which until now have been operating under the facade of being super serious and important, as if the decisions which run our nations aren't being made by a small clique of ((elites)) around the globe. Electing Donald Trump has amplified the farce to surreal proportions. Nothing he does or says that people react to matters at all. It's been a full year since he was inaugurated and aside from the CIA running over some landwhale back in August, literally nothing has happened, and people are still pooping themselves every time he tweets a literal shitpost.
It's amazing and this was not a mistake. This is fantastic to watch, I hope it all actually leads to something or gets worse.
explain why OP isn’t and why trump is laughable
Maybe posting Jewish propaganda is a clue? Would a non shill do that?
Explain how Trump has anything to do with a state agency.
everything in Wolff's book could be true and I'd still never want Hillary Clinton to be president.
Fuck off rabbi, Goldberg is a kike name and we know it. You are the shill. Only replying to you so newfags don't fall for your shit diversion tactics
When Hillary completely changes here character
I've admit long ago. He conned us all
So the whole purpose for this thread is that 300+ people post "(((Goldberg))))" instead of having more useful discussion and topics in the catalog but it is better to focus on a blatantly obvious distraction slide thread?
Never. I voted for a wrench in the gears of the globalist agenda; I got it.
Nothing will stop them. A Trump presidency has at least applied the brakes for 4 years in order for people to prepare for when the UN comes a knockin'. Obama will admit he was never a US citizen in order to take his place as Sec Gen and UN will send peacekeepers to keep the ebil waht debbil in his rightful position at the bottom of the new world order hierarchy.
Deep state and the 5th column media have taken over too much power to think that Trump could right the ship; just drop the sails. I've been pleasantly surprised at his accomplishments thus far, and love that he bangs pornstars and calls a shithole a shithole. I sooooo hope he calls someone a nigger while in office, but that's just bonus material. I have no great expectations for the future of the US as we know it, I'm just using this 4 year+ distraction to further insulate myself from the chaos when it all goes down.
When voting for him becomes a mistake.
At what point will leftist realize, that with every pointless pathetic hate filled attack, from some self proclaimed intellectual, piece of shit nobody, Trumps power level grows bigger, and his base becomes more cemented.
When Trump stops triggering lefties.
Trump is retarded but so is this tweet. Hawaii's state government sending a false alarm has exactly 0 to do with Trump.
Graduated from one the worlds top business schools, Wharton, took out a 1 million dollar loan and turned it into billions, lost it all in bankruptcy, dusted himself off and came back becoming a multi-billionaire real estate mogul, twice. Got involved in some TV show shit for a while, the show was extremely successful. Ran for President of the most powerful country in the world, as am outsider, against a corrupt rigged system, and won. Trump is retarded?Your bloodline can't even comprehend Trump's mental acuity, you absolute low level leaf fucking mong.
>Oy vey
This is all I needed to read today. Still, I want lefties to get their way, so I can convert to Islam, join the caliphate, and throw rocks at them with the blessings of Allah.
People are used to politicians sugar coating things and talking around issues. Trump speaks like a regular person and people can't handle it.
Genius. That is precisely what I am doing. Got back up plan after backup plan. Find a way to live off the grid before they start forcing us to get chips implanted.
When it's the factual and logical position to take.
ill admit voting for trump was a mistake if all kikes self immolate for their crimes against humanity
>I don't like Trump so every accusation is true
The left, everybody
If Oprah wins 2020 this country is going to fall off a cliff right away. Trump needs to stay in office for 8 years so he can put up safeguards to prevent more tomkikery to take foot here.
Trump is the end of the "great" america. It is spiralling down into a shithole. World laughs at america now.
When he does something worthy of regretting him as president. He hasn't done anything like that yet. In fact, he's done the opposite.
Calling Africa a shithole is a compliment compared to what it actually is, by the way. It's literally worse than any horror movie or video game ever made. I'd rather live in the Fallout setting than in Rwanda.
Why would I? Policy wise it's been great. Making globalist faggots clutch their pearls has also been great.
When Trump makes a mistake like bombing Syria. At what point will you admit he's actually been a good president?
Remember in those other 2 wars it was the world vs germany? WW3 will be the world vs america.
>delayed their plans for 4+ years.
This. I'm under no illusion that Trump is actually going to save the USA and all our problems will be fixed
The deep state will exist long after Trump is dead, and there is only 1 Trump (you know what I mean).
We get 4+ years to identify the enemy, size them up, devise plans, and supply ourselves.
I'm not preparing for a great future, I'm preparing to kill my enemies
Hillary would have been far worse. And nothing Trump does can change that.
I didn't vote for him. But I still don't think he was a mistake. He is the exact person we need right now, in this changing degenerate land we call America. He reminds us that balls do exist and we need to start using them again. Bend over bitches.
The worldwide web is letting anons across the world know the redpills. When WW3 breaks out there will be antiglobalist rebellions happening in every country that anons post here on. It will realistically be the last ditch effort to save the world from becoming a slave planet with no sense of identity or wealth that the elites won't just gobble up for themselves.
Trump can put in counter measures while he is in office but if the candidate that comes after him is a globalist shill then only rebellion will save the west.
>tfw when you voted for an emotionally unstable retard
When will finally accept you lost the election and shut the fuck up and stop whining and carrying on like damn child cause you didnt get your way
>Trump is somehow responsible for the actions of Hawaii's extremist left wing government
Fucking Zonguld Glompf
>Topic starts with a Twatter screen cap.
>Don't even read it.
>Hide thread and ignore.
Hawaii voted democrat
Its a shithole
digits of truth
Sage your post you stupid fuck
Stop bumping these shill threads
CNN made it up its fake news. Next
I support President Trump and niggers are sub-human shitholes.
i don't mean to ruin anyones fun, but these are posted for the guarantee that someone will point out the name within a few posts, as happens every single time anything like this is posted
the OP is i'd say in on the joke around 100% of the time
Never, faggot libcunt.
>it's all going great guise
opinion discarded
When Neil Gorsuch casts the deciding votes in cases that invalidate the first and second amendments in a cloud of penumbral emanations.
We already know you're trying to bury Twitter's Olinda Hassan calling Republicans "shitty" people.
Every Fucking Time
Vulgar "President"
in 2025 when the people refuse to let him leave office so they make changes to the constitution.
What the fuck do they want Trump to do? Fly out to Hawaii and go "Man it sucks you got retards there that press buttons that send texts that tells everyone you're going to die on accident."
They'd crucify him no matter what he does so he might as well do nothing.
Dr*mpftards have an infinite capacity for mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance, the answer is never
>1 post by this ID
Now people don't like state's rights? It was all on Hawaii and their system.
>he thinks he'll be able to shitpost on an anonymous Iberian Sand Sculpting imageboard after the emp's from the first wave of nuclear detonations...
>mixed race population down 0.6%
>white population up 2%
>'other' down to negligible levels
Now show your state's stats between 2010 and 2015, asshole. I bet racemixing is on the rise in your area.
How the fuck is what happened in Hawaii Trump's fault? The local government fucked up. Same as Puerto Rico.
Every single time.
How rapidly was Trump supposed to react to Hawaii and what was he supposed to do? Launch nukes at random targets or something? Tell the Hawaiians to duck and cover? I'd really love to know what the ideal president (Obama) would've done differently in this situation.
He'd have done nothing different. Normally its the Feds that notify Hawaii a missile is inbound simultaneously the President is notified. Considering Hawaii went rogue and even they didn't know it happened hard to fault the President.
CHeck. First of all not EVERYONE is corroborating Trump said shitholes. Just today Sen Tom Cotton came out and said he was sitting next to Trump & never heard him say that AT ALL. Second, would your savior Obama have left the golf course? Um no. He didn't leave when there were issues here either.
Lastly KYS
>muh Orange Oligarch is perfect and Suuuupreme, he is above all reproach and HOW FUCKING DARE YOU say otherwise?!!1!
Look out m8! Your /r_TD is showing
>At what point will you admit voting for Trump was a mistake?
When he loses in 2020.
Awwww Aussie you mad nigger????
>Awwww you mad Aussie nigger????
Tidied that up for you m8 so it makes at least some grammatical sense.
>tfw the person you're pointlessly arguing with online can't even type their posts correctly...
>Dana (((Goldberg)))
Basically if an anti trumper is a Jew, sage all fields
This. OP's clearly trying to have a little fun