Would you consider Japan a "shithole," Sup Forums?
Would you consider Japan a "shithole," Sup Forums?
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>Country that has third largest economy
Yep it's totally a shithole.
No, it's lovely.
Its culture is shit, that's for sure. But they don't have much crime and they're economically prosperous, so whatever.
Shithole isn't racist. Explain the existence of West Virginia, Albania, the Balkans, Northern England.
Parts of it, like any country.
There are areas that are shit poor, where people have to walk for an hour or two just to get to school still.
>t. live in Japan most of the year
Also stop making threads about Japan. What's your weird obsession with the place. I'm only there cause if I didn't transfer, I'd get fired.
The Balkans are actually quite lovely on the coast
Of course not. You stupid or something?
inb4 "woah why see img everywhere?! it so striking!"
This image is suggested by many algorithms for any song considered "asian" or "pop". I literally have a song by Jackie Chan on a music player that automatically determined that this image must be the album art. Now people are spamming it everywhere because it's a harsh b&w picture where the subject is looking directly into the camera lens.
no, but the US is
Japan is secretly redpilled.
Don't you have a mainland to be integrated into? lol Hong Kong butthurt is the best butthurt
dont you have a mexico to be integrated into?
Good one. The funny thing is we can deport our problem and are, you can't and won't.
The Nips are my #1 Honorary Whites.
Then get to it. Last I heard Trump was still letting millions of mud people into your country.
>What is ICE
Your butthurt is delicious.
You guys are so deluded. Japan isn't red pilled at all. Their government has heavy socialist components and is a red tape nightmare. Just none of you have lived there or come close to speaking Japanese.
Try getting an apartment there. Starting a business. You have to register with the government where you're living at all times, which gives you a residency certificate which is required by many businesses for certain transactions. Or registering stamps, and then also needing a stamp registration card.
Literally clueless people.
>muh ICE
lol. whens the wall being built?
It's because you're a foreigner. They don't want foreigners buying apartments there because they want to encourage their own. That's the way it should be, foreigners get extra scrutiny. The state helps their people get ahead and build up the society. I like it.
shithole country = no human waste sanitation
If more then 10% of your country doesnt have plumbing in their house then you probalby live in a shithole.
When it gets over 90% you live in india.
No, it's not. This is standard shit for everyone there.
Why is everyone on this board so fucking pathetic when it comes to Japan? Maybe the language barrier, I guess.
Make up is really man's worst enemy.
After you integrate into the mainland bruh
nah I like anime
Not at all, the nips are one the few races of men that are capable of civilization.
Cesspool of degeneracy? Yes
Shithole? No
Best part is that it makes them look worse in the long run without it, shit fucks up your skin like crazy.
who is this girl
kek west virgina is awful
So basically no niggers.
What is Google Reverse Image Search?
> posting on an anime forum
So you're not going to have a wall till 2047?
That sucks. America will look like brazil by 2030
still looks ten times better than a white woman without makeup lmao
Absolutely. No gooks, japs or chinks allowed
It has little nigger population so it can't be a shithole
Naw, that's not true either. The Japanese government is full of retards. All the Japanese know it too. They're bringing in niggers from Africa. They're taking low-tier Chinese. This is a huge problem, actually. A lot of these families all sign up for welfare and get multiple thousands a month USD in benefits.
It's a slow process, but walk around Tokyo. The jew is in Japan. They're also pushing multiculturalism pretty hard. At first, no one was interested in Korea, but they started pushing K-pop to an annoying degree. They've managed to get a lot of the youth into it. Now they're starting to do "multi-country" idol groups, including even more nations.
Oh, that settles it.
Once building 4 collapses and the fuel rods explode it will be one huge radioactive shithole
Plastic Love is the GOAT
Maria Takeuchi
Beats looking like mainland China. At least we will be able to shit post on the internet without a vpn.
white women look good without makeup if
>they don't live in a city
>their face sees a lot of sunlight
>rarely put on makeup because makeup ages the skin
God that flag is fucking gay. Hurr Durr rebel
Are you sure those are japs and not Korean?
Thinking of living there. I'd rather not be around people but if I must then It should be around decent considerate people like the Japanese.
>first post best post on nth post
I think reddit is more for your pace, newfriend.
Someone please explain why this song is always on my recommendations.
cuz you're a weeb.
It's ok; we all are.
Do you consider it a shit hole because they refuse to take in your rapeugees?
>Would you consider Japan a "shithole,"
It was until August, 1945, then we purified it.
>their face sees a lot of sunlight
why the fuck would sunlight make them look better, the sun is what causes skin to wrinkle and become scaley
not idea lad
>yfw no right wing japanese gf
Fucking based
I only know from experience. I may be incorrect with the sunlight but in my area, there is a decent amount of sunlight where I live (for England) and most women look stunning.
no now post jap tits or gtfo
Outside of the top 10 IHDI = shithole
US is barely in the top 20 by the way
It's also a more rural life which makes them healthier in general, which affects how nice they look. I guess this could apply to any women, not just japanese or white.
Seems like you won. Another Chinese defeat. So sad.
Nope, they are a little bit weird, but OK. Work hard, make good electronics, don't commit crimes,keep to themselves. I don't mind them. Would actually enjoying fucking some of their women.
Japan is the exact opposite of a shithole. even Tokyo is clean as fuck and only occasionally will you see some garbage bags outside that are waiting to be picked up.
I just got back from there
Its a nice place to visit, bit I wouldnt live there
i’ve heard they screech like tortured animals when screwing. that’d freak me out and go soft immediately. why must they be so bizarre.
Luckily there's this new material in development that might solve that... I think it's called "tape." Look into it
They dont report crimes
How could the Yakuza being known worldwide if they dont have any crime?
They just stay quiet about it even the cops. And Cops arrest innocent people all the time its super easy to convict in Japan
>Would you consider Japan a "shithole
New research published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that radioactive cesium from the Fukushima nuclear power plant is collecting in the sands and groundwater along a 60-mile (100-km) stretch of coastline near the facility. Cesium-137 is a radioactive isotope of cesium (a soft, silvery-gold metal) that’s formed by nuclear fission and potentially fatal to humans when exposed to high concentrations.
That has always freaked me out about fucking deaf women, they don't even know how much noise they are making.
I've gone there to study once. Compared to other countries I've been to such as France and England, Japan is most beatiful and cleanest.
Better too loud than not loud enough, I say.
This is true. Conviction rate of something like 90%. I forget the exact number, but it's high.
Also, they don't have a DA system like the US does. For a lot of crimes, the victim has to file suit, and getting a lawyer is expensive. So if you're wronged, it's easier and cheaper a lot of the time to do nothing.
For example, my friend was a victim of child abuse and molestation by her father. The state wasn't going to get involved unless she filed an official complain, even though they knew what was going on. What kid is going to file a complaint against their parent when they're abused?
If your kid is knocked up by a 40 year old man, it's up to the parents to file suit to have that man prosecuted. What if the man's willing to pay off the parents? What if the parents are deadbeats? I've seen this exact situation happen. My friend's son's classmate was 13 and knocked up. The parents are getting regular payments from the father outside the legal system.
I could write a book about this shit.