The Homeless Question

What do you think about the homeless Sup Forums? In my experience they usually
>smell like shit
>are addicted to drugs
>are mentally ill (or both)
>beg for money pathetically
>are such pieces of shit their family won't even help them if they have any
>are such pieces of shit they wouldn't work if they had the chance to, which they often do. Either that or they do work and they literally endorse their check to their heroin dealer and live in a tent in the woods
>would stab you for the five bucks in your wallet to buy a rock of crack

Also how do your religious beliefs, if you have them, effect your view of the homeless?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ive always thought it would be cool if we constructed a sprawling under-city for them to live in.

A Giant underground homeless shelter? That would be horrific.

no, it would be awesome.

In what way would an underground homeless shelter be awesome? A bunch of drunks and schizos stabbing each other and having orgies in abandoned cars doesn't sound awesome to me.

Compared to witnessing them shit on the side of the sidewalk and harass innocent people for money and rides to "Billy's" house. Fuck that, man.

I think the key to making it work would be keeping everyone sedated, like in prisons or mental hospitals.

>What do you think about the homeless Sup Forums?
There are almost no involuntary homeless here. as such I never think about them

They are their own people, give them space.
The under-city will also be a haven for those who have lost everything in life and need a retreat to spring back up from.

Hitler had the right idea about them
tl;dr: gas

What about that doesn't sound awesome?

My friend went to jail because he used to beat the shit out of homeless with metal bars and then would dump piss/shit from his septic tank onto them. He even forced one to drink the shit. He was tried and convicted and given a very long sentence and i found it funny watching the jury so digusted with him when they don't care about the homeless

Neglecting them is one thing, going out of your way to abuse them is another.

Anyone has a link to the original bum fights?

>Ship them all to an island.
>Drop supplies from a plane now and then.
>Let nature take its course

Problem solved

Now elect me president!
>but but you're not a black female insane witch
>but but you're not a corporate person who loves Jews

We could set up Plexiglas to watch the fun safely like a zoo or aquarium.

Nice shoes.

As someone who was a homeless youth (16-20 on the streets), I can say without a doubt that they live in a completely different world, and have no interest in partaking in a normal lifestyle. People will give them shit for free, and they can just use whatever they want whenever they want. Liberals give them a free pass because "they've been through so much", which to some extent that's correct, but they can change and rejoin society whenever they want. They just have no interest in doing so.

I'm a christian, and not a prick, i give homeless people money if i pass by, they need it more than i do.

>offer to buy a homeless person food
>they refuse and ask for cash

Every fucking time

it's heresy.

That's bullshit. I'm most likely going to end up on the streets since i fucked up my life doing something i didn't even consider that big a deal. It's VERY hard during a bad economy to not be on the streets.

Thank you for ensuring they have meth and heroin money. You truly are doing gods work user

You’re part of the problem

man a fucking panhandler approached me at a traffic light. i made a gesture indicating that I didn't have anything to give him. dude goes nuts

and a whole bunch of other crazy bullshit. fucking homeless, we should be allowed to hunt them.

Poor thing, youve been through so much, you probably dont know what you are saying.

In all serioussness though, how did u end up homeless? And was it also voluntary?

>It's VERY hard during a bad economy to not be on the streets.
Only in the land of the free

Fuck off, how many people who say "Oh just buy them food" ever buy them fucking food? Charity is a virtue, Greed is a sin.

I'm a Christian too, which is why it's hard for me to hate them so much. I guess ideally they'd be given charity in the form of food and shelter but I think it should be conditional on the person actually trying to be a better person and reintegrate into society and not just taking advantage of people and staying a nuisance.

in my experience there are two kinds of homeless people:

drug addicts (typically niggers)
and vagrants (typically white kids)

both of them should get the gas desu

Wasn't Hitler himself homeless for awhile? Or at least staying in like a halfway house type of thing?I seem to remember something like that from the Greatest Story Never Told.

>Wasn't Hitler himself homeless for awhile? Or at least staying in like a halfway house type of thing?I seem to remember something like that from the Greatest Story Never Told.
Hardship builds character in some cases, in others its breaks it

>nigger steals it and sells it to a junkyard, buys half a gram of crack

All people are a creation of god, if to murder is to commit a great sin then to allow someone to die or go hungry when you have the capability to prevent is is equally so, as a creation of god the personal actions of those in question is irrelevant, and even if they were, you can't tell who is and who isn't attempting to reintergrate themselves


Homeless are exploding in places where leftists rule. Those very places are home to the very Universities propagating cultural marxism. For these two birds, we need only one stone.

We meme into existence a movement to allow homeless in places like West LA, Seattle, and Portland to safely live on college campuses. There is a ton of open grass area for their tents, full public bathrooms, dining facilities, and a stable mailing address. And they're public spaces.

Imagine the lulz when the poor homeless - who could be you or I but for the grace of God - can set up in a safe space instead of under a freeway overpass or riverbed. They would have all they need to get back on their feet. Who would oppose such a plan?

Let us turn the Universities into a Mad Max Communist Ouroboros. Let us bring about Helter Shelter.

>You can't tell who isn't trying to reintegrate themselves
If they are committing crimes that's a pretty shitty way to reintegrate.

>*mad marx
missed opportunity

A friend of mine got really hammered and brought one home at 4am once trying to be a drunken samaritan. His missus went absolutely apeshit in the morning and we regularly take the piss out of him for it. He offered him a shower cos he smelt disgusting, the guy declined. He got up in the morning and was like ahh its saturday, best get back to town, should have a bumper day today....was expecting to make about £100 begging. Still see the guy around, seems perfectly happy doing his own thing.
Another hobo in my town has lived rough for the last 5 years, he doesn't drink, not on drugs, guy must be about 50-60 years old. He just seems to love the nomadic life. He makes the place look so untidy with his shopping cart containing about 20 bin bags of various belongings spread out everywhere though, surprised he hasnt been moved on.
I don't know what to make of them really. A lot are on spice. That shit makes people homeless from a single toke, its horrible stuff. Bad homeless problem in birmingham right now and no one gives a shit

pol autists would have gassed their autist hero due to their utter inflexibility of thought, that's why ya'll cunts are failing so hard

Lots of people help the homeless by donating items like food, clothes, ect. Giving them cash is the worst possible thing you can do. Not only are you feeding the addiction that made the homeless, you are also propping up drug dealers and other undesirables that will contribute to more homeless people and crime that everyone else has to deal with.

>>smell like shit
>>are addicted to drugs
>>are mentally ill (or both)
>>beg for money pathetically
>>are such pieces of shit their family won't even help them if they have any
>>are such pieces of shit they wouldn't work if they had the chance to, which they often do. Either that or they do work and they literally endorse their check to their heroin dealer and live in a tent in the woods
>>would stab you for the five bucks in your wallet to buy a rock of crack

Can confirm
I work as a bouncer at a bar downtown. Half my job is keeping the homeless out. They already know they won't be allowed in but try anyway just to be assholes. They will usually threaten my life when they don't get their way promising to come back later. I just reply I'll be here till close. Even if I did give them anything they are ungrateful as fuck. The vid is of a fight that broke out next door.

Drug usage isn't the sole reason people are homeless, people can be homeless for a myriad of reasons, acting as though everysingle homeless person is there due to drug addiction is a way to dodge out of your personal responsibility.

The homeless are pretty disgusting. I'd never seen so many in my life until I went to Oregon. They're everywhere there. The streets in Portland smell like an open sewer, because they are. The homeless shit and piss where they sleep, right on the sidewalk. Sometimes I like to watch the Everett Tweakers stream , which is about a homeless camp in Everret Washington.

This already happens user. At The university I graduated from homeless did live on campus. They did their laundry in the fountains, and slept wherever the fuck they wanted. Wasn't unusual to find heroin needles on campus where they set up camp so to speak.

>Homeless are exploding in places where leftists rule. Those very places are home to the very Universities propagating cultural marxism. For these two birds, we need only one stone.
>We meme into existence a movement to allow homeless in places like West LA, Seattle, and Portland to safely live on college campuses. There is a ton of open grass area for their tents, full public bathrooms, dining facilities, and a stable mailing address. And they're public spaces.
>Imagine the lulz when the poor homeless - who could be you or I but for the grace of God - can set up in a safe space instead of under a freeway overpass or riverbed. They would have all they need to get back on their feet. Who would oppose such a plan?
>Let us turn the Universities into a Mad Max Communist Ouroboros. Let us bring about Helter Shelter.

When do we start?

We dont have them.

If a person is too lazy to live, let him/her die on the streets. If a person is having a hard time in his/her life, at least give them a chance to succeed. The only problem is giving a shit about the right person.

arememnebr when bum fghts were cool?

Heresy to what nigger?

Because the bags of various belongings is his ticket to not being bothered by the cops

I know in the US a cop won't bother with a homeless person who has a lot of stuff because it's a lot of work bagging and tagging each object the bum has and taking inventory of it all.

Not to mention the Third Reich had work programs specifically made for people like this. Ever heard of the Autobahn?
Now if the person was an addict and beyond saving they were placed in a concentration camp/ work jail. I don't know if they were ever release if they cleaned up their act.

Liquidate Blackstone LLC.

So... creating an Imperial Hive-City? Sounds interesting.

I don't like them, but giving them money is the Christian thing to do.

city homeless are shit and should be gassed
I was homeless for 3 years and I went into national forest and literally ate squirrels rather than be a parasite

There's nothing wrong with rejecting the ((( capitalist ))) ((( marxist ))) degenerate soul sucking system of modernity. Why contribute? To make ***s richer?

Fuck you cunts that would rather make everyone a slave than to give a man the freedom to lose you a single shekel of profit. You disgusting ****

Wow its another thing I agree with Hitler on, thanks pol!


Well, ok, this. If I was homeless, I would not be in the city either.

HOLY FUCK. I was talking about my experience today with a homeless person that made me want to make this thread and I told someone that I would literally go into the woods and eat a squirrel before I begged for cash. I stand by it.

We should let life's natural consequences for the behaviors you listed take place.
Instead society has chosen to play the role of the enabler.
It is no wonder why the homeless population has exploded.

Lol I was wondering when the "homeless is the final redpill" guy was going to show up. With a meme flag too. Kike.

>the "system" is simultaneously capitalist AND marxist

Please think about what you're saying.

Literally this is the thing to do. Based hermits. Or move out to a small pastoral area if you're homeless and not a nuisance. You'll have a job working in the fields in no time, and probably a place to set your tent or an trailer to live in. I've done it before.

t. communist who doesn't understand capitalism and marxism are just two ends of the same Jewish Ouroboros

Yes I'm sure if you interviewed the average homeless person they would explain their philosophical decision to reject the system, rather than spinning into nonsensical rambling before asking you for a cigarette or some cash

Blackstone is awesome, kys

I disagree brother. Giving a potential drug addict or alcoholic money is not a good move. I did this in Budapest once. There was an old couple freezing in a doorway and I gave them each about £20 or something. About 5 hrs later I walked past again and they were both unconcious from drinking and the guy had wet himself. I was really ashamed knowing that I did that to them

Yeah I have to agree. GIving them food or providing shelter is not the same as handing a clearly unstable person cash.

We just need the friggin' Colosseum again.

This is unironically not a bad idea.

could have saved 20 and bought it for them yourself

Those types of people sicken me. Absolute scum.

Portland, OR here. Fuck them to death. They ruin everything nice about this place and people like Chloe fucking Eudaly just encourage it. Fuck her to death as well.


lmao I thought of that too


You have to GIVE the homeless jobs. Don't expect them to go out looking for work, or trying to compete at the same level as everyone else.
They get handed a job, and if they don't do it right, they get handed another one until they find something that works right for them.
> even if its that workshop stuff that they give retarded people to do 2 hours a day

The reason its fair that they just get a job for free is because it gets them out of other people's hair. Same reason why imminent domain is a thing, because its just something the community needs to do for their own betterment.

As a homeless guy ill also suggest one way to fuck us the best is to make it illegal to panhandle. Give it some kind of hefty fine and make the cops really scope out for it - figure out secondhand how much the homeless are making off of panhandling and make the fine that amount
> make it one of those crimes where if you cant pay the fine, you do time for it, or the judge can throw rehabilitation and mental ward stuff at you

Hitler was homeless for awhile, in nazi Germany they all were reintegrated into the workplace though public projects.
The nonwhite homeless are crazy awful here

seconded and checked with the time code - we need to acknowledge that homelessness and perpetual unemployment is a thing in society and set up actual work for them to do (literally put them to work, and pay them for it).

ive noticed that most places wont hire homeless just because they can hire someone else instead - so there's no opportunities for them and that has to be dealt with
> businesses are actually at fault and have to be told what to do
> either that or lots of funding to address the problem.

and also if some guy really is homeless because he's disabled or mentally ill and he isnt properly diagnosed, that gets railroaded through the system just to get him off the street and out of the public eye

Another thing - its Absolutely Useless to take on the philosophy of lighting a fire under someone's ass to compel them to do something (like for their own good or some shit). That just Does Not Work with homeless people, at least beyond the initial "Yesssir".
> this tough love philosophy really ought to be banished because its outdated and ineffective

They're all hustlers playing on the emotions of good people, they deserve to be put down.

Homeless homeland should be California. They have a right to exist!! Signed, dirty Mike and the boys

Im homeless but I have a job, a gf, and I pay taxes. Will I get the rope?

>are such pieces of shit they wouldn't work if they had the chance to, which they often do.
well most homeless people we have are just people like pic related.

>would stab you for the five bucks in your wallet to buy a rock of crack
yeah just look at this monster.
Granted we got some foreigners who beg for money now as well (thanks Merkel) but they still make up the minority of our homeless.

says the fucking meme flag. Ethnic Danes down on their luck or suffering from mental illness are not preying on my emotions. I feel genuine pity and guilt when I see them.

>Have volunteered at the homeless shelter serving food.

Not all of these people are on drugs or mentally ill. Some are just lazy and nomadic and others fall on bad times. Hell, the Affordable Care Act made people homeless. If you don't have family and a lot of money doesn't take much to put you on the streets.

maybe in your country things are different, in America especially here in nyc they are hustlers.

Most beggars aren't Danes, though. They're gypsies straight out of the caravan, who put on their most dilapidated clothes to finesse money out of bleeding heart dumbfucks.

My opinion is that they should be assesed and helped out but only after they are sterilized!

Its a problem, some endup homles and can be recovered and need to be given a chance, some need to be removed because they commit crime and can cause harm to society... drugs...

Ether way I think that it is the goverments job to take care and sort out the house!

depends on where you are. In central Copenshit? yeah sure nothing but shitskins who should all be shot / deported.
However there are about 2000 ethnic Danes between 18-30 who are homeless right now. Then there are the old ones who are mentally ill can cant get their live sorted out. We got one locally. Pure mental case but friendly enough.

Is this guy actually homeless or is that just an aging Portland hipster!?

The homeless here are a business. The amount of charity, money and volunteer houts that go into them are astounding, yet it only gets worse. If homelessness was obliterated, charities, businesses and bleeding hearts would crash and burn.