
Is Sup Forums ready to admit that all the talented staff from Gainax went to Khara and not Trigger?

Are you special needs? Oh no I'm one of them, what has this site done to me?

Come on, Imaishi and Yoshinari are talented.

The talented staff remained and made Pleiades.

Yeah, that's why Rebuild animation is garbage and everyone looks like trannies.

Honda's character designs are admittedly questionable in that movie, but there's no denying he's an incredible animator. Rebuild's animation is fine, though limited due to Anno's personal preference.

>three remake movies of varying quality


But they're sequels user :^)

Then how the fuck does Kaworu have some kind of Reading Steiner and everyone else has completely forgotten about EoE? I think Rebuild is just a reboot of the series, with some vague references of the original.

you got baited user

I am honestly not inclined to agree, but Trigger is a steaming pile of shit so there's that.

What if all the talented staff stayed at Gainax?

Is Sup Forums ready to admit that OP is a little cuckboi beta faggot?

Loop theory is already confirmed

I love Anno and NGE is one my favorite things in the universe but what you're saying is sadly bullshit. Only thing noteworthy Khara has done so far was Japan Animator Expo, you need a lot more than that to surpass a studio like Trigger which almost every year does some new creative project.

All of trigger's "projects" have been shit though

Nope, they're the best thing this decade brought to anime. Though now Science Saru might surpass them.

What Khara has brought besides JAE (which was a collaboration project anyway) is a poor remake of a masterpiece, because of which it just stands out more how uninvetive it is and Dragon Dentist which I guess was ok, but easily Tsurumaki's weakest work.

But there is no dead MPE's around Tokyo-3 and its not even explained how the loops happen and how Kaworu is the only not affected by it.

Then Gainax needs more funding so they can stop wasting their talents on tomato farming. Fuck, I still can't get over the fact that Pleiades threads are gone because moe died.


>Nope, they're the best thing this decade brought to anime.
How much of a delusional retard do you have to be to think this

>Nope, they're the best thing this decade brought to anime.
yeah who can forget classics such as kiznaiver and inferno cop

The only half-decent anime they've made is Luluco and maybe KLK if you're being generous.

Inferno Cop is great.
You sure are great at buzzwords!
Luluco, KLK, LWA, Inferno Cop, Sex and Violence were all great?

I'm still waiting for someone to adress the fact that Khara has done literally nothing good besides maybe 2-3 shorts for JAE.