We are approaching the best Awards Show ever presented
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Maggie Haberman will get an award for being a mouthpiece for the swamp. Shes complicit or dumb as a fucking cunt
Mueller will come out and tell everyone that Trump has never been under investigation. Trump also has the tapes of shit hole and the comey tapes.
Comes turns out to be /ourguy/.
Mueller is actually draining the swamp.
Fake news gets BTFO.
Julian Assange does something.
The swamp will be built into a Mar-A-Lago pool style resort
cnn the massive favorite
I hereby nominate Anderson Cooper for recognition in the category of best still frame
pic related is the submission taken this year in Puerto Rico
Pic related. Maggie Haberman trying to make herself useful only to get BTFO when the swamp lost
LIVE from Guantanamo Bay!
Fake News peddlers immediately dealt with under military tribunal.
Hill-beast and Pedo-esta hanged.
Assange flips the switch.
So many nigs. So many untalented nigs....
Last night someone posted here that the awards are actually a Mueller press conference...
Link to thread?
What is it?
its a twitter thread rollup. just click it pussy
It’s safe
it's just a page with some tweets collected
Anyone link?
CNN will win at least one award. Trump has fucking loathed CNN ever since at least the early '90s where he walked out on an interview because he was so disgusted.
Q also confirmed this was the case.
The storm is here fellow pedes, 3 more days before the 12,000+ indictments drop and the swamp is drained.
Hawaii was their last attempt to try to get a war and it failed.
This is the best timeline lads.
The press wont give a shit what a dotard thinks.
ok i will open it incognito mode so i don't get hacked here i go
Pee pee tape/ dossier award to Dems. As Sanger make a guest appearance. Shithole tape exposed. Trump vindicated.
The lack of advertisement worries me. He should be hyping it.
Let's hope it's a Mueller presser. We don't need GEOTUS getting in trouble. Personally I hope it's one of the 3 "my fellow Americans" speeches MegaAnon spoke of.
Intentional underselling. It will be noticeable enough to warrant reporting on it anyways. Too obvious advertising would probably get him suicided, induce a false flag or otherwise disturb the schedule
From another thread.
lol what a fucking tool.
for real though, I don't think there's been somebody who's more blatantly a spook or spook asset.
when you read up on his story, it becomes all the more apparent. he even interned with the CIA while in college.
Agreed Cooper is one of the biggest enemies to what is good in the country. Fucking treasonous fag.
This is definitely going to be a popcorn worthy event. I hope we actually get a sticky.
He is a Vanderbilt. Don't give him too much credit
no shit.
CNN has basically taken the Hillary/Ted role of Trump's consistent archnemesis.
My liberal as fuck ex-gf loved that fag and was always saying how handsome he was. I was always like 'you watch the news to drool over the host instead of getting information?'
Nothing is dumber than a liberal woman. She was white (well Irish) so at least she wasn't full blown retarded.
Kurt "gif seizure" Eichenwald should win at least three awards.
Stephen Colbert will be given 2 awards each named scoop
To be fair, CNN has lost all credibility. Remember when they literally blackmailed the poor kid that posted the gif of Trump in WWF fighting some dude with a CNN face by threatening to dox him and shit?
That's a winner right there. What should the award be called?
>CNN has lost all credibility
Normies still don't see this though I promise. I live in a deep blue state and they are still thinking the whole 'getting peed on by russian models' or whatever was reported early on in 2017 was real. CNN just throws whatever they can and hope it sticks. Too bad this is teflon Don and he ain't a weak fucking pussy like the left side is used to.
Lots of liberals love him yet don't even watch his show. They love him because he's a well-pedigree'd fag. I think it was Jon Stewart that would frequently call him a silver fox.
Too bad he wouldn't touch a pussy with a ten foot pole. Fuck I hate that privledged fag. I hope we get 8 years of Pence after 8 of Trump. Cooper will birth kittens once a real fag hater gets in the WH. Trump is so far left of Pence they have no idea what is next.
Praise KEK for letting me live in this timeline.
(((Norm Eisen))) threatens White House staff if they participate, fucking lol
I share your disdain for this woman.
He's just a stooge who does what he's told.
cnn wins first prize
cnn then spend the next 8 hours talking about how trump is undermining democracy by mocking them
screenshot this post
>kurt wins an ward
>the award is a strobe light
trump gives a pre-emptive pardon to jacob wohl
tweets only have 140 characters goys
Not since november ignoramus
ah right
Is that Kurt "masturbating-to-anime-guy-that-got-caught-masturbating-to-anime" Kikenwald?
It is 280 now right? I wish Trump had his own app. I hate giving Twitter ad money to get the latest orders from The Dark Lord.
>It is 280 now right?
>I wish Trump had his own app
good idea, probably quite profitible
Yeah, that's Kurt "wrote an award winning article about a boy in a pedophile porn ring while paying the boy for his porn" Eichenwald.
Kurt Douche-nwald. He will forever be known as the anime masturbater in denial.
Let's look back to some of the great examples of Fake News.
Anti Bernie scheming with Hillary campaign and Elianne Ramos [HuffPo], Jessica Valenti [Guardian], Jamil Smith [MTV/Viacom], Sady Doyle [Guardian, The Atlantic], Aminatou Sow, Gabe Ortiz [WaPo, Univision], others".
Lisa Lerer (AP) asking for approval from Hillary campaign to write an article.
Choosing interview questions for political opponent (CNN).
Mark Leibovich (NYT) allowing Hillary campaign to edit his article.
Kenneth Vogel (Politico) gives advance access to stories.
This is making me happy!
It's going to be arranged as 15 "rounds."
Hope Hicks is going to walk around the "ring" holding up the round number before each round.
Another great one is Glenn Thrush (Politico) admitting "he's a hack" because he sends all his articles for approval to the Hillary campaign. He then went on to be promptly hired by the NYT.
CNN was trying to say trump news was equivalent to state propaganda. Funny coming from cnn
She’s mentioned in Wikileaks Podesta emails i think as being the go to person in the media that will spin stuff for shillary
Fuck I figured it was something like that. CNN is the fucking enemy I can't believe a news station is literally half our fucking problem right now.
It is so bizzare how they just try anything. The pornstar shit was only headlines for like a day and they couldn't get it to take off. Trump says shithold countries are shitholes and it is top news for a week. The left truly doesn't see how masterfully Trump energizes his base while showing how hypocritical the left is. Amazing.
>Fake News Awards
>far greater importance than MLK Day
what a terrific time to be alive
getting closer
i nominate that guy on bsnbc, Madcow or something like that.
also don lemons black hole
I get all my news from leaf state funded CBC. So based!
Fuck off outta here with your bullshit faggot. We're fine discussing topics without your namefagging fuckery. If anything you actually detract from your own cause, because a huge portion of the community here think you Qfags are cancer of the highest degree. Stupidest thing is, we're on the same fucking side, all you need to do is stop namefagging to vastly improve your credibility. Idiots.
Breaking News: WSJ rushes to enter FN awards contest with its ridiculous Transcriptgate.
They just won't give Trump a chance and the audio positively supports his 'I would' statement.
The Fake News story of the year comes from CNN (who else?) which posted on June 22, "Congress investigating Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials."
This was the first report by CNN's crack new investigative team, headed by Pulitzer Prize-winner Thomas Frank.
This also was the last story from the team. It was libelous. Not only did CNN retract the story but the network got rid of the team.
PS: I wonder how Trump is paying for the work presumably being done on this? It sounds like something Media Matters will bitch about and call illegal.
Marshall your memes, gentlefaggots. You know the time and the places. The enemy must be met on the memetic battlefield!
>Trump is paying for the work presumably being done on this
Fuck he could lurk Sup Forums and have an unpaid intern put this together in a day that is how obvious the fucked up media is. If he underpromises and overdelivers on this we will have a year full of memes to make 2016 blush.
The Communist Broadcasting Corporation is the worst.
>PS: I wonder how Trump is paying for the work presumably being done on this? It sounds like something Media Matters will bitch about and call illegal.
That's why the MCs should present paper plate awards to the media - decorated of course to match their reward. Treat them like the children they are.
51st Leaf Battalion reporting.
It was my vote for sure.
A very good list from Newsbusters:
It's amazing how many of these blunders I couldn't really remember until I read through the list.
It’s not for the entertainment of the press, sad little man
Fuck off larper
> too bad he wouldn't touch a pussy with a ten foot pole
He’d sure be on the receiving end though.
Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens.
I hope he ignores Colbert just to piss him off. Colbert is do desperate for his attention its pathetic.
Don Lemon: biggest faggot award
Eminem and Colbert both get blacklisted and cry about not receiving a humiliating fake news award
I hate to burst the fake news bubble, but a lot of these communications are naturally. Obviously Haberman and Thrush went to far and showed obvious bias. Reporters usually allow campaigns to have input on stories about them, and are required to ask for comment and more often than not will allow comms people to push back against stories. A more serious crime would be not giving the Trump campaign or sanders campaign the same opportunities afforded to Clinton.
T. Amateur comms guy
I propose the awards should be called
The Eminemmies
but Eminem wouldn’t get one and he would still otherwise completely ignore him. I’m pretty sure that would be the tipping point for his suicide
Why is this relevant?
You’re fucking retarded guy
>The Eminemmies
kek'd out loud
No your fucking retarded
You’re * phoneposting is subhuman Jesus
nah, that's giving him too much attention already
Media bias
On the one hand, I don't think Trump should waste his time with playing the media's games. On the other hand, this is hilarious and why the fuck not? The media deserves to be put in their place for straight up lying and being dishonest all the time.
Who will win the “fellow white people” award? Aka best impersonation of a gentile by a jew.