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Diversity is your strength
That mudafucker makes our country worse and worse every fucking day
Sure is mohammed
At least make it more believable. This goes against Trudeau's policy of bending over for Trump.
...and then there's THIS faggot.
Why? If you you aren't happy, get the fuck out.
This is perfect
>Fuck off America's full, but Canada isn't xD
That's not the way it works.
Have fun with MS13, Canada
this is the typical canadian, apathetic scum that doesn't give a shit.
can't wait for quebec to split
>M-my country isn't 52% white
>100% of Brits on pol are muzzies
Whiter than you Pedro
When will you revolt? I would be ashamed to have this guy running my country
He knows damn well the immigration courts are already full to bursting, and the Government has NECESSARILY reached out to Haitian communities in America to explain Canada is likely to turn them away. Trudeau's going to invite them anyway, knowing full well if he makes the problem bad enough, you can't actually remove them all.
What a crispy little faggot.
have fun with your new countrymen
Again, not to belabor this, but the motherfucker is acting like there isn't already a backlog of tens of thousands of asylum applications due to the loophole that if you cross the border but not at a functional "port", you're treated like refugees from a fucking war.
He knows damn well the rest of the Canadian political machine is too gutless to close the loophole. He knows he can get infinite good goy points if he keeps inviting people Canada can't afford or matriculate because they're brown and scared.
Tell me, how the FUCK did you elect a guy who's nothing but spackle makeup and a bad haircut? He's like the queer version of Rod Blagojevich.
Oh shut the fuck up you goddamn insufferable frog. You fags can't wait five seconds without bringing up the Quebecois question.
Our ancestors destroyed you're pathetic ancestors and now you get to deal with the consequences. New France would have been infinitely worse in the 21st century if we allowed that cancerous growth to consume us.
>Our ancestors destroyed you're pathetic ancestors and now you get to deal with the consequences
yet i'm here
really activates the almonds
You retards realize its a fake tweet right?
Fuck the current state of Sup Forums
Time is a flat circle. Almost all of them will do is eat money while they're on temporary status, then be deported when Parliament shifts center-right again (and no one's paying close attention). Just like the last three times this happened. Including with Haiti!
Congrats, guys, you're just inviting people to loaf until they buck and cry when they're sent home!
Hahaha canada is so screwed . Ironic that their lack of diversity is one of their few actual strengths lol
Well... people who have been living in the US for decades are probably better than regular refugees.
Remember anons, next time you see a shitposting leaf, before you take their bait in anger just know that behind those posts are users who have lost any semblance they had in themselves and in their nation and they are tortured souls who wander this world aimlessly, lashing out at whatever looks their way.
Canada is almost enabling Trump, it's beautiful. Trudeau is that poem on the Statue of Liberty.
Fuck yeah. Take them all. Fill your country with people from these shitholes. Won't be long until we can also call Canada a shithole.
Dumb frog.
You're right, it's not real. Chances are his handlers have gotten to him, telling him the LAST time he invited a ton of "refugees" to cross the border illegally TOTALLY FUCKED the entire immigration system.
Indeed. There is nothing left to attack, nothing to destroy. Canadians are void of any kind of culture or pride. Except us Quebec Chads.
>That mudafucker makes our country worse and worse every fucking day
That's how nationalism goes. American nationalism = foreigners getting fucked over. You're a foreigner and Canada is a foreign country.
I really don't much care about you faggots.
should've done a better job during the conquest
>At least make it more believable. This goes against Trudeau's policy of bending over for Trump.
No it doesn't. True-doe is making it much easier for Trump to get rid of the fuckers by no longer making deportation = murder. Sending the foreigners to El Salavador and the other shitholes they came from could result in them dying. Now we know that they'll be just right. In fact, you fuckers brag about how much better you are than us so these new citizens of yours will have a better life thanks to Trump.
Heard that there were some women who voted for him just for his looks.
Canada is so brave. Trump should kick out all convicted sex predators so Canada can take them in too.
I have Guatemalan neighbors. They've lived there since before we moved in next door, like 11-12 years ago. They're very nice people.
What are central americans usually like?
I've got worse news for you, leaf--Trump just declared all black people "refugees", including the small percent of black criminals who are actually in jail.
They are all on buses driving to Canada as we speak.
Usually very nice people or straight up criminal trash that have probably murdered people before ever making it to your country. It's a gamble.
Is he trying to get himself killed so he can win?
Yes, it does.
Fake and gay
Well we kinda did completely conquer your people.
>imagine what kind of faces would vote for such a traitor
I used to laugh at the notion of “a day of the rope”, but holy shit it would help out a lot if you’d hang hypocritical Marxist traitors from street lights.
>his diaspora that lives in our province constantly complains about how we're literal neo-nazis for managing to keep our language going
Prove you're an actual Brit.
Picture of your teeth, please
Oh my fuck when in history has diversity ever been a strength in any country? The point of a country is to govern a certain peoples a certain way, the reason diversity has been so rare is because it's not fucking natural. It's amazing how these nonsensical things have taken over.
No, he's a 2-faced piece of shit that gives normies the benefits that come from neocolonialism and some of the darker elements of international capitalism(fucking over foreign countries in mining deals and whatnot) while, at the same time, forgiving them of their sins for voting for the fucker by spouting a bunch of left-wing and acting like a true believer. He's like John Lennon - talks like a pussy but beats women and acts vicious when no ones looking.
Yeah actually you're completely right. We should have genocided the lot of you.
>literal neo-nazis for managing to keep our language going
Your language doesn't deserve to be here anymore.
As a noncuck canadian of voting age, who the fuck can I vote for? I didn't vote last election but this faggot trudeau WAS the best option. The libs said they would legalize weed which I thought would help the economy, and remove first past the post so we don't get dealt an absolutely shit hand again. They didn't do either of these things.
What can I possibly do to increase the chances of our country having competent leadership?
cry harder lmao
keep crying about bill 101 while richmond is being invaded by chinks who are founding a parallel society where they won't even have to learn english
How can i get in bros? I got a marketing degree if it helps im brown too
What do I have to cry about? The two times your people voted to separate from Canada you didn't want to do it. The future of Quebec is going to be the same as present Ontario. You're going to get ultra-diversified while I sit pretty on the other side of the Saint Lawrence living on former frog real estate.
Really lovely place you had here.
I don't get why you people can't get along. Our frenchies don't seem to annoy us as yours do you.
>The two times your people voted to separate from Canada you didn't want to do it.
wow, i wonder if your diaspora had something to do with that?
>The future of Quebec is going to be the same as present Ontario.
really? because when i went to toronto it was nothing but non-whites who couldn't even speak english. even gatineau is white and has people who can speak at least ONE of the official languages.
Your frenchies are swamp frogs living inn Louisiana.
>wow, i wonder if your diaspora had something to do with that?
Shifting the blame.
>really? because when i went to toronto it was nothing but non-whites who couldn't even speak english.
Essentially the same as Montreal.
>Shifting the blame.
want me to bring up those stats that claim that most people who voted for separation were francophones?
>Essentially the same as Montreal.
nope, in montreal i can easily find french speakers anywhere.
You guys should spread your genes to the Jews, this fucked up all from the Jews working, let them have it too.
Spread your seed to the Jews, if Jews win you will have kids welcoming you to Israel, if Jews lost, who cares for bastards.
>want me to bring up those stats that claim that most people who voted for separation were francophones?
Kek, so anglophones should have been barred from voting I suppose? Get real. I've heard this argument before, it's retarded.
I've also heard the "muh bussed in Anglo demonstrators" as if that would ever have an impact on a referendum.
>nope, in montreal i can easily find french speakers anywhere.
You'll find an absolutely disgusting amount of non-whites who can't speak either french or english actually.
The thing that no one here seems to realize is that no one in power actually wants diversity. Diversity is seen as a very nasty side effect of globalization and its treated like a disease that can't be cured but must be tolerated. This is why liberals love calling everyone a racist even when they're going after people who aren't racists at all.
The fact is that immigration occurs when you have a world where good countries are mixed in with shitholes. The people in the shitholes will find a way to escape. Since liberal faggots have found out long ago that they can just act like they give a damn about the people in the shitholes without actually trying to address the issues that cause shitholes to be shitholes, there's not much of an effort to turn shitholes into successful countries.
The main problem is brain drain which causes countries to become shitholes(a genius in Kenya won't die in Kenya) but, due to the incentives that even a single country would have to be the recipient of smart immigratns, there's no easy way to stop brain drain. For instance, even if the EU and America banned it, China, Russia, or even North Korea would start becoming the destinations for all the talented people of the world's shitholes.
The migrant crisis is basically the failure of the West's policy of taking the best and the brightest from 3rd world countries. While the West benefitted in the short term(got a lot of foreign doctors, surgeons, scientists, etc), the rest of the world became the a giant shithole that became so fragile that the people just started walking into Western countries and there's nothing that can be done about it(at least in Europe).
If liberals wanted brown people so badly, then why would they obsess about their love of brown people and keep on punishing anything that they can interpret as being remotely racial in any way? Liberals don't put that much energy in obessing about loving family members, pets, or anything else that we know they love.
>Your frenchies are swamp frogs living inn Louisiana.
And? Those aren't the only ones.
Freshen ya drink Guv'nah
>Kek, so anglophones should have been barred from voting I suppose? Get real. I've heard this argument before, it's retarded.
the argument is that you shouldn't fucking blame the francophones for voting no, you moron
Truly our greatest ally. :')
Canada shouldn't be recognized as a nation, and it shouldn't be allowed to make policies like this that jeopardize America's northern border.
We should annex Canada immediately.
Those are the notaworthy ones. Maine has as much people as Nova Scotia: not many.
We should spread your genes to the Jews, this fucked up all from the Jews working, let them have it too.
Guys, spread your seed to the Jews, if Jews win you will have kids welcoming you to Israel, if Jews lost, who cares for bastards.
Tell others about this, just copy paste this and have Jews girls all you can shove buffet.
God fucking damnit Cuckdeau... Can you seriously fuck off to BC and break off into your own country.
We already tried that once. Didn't work out well.
fuck off Ching chong chang my ancestors built this country from nothing you are a parasite and will be eradicated soon. keep pushing us see what happens
>leave my own country to make space for invaders.
your gonna hang too yknow
Yes he can go to the ethnostate on Thule eh you prick
It’s just virtue signaling. He doesn’t mean it at all.
Ok whatever, but that still doesn't change the fact that our Louisianans don't rustle our jimmies nearly as much as your Quebecois do yours. I just don't know why, and saying we have swamp frogs doesn't really explain anything.
>trudeau best option b/c legalize weed, which boost economy
I can't believe fags like you exist.. OUT OUT OUT!
Ha you keep em eh
I'll allow it.
Because they're not nationalists who have already been defeated centuries ago. Most of them were people who fled Acadia to make a new life for themselves, I can respect that.
They searched for their own pond, Quebecois stayed around with a sense of entitlement for being subjugated people.
because everyone hated Harper, the NDP is a meme party and also DUUDE WEED LMAO HE TAKES SELFIES AND IS COOL HES SO HOT DUUUURR.
democracy was a fucking mistake and canada proves it.
its true fuck this gay earth honestly
We only need to take and hold like 3 cities and Canada ceases to exist as a nation.
>everyone hated Harper
proving that lemmings get their directions from the Media Party, the people in actual control of the Liberal Party
No, you'd just control our sewer system. Really what you should do is just take everything East of the St. Lawrence.
probably helps that you practically genocided them
they didn't flee, you fucks deported them
>i can respect kicking out people so the eternal anglo can settle the land instead
lol this. frequently heard women saying shit like "i know who im voting for to see on tv for the next 4 years xd"
Trudeau loves the Black dick
>Haitians stop coming to your country because it's broken
>Trudeau welcomes then instead
Wtf I love Trudeau now!
Deportation, shmortation. That's what happens when you lose a war. What is it you don't understand?
This has literally happened since the dawn of humanity.
ANGcuck, thats Canada's party.
American frenchies are just old old Canadian frenchies aka "Acadians" or the bastardised Cajuns. Your frenchies are better than ours because ours are benefit sucking fags that think they're the shit.